Organon of Medicine BHMS Question Bank : dkmmhomoeocollege.com

Name of the University : The Dakshin Kesri Muni Mishrilalji Homoeopathic Medical College
Degree : Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS)
Subject Name : Organon Of Medicine
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : dkmmhomoeocollege.com

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DKMM Organon of Medicine Question Paper

S A Q : (60 Marks)

Section – A

Q 1) Write appropriate answers (any ten out of fifteen) (2 MARKS)

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1) What is theoretic medicine?
2) State two examples of exciting cause.
3) State aphorism 1.
4) Define health and disease.
5) Mention two contribution of Dr.Kent
6) Name the disease suffered by Dr. Boennighausen and the homeopath who treated him?
7) Mention two disadvantages of allopathy.
8) State two methods of drug dynamisation.
9) State any two contributions of Boger.
10) State any two contributions of Dr. Schusseler.

11) State two disadvantages of antipathy.
12) What is Materia Peccans
13) State name of American father of Homeopathy with his date of birth.
14) Who first time performed drug proving on healthy human beings?
15) What is the order of cure on homoeopathy?
16) Define health.
17) Define cure.
18) What is mission of physician
19) Statement of ideal of cure.
20) Define inductive logic.
21) Explain decutive logic.
22) State Natures law of cure.
23) What is Tolle Causam.
24) Meaning of Aude sapare.
25) Define symptom.
26) What is meaning of Diathesis.
27) Qualities of vital force.
28) What is causa Occasinalis.
29) Meaning of unprejudiced Observer.
30) Define Drug, Medicine. Remedy.
31) Define Maintaining cause. Explain with example.
32) Cardinal principles of Homoepathy.
33) Explain Organon of Medicine.
34) State the editions of Organon of medicine with their year of publications.
35) What is sign and symptom.
36) Define Emotion.
37) Define Psychology.
38) What are the obstacles to cure.
39) Define Homoeopathy.
40) Define Isopathy and it’s founder.
41) Define Anipathy and it’s founder.
42) Axiom of Antipathy.
43) Why cure should be rapid and gentle.
44) Define primary action.
45) Define secondary action.
46) Explain meaning of modality.
47) What is the fundamental cause of Disease.
48) What happens when two dissimilar diseases meet.
49) Write any two disadvantages of antipathy.
50) Write advantages of Homoeopathy.
51) State the therapeutic law of nature.
52) Give 2 examples of Isopathic mode of treatment.
53) Give 2 examples of dynamic action given by Dr Hahnemann in foot notes.
54) Define complex disease
55) Give 2 examples of complex disease.
56) Define exciting cause.
57) Define fundamental cause.
58) Give 2 examples of fundamental cause.
59) Define causa occacionalis.
60) Give 2 examples of maintaining cause.
61) Write any 2 examples of antipathic mode of treatment.
62) Write 2 qualities of vital force.
63) Define primary action.
64) Give 2 examples of primary action.
65) Define secondary action.
66) Give 2 examples of secondary action.
67) Define secondary counter action.
68) Define secondary counter action.
69) Give 2 examples of secondary curative action.
70) Define complex disease.
71) Give 2 examples of suspended animation.
72) Enumerate any 2 factors related to fundamental cause.
73) Give 2 examples of Obstacles to recovery.
74) Mention 4 important knowledge of physician.
75) What does the curative power of medicines depend upon (§27).

Section – B

Q 2) Write short answer : (any four out of six).(5 MARKS)
1) Discuss law of similar.
2) Explain qualities of vital force.
3) Discuss law of simplex and law of minimum.
4) Explain dynamic influence.
5) Write difference between 5th and th editions of Organon.
6) Explain Hufeland’s remark.
7) Role of vital force in disease.
8) Role of vital force in cure.
9) Explain nature’s law of cure.
10) Unprejudiced observer.
11) Complex diseases.
12) Explain with example “causa occasanalis”.
13) Herring’s Law of cure.
14) Mission of physician
15) Classification of Disease.
16) Knowledge of disease.
17) What is Perception.
18) Exciting cause.
19) Fundamental cause.
20) Health.
21) The sick
22) Cure
23) Restoration of health
24) Obstacles to recovery.
25) Maintaining cause
26) Individualisation
27) Vital force in health.
28) Complete symptom.
29) Dynamization.
30) Merits of homoeopathy.

Section – C

Q 3) Write short answer : (any four out of six).(5 MARKS)
1) Discuss isopathy and add a note on its advantages and disadvantages.
2) Explain what happens when two dissimilar diseases meet in a human body, when the new disease is stronger.
3) Explain Homeopathy is product of Inductive logic.
4) Discuss suspended animation.
5) Explain why Homeopathy is superior than Allopathy.
6) Define Memory. Explain types of Memory.
7) Define and explain Psychology.
8) Define and explain Emotions.
9) Define and explain Behaviour.
10) Secondary action of medicine.
11) Individualisation.
12) Explain Totality of Symptoms.
13) Law of dissimilia.
14) Dynamic action .
15) Explain logic and its types.
16) Complex disease.
17) Allopathy
18) Antipathy.
19) Isopathy
20) Advantages of homoeopathy.
21) Types of logic
22) Utility of logic.

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