Principles Of Hospital Management M.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Hospital Management
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4095.-M.A.Hos.Adm.).docx

Alagappa Hospital Management  Question Paper

1.What are the principles of Hospital planning-
2.Define Organisation and its importance of Organisation.
3.Write the aim of supervision.

Related : Alagappa University Management-Principles And Practices M.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4277.html

4.What are the methods of achieving co-ordination-
5.Write the meaning and importance of motivation.
6.What are element of evaluation-
7.Explain the process of M.B.O.
8.What is Departmentation- What are the types of Departmentation-
9.Explain functional components in planning of nursing services.

10.What is delegation of authority- What are the principles-
11.Briefly explain the different types of leadership –
12.Examine the application of Maslow’s theory of motivation-
13.Explain the types and process communication.
14.Explain the role of chief medical officer in developing quality culture.
15.Explain advantages of management audit.


1.State the duties and responsibilities of a hospital manager.
2.How are Mails used as a means of communication in a hospital-
3.Explain the billing procedures in hospital.
4.What are characteristics of a good filing system-
5.Explain equipment utilization and monitoring for hospitals.
6.Explain the procedures used for grievance handling in patient care services.
7.State the advantages of automation in a hospital office.
8.Explain purchase mechanisms for hospital equipments.
9.“Front Office is the face of any hospital”–Prove this statement.
10.Explain the impact of good designing of forms towards patient care.
11.Discuss the admission and discharge procedures in a hospital.
12.Brief the various filing methods, their merits and demerits.
13.Discuss the modalities of safeguarding and maintaining equipments –
14.What are the different types of office stationeries and supplies-
15.Discuss the principles of office management and its importance.


1.Explain :(a)Birth rate(b)Death rate,
2.Discuss universal immunization programme.
3.Recommendations of Bhore committee/Mudaliar committee.
4.Write short notes on :(a) UNICEF
5.Discuss ‘‘Health Policy’’ and its need.
6.Explain the applications of cost benefit analysis in health care services.
7.Discuss ‘‘Health for All’’ by 2000 A.D.
8.Explain Prepathogenesis phase.
9.Explain the various levels of Indian Health care system.
10.Discuss the ‘‘Concepts of Prevention’’ to preserve health.
11.Explain the ‘‘Determinants of Health’’.
12.List any five current issues in the economics of Healthcare-
13.Write brief notes on ‘‘Voluntary Health Agencies’’ in India.
14.Write short note on :(a)Modified Leprosy Elimination Campaign
15.Give a brief account of the changing concepts of Health.


1.Discuss the records and documents of nursing care.
2.Brief about the vehicles used for Internal Transportation.
3.Write in brief about Doctor red and Code black.
4.Explain the functions of blood bank.
5.Brief the process of collection and classification of soiled linen.
6.Draw the functional flowchart for hospital dietary department.
7.Explain the duties and responsibilities of staff nurse.
8.Brief the various types of sterilisation methods.
9.List and explain the clinical and supportive services.
10.Brief the process of Nursing Audit.
11.How do you organize the emergency services during the disaster-
12.Discuss about the safety rules of laboratory.
13.Brief the organization chart for dietary department-
14.Discuss the location and layout of the laundry.
15.Explain in brief about drugs and therapeutics committee.


SECTION A — (5 ? 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the role of Human Resource Management in hospitals.
2. Brief the process of selection.
3. Examine the need for training.
4. What is ‘‘Job evaluation’’? Explain it.
5. Define and detail about ‘‘Group cohesiveness’’.
6. Discuss about ‘‘Organisational Climate’’.
7. List and explain the various types of personality.
8. Write brief notes on :
(a) Job specification.
(b) Job analysis.

SECTION B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Brief the process of manpower planning.
10. Explain the types of tests and interviews conducted in hospitals during selection.
11. Detail the objectives and types of training.
12. Discuss in detail about salary and wage administration.
13. As a hospital administrator, how would you motivate your hospital employees?
14. Examine the need and nature of organisational charge.
15. Write brief notes on :
(a) Transfer
(b) Promotion
(c) Perception.


PART A — (5 ? 8 = 40 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Brief the features of Infant fool Act, 1992.
2. Explain about ‘‘Transplantation of Human Organs Act’’.
3. Mention in brief about the act which is governing the blood bank in hospitals.
4. Detail the importance of Drugs and magic remedies Act.
5. Discuss the Maternity benefit Act.
6. Examine the relevance of Minimum wages Act in hospitals.
7. Brief about ‘‘Factories Act 1948’’.
8. Explain in brief about Birth and Death registration Act.

PART B — (4 × 15 = 60 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Detail in brief about Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act.
10. Write brief notes on :
(a) Medical Negligence
(b) Dying Declaration.
11. Detail the features of ‘‘Legislation for Tobacco Control’’.
12. Brief in detail about ‘‘Employees State Insurance Act’’.
13. Examine the importance of Payment of Wages Act and Payment of Bonus Act.
14. Describe the details of Industrial disputes Act and Trade Union Act.
15. List and explain about Medico Legal Cares.

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