Introduction To Mass Communication M.A Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.A
Department : Journalism
Subject Code/Name : Introduction To Mass Communication
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4093-M.A.(Mas.Com.&Jour.).docx

Alagappa University Introduction To Mass Communication

1.Discuss the scope of communication. –
2.Describe the functions of electronic media.
3.Mention Internet as a medium of information exchange.

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4.List some government media units and their responsibilities.
5.Offer your comments on the working of Indian press.
6.Explain the SMCR model of communication.
7.Mention the nature of mass communication.
8.Explain the role of Advertising Association

Answer any FOUR questions in 400 words each.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. Enunciate television as medium of mass communication.
10. What is the role and responsibility of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry?
11. Trace the growth of cable channels in India.
12. After the proliferation of television channels, India has witnessed development reporting that influenced the economic growth of the country. Elaborate.
13. Explain the portrayal of women in mass media.
14. Freedom of the press is important to the country and its political and social development. Are we guaranteed freedom in our constitution? Illustrate.
15. Though internet connectivity is an indicator of development, by itself it wilt be misleading to conclude that India has developed because of that. Offer your views.


(Old and 2002 onwards)
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Section A :
Answer any FIVE of the following.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define News.
2. Explain quotation lead.
3. Who is a columnist?
4. ‘‘Reporting is the thankless job’’ — Why?
5. Enumerate the sources of news.
6. What are the guidelines you would follow while conducting an interview.
7. Explain ‘‘Interpretative Reporting’’.
8. What is Trend Reporting?

Section B :
Answer any FOUR of the following.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. ‘‘An intelligent reporter is far more valuable than an intelligent editor’’. Examine.
10. Discuss the different kinds of leads with examples.
11. Column is personal journalism at its best. Elaborate.
12. ‘‘Without interview there will be very little news in the papers’’. Do you agree?
13. Discuss in detail the sources of science news.
14. ‘‘In sports reporting the style should be virile, informal and graphic’’. Establish.
15. Write a review of a book you have recently read and give your guidelines for writing book reviews.


Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. Explain the technological advances that have taken place recent times in News paper production.
2. What are the various sources of News?
3. Briefly explain different proof reading symbols.
4. Explain style sheet and its functions.
5. Bring out the modern trends of Headline writing with suitable examples.
6. Explain the mechanics of dummying.
7. Elaborate on the importance of picture editing.
8. What are the different type setting styles available?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR of the following.
9. Explain in detail about Newspaper Production Process.
10. Discuss the functioning of a News Room.
11. Briefly explain the importance of copy editing.
12. Explain different types of editorials and their advantages.
13. Discuss the modern trends in page make-up.
14. Describe the different classification of typography.
15. ‘Editing has been made simple because of new Technological innovations’ – comment on the statement.

Media History & Laws In India

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE of the following.
1. What is the role of Press in India’s freedom movement?
2. What are the roles of a journalist?
3. Trace the history of newspapers in India.
4. Briefly explain the Copyright Act, 1957.
5. Explain The Newspaper (Price and Page) Act of 1956.
6. What is the need for broadcast code for commercial advertisements?
7. State how television is useful to people as a mass media.
8. Why do we need mass media laws?

Part B :
Answer any FOUR of the following.
9. Write a detailed essay on the development of cinema in India and it’s impact.
10. Explain the contempt of Courts Act of 1971 and illustrate any one case of interest to you.
11. Explain the need for and uses of the Indian Post Office Act (1898). Is it still relevant today? Express your views.
12. What are the associations of press that function in India? Explain their roles.
13. Explain how the MRTP Act of 1969, helps protect the consumers in India.
14. Critically examine the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act of 1986.
15. Compare and contrast Radio and TV as mass media vehicles in a democratic country like India.

Women & Media

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Part A :
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe the importance of communications.
2. Explain the impact of electronic media.
3. Discuss the portrayed of women by media.
4. What is reductionism and objectification?
5. What is media policy?
6. ‘‘Women are exploited by advertisement’’. Comment.
7. Relate media and social change.
8. Explain training media.

Categories: Journalism
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