Principles Of Education Management M.S Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.S
Department : Education
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Education Management
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4082.-M.S.(Edu.Mang.).docx

Principles Of Education Management :

1.What is Education Administration- What are the principles –
2.Elaborate O and M.
3.Differentiate Education administration from Education management.

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4.Discuss the relationship between leadership and Education Administration.
5.Describe the meaning and scope of Education Supervision.
6.What is communication- What are the elements of communication-
7.What are the barriers to be overcome while introducing TQM-
8.Explain the principles of coordination.
9.What is Education Management- What are the characteristics
10.Give an account of Central and State Government bodies promoting-
11.Give an account of different classifications of leadership.
12.Discuss the duties of a good Education Supervisor.
13.What in your opinion are the ways to improve the quality –
14.Explain Human relationships theory of Education Administration.
15.What is system approach- How does it serve to tone up Higher Education-

1.What are the technological impact on Education Systems- Explain.
2.What are the modern trends in educational environment with respect to private participation-
3.Discuss the fundamental rights envisaged in our constitution.
4.Explain the common university act.
5.What are the technological obsolescence in education system-
6.Write a short note on articles of WTO.
7.How will you manage environmental factors on educational system-
8.Write a short note on campus tranquility.
9.Explain the impact of demographic and cultural factors on education.
10.What are the challenges and opportunities of globalisation of education market-
11.Discuss the values and ethics in educational management.
12.What are the technological impact on streams and thrust courses-
13.What are the environmental factors for educational institutions-
14.Discuss the functions of economic systems and their implications on education.

1.Explain the duties and responsibilities of an office manager.
2.What is office organisation- Explain the important principles of it.
3.Explain the advantages of mechanisation of office work.
4.Explain the requisites for a valid meeting.
5.Explain the points to be noted before designing office forms.
6.Explain the factors to be considered while selecting furniture for an office.
7.Explain the benefits of centralised purchase of office stationery.
8.What is Horizontal filing- Distinguish it from vertical filing.
9.Explain the various procedures involved in handling inward and outward mail.
10.What is an office- Explain the importance of it to an educational institution.
11.Explain the important points to be noted at the time of preparation of minutes.
12.What is card index- What are it’s merits and What are the uses to –
13.Discuss the significance of morale in a modern office. –
14.Explain the important procedures involved in the purchase of office stationery.
15.Draft a letter to a furniture dealer placing an order for office furniture,-

1.What is the purpose of local fund audit for educational institutions-
2.What is the significance of finance in educational institutions-
3.Write a short note on investment function.
4.What are the salient features of a budget-
5.Write a short note on internal control.
6.What is the role of private sector in the growth of educational institutions-
7.Prepare a model of cash budget for educational institutions.
8.What are the types of budget prepared by schools and colleges-
9.What are the goals of finance management in educational institutions-
10.State various sources of finance to educational institutions.
11.How is the break even analysis computed for educational institutions-
12.What are the objectives of local fund audit for educational institutions-
13.Explain the pattern of expenditure in educational institutions.
14.Describe the procedure for preparation of financial statements.
15.What is a budget- What are the steps involved in the preparation of a budget-

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