ICSE Class XII Computer Science Question Paper 2022 : cisce.org

Organisation : Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations
Class : Class XII
Document Type : Specimen Question Paper
Subject : Computer Science
Semester : 1 And 2
Year : 2022
Website : https://cisce.org/publications.aspx

ICSE Class XII Computer Science Question Paper

Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) Class XII Computer Science Specimen Question Papers Semester 1 and 2 for the year 2022.

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ICSE Class XII Computer Science Questions

The law which represents the Boolean equation A + B = B + A is
(a) Associative Law
(b) Distributive Law
(c) Commutative Law
(d) Absorption Law

2 The dual of the Boolean equation (X+Y) ·1 = X+Y is
(a) X+Y + 0
(b) X·Y + 0 = X·Y
(c) (X·Y) + 1 = X·Y
(d) (X+Y) + 0 = X·Y

3 If A=1, B=0, C=0 and D=1, then the maxterm will be
(a) AB’C’D
(b) A’BCD’
(c) A+B’+C’+D
(d) A’+B+C+D’

4 The compliment of the Boolean expression F(P,Q,R) = (P + Q + R) is
(a) P’Q’R’
(b) P’ + Q’ + R’
(c) P + (Q’+R’)
(d) (P+Q) + R’

5 The propositional operator => represents
(a) Conjunction
(b) Implication
(c) Disjunction
(d) Negation

6 Encoders are used for
(a) Adding two bits
(b) Converting Decimal to Binary
(c) Converting Binary to Decimal
(d) Data transmission

7 NAND gate is formed by the combinations of
(a) AND gate and OR gate
(b) OR gate and NOT gate
(c) NAND gate and NOT gate
(d) AND gate and NOT gate

8 The combinational circuit which adds two binary bits is
(a) Full Adder
(b) Decoder
(c) Half Adder
(d) Multiplexer

9 The Quad group in a Karnaugh’s map eliminates
(a) One variable
(b) Four variables
(c) Three Variables
(d) Two variables

10 The proposition (a <=> b ) is represented by
(a) a’b’ + ab
(b) (a’+b’) · (a+b)
(c) (a+b)’
(d) (a·b)’

11 If the input in a decoder is A’BC’D, then the decimal equivalent output will be
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 5
(d) 6

12 A matrix MAT[10][15] is stored in the memory in Row Major Wise with each element requiring 2 bytes of storage. If the base address at MAT is 2215, then the address of MAT[3][7] will be
(a) 2285
(b) 2315
(c) 2319
(d) None of the above

13 With reference to the given proposition ~P => Q , answer the following questions
(a) the converse of the proposition is
(i) ~Q => P
(ii) Q => ~P
(iii) ~Q => ~P
(iv) ~P => ~Q

(b) the contra-positive of the proposition is
(i) ~P => Q
(ii) Q => P
(iii) ~Q => P
(iv) ~ P => ~Q

14 The reduced expression for the Boolean expression F(X,Y,Z) = ∑(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) is
(a) XY’ + X’Y
(b) 1
(c) 0
(d) None of the above

15 What is the output of the code given below? int i,j; for( i=1; i<=5;i++); for(j=i+1;j<1;j++); System.out.print(i + “+” + j) ;
(a) 67
(b) 1+2
(c) 6+7
(d) 12

16 What is the output of the statement given below? System.out.print(Integer.parseInt(“234”)+’A’);
(a) 234+65
(b) 234A
(c) 299

17 What is the output of the statement given below? System.out.print(‘A’+’1’+’C’);
(a) 65+1+66
(b) 10+1+67
(c) 181
(d) 65+49+67

18 The basic logic gate that represents the simplification of the Boolean expression
A.(A’+B). (A+B) is:
(a) OR gate
(b) NOT gate
(c) AND gate
(d) None of the above

19 What is the conditional statement to check for the Non-boundary elements in a double dimensional array of ‘M’ number of rows and ‘N’ number of columns? The row index is represented by ‘r’ and the column index is represented by ‘c’.
(a) (r>0 || r<M-1 && c>0 || c<N-1)
(b) (r>0 && r<M-1 || c>0 && c<N-1)
(c) (r>0 && r<M-1 && c>0 && c<N-1)
(d) (r>0 || r<M-1 || c>0 || c<N-1)

20 The proposition ~( a ∧ b ) V (~a => b) is a
(a) Contradiction
(b) Contingency
(c) Tautology
(d) Implication

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