General Psychology B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Psychology
Subject Code/Name : General Psychology
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : May 2008 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4066.-B.Sc.(Psy)2005onw.docx

Alagappa General Psychology Question Paper

1.Explain the structure of the brain and its functions.
2.Distinguish between sensation and perception.

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3.What do you meant by learning- Explain the principles of learning.
4.Adolescence is most stressful period. Critically evaluate.
5.What is thinking- State the process in thinking.
6.Discuss the influence of emotions on health. Suggest ways
7.Examine the nature of intelligence and state the importance
8.Discuss the contribution of humanistic theories of personality.
9.Explain the principal parts of the nervous system and briefly
10.‘‘There is no perception without sensation’’ – Explain.
11.What are the differences between classical and operant conditioning-
12.Give an account on the various biological, social
13.Differentiate frustration and conflict. Mention the causes
14.How would you measure intelligence- Explain various tests
15.Describe the type and trait theories of personality.


1.Explain the experimental and observation methods.
2.Discuss the social life among insects.
3.Explain the nature of person perception.
4.Describe the significance of aggressiveness.
5.Explain sociometry.
6.Describe the psychological processes involved in social change.
7.Explain the role of religion in social learning.
8.Mention the determining factors of ones wants and goals.
9.Explain the development of social behaviour of children.
10.Discuss the role of language and communication
11.Explain Maslow’s theory.
12.Discuss the barriers to the growth of national integration.
13.Explain Thurstone’s method of social distance.
14.Explain the emerging patterns of rural leadership in India.
15.Describe the characteristics of group dynamics.


1.Write about obtrusive measurement and unobtrusive
2.List out the characteristics of environmental Perception.
3.What are the nature and function of theory in environmental psychology-
4.Comment on cold temperatures and behaviour.
5.What is the effect of density on social behaviour-
6.How the architectural design made an impact on behaviour-
7.Suggest a design for the good working environment.
8.What is urban Renewal-

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions.
9. What is environmental education? How reinforcement techniques have been employed for changing the behaviours?
10. Discuss about perceived Environmental Quality Index of Criak and Zabe.
11. What are the causes and effects of crowding? Explain them.
12. What is pollution? Explain about types and its causes. What are the remedial measures to prevent the pollutions?
13. Discuss about natural disorders. What are the characteristics and its effects?
14. What is environmental stress? How you can appraise it?
15. Mention the role of learning theories and how it played impact on formation of attitude.


1.What is anti social personalities-
2.Explain neurotic patterns in detail.
3.What are the causes for psychoses-
4.Write a note on cocaine and amphetamines.
5.Explain the classification of pshysomatic disorders.
6.Explain the types of mental retardation associated with physiological causes.
7.What is Manic – depressive psychosis-
8.What are the treatment procedures for obsessive–compulsive neurosis-

Part B :
Answer any FOUR of the following.
9. Explain psychoneuroses. Discuss the causes for abnormal behaviour.
10. What do you mean by neurotic nucleus and neurotic paradox. Explain some of the treatment procedures for phobic neurosis.
11. Write a note on paranoia and its treatment.
12. Explain the phases in alcohol addiction, and how alcohol addiction is treated.
13. Discuss the treatment and outcomes of hysterical neurosis.
14. What do you mean by Major hallucinogens?
15. Write a note on :
(a) Down’s Syndrome
(b) Phenyl Ketonuria.

B.Sc. Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Health Psychology :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
1. Mention the various functions of Health Psychologists.
2. Briefly describe the various sources of stress.
3. Mention few strategies to Quit smoking.
4. Write short note on Physiology of pain.
5. Mention few treatment strategies for Headaches.
6. Define Healthy Child.
7. Mention few habits and lifestyle to make a child healthy.
8. Mention the nutrition and exercise need for aged people.

Categories: Psychology
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