ICSE Class XII Psychology Question Paper 2022 : cisce.org

Organisation : Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations
Class : Class XII
Document Type : Specimen Question Paper
Subject : Psychology
Semester : 1 And 2
Year : 2022
Website : https://cisce.org/publications.aspx

ICSE Class XII Psychology Question Paper

Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) Class XII Psychology Specimen Question Papers Semester 1 and 2 for the year 2022.

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Class XII Psychology Questions

1. According to Howard Gardner, which of the following is a type of intelligence?
(a) Practical
(b) Fluid
(c) Naturalistic
(d) General

2. The concept of Intelligence Quotient was proposed by
(a) William Stern
(b) Jean Piaget
(c) David Wechsler
(d) Charles Spearman

3. Intrapersonal skills are best suited for the profession of
(a) A Journalist
(b) An Engineer
(c) A Psychologist
(d) An Architect

4. A state of curiosity or preference for something is called
(a) Achievement
(b) Interest
(c) Aptitude
(d) All of the above

5. Which type of score is not obtained from Weschler’s Adult Intelligence Scale?
(a) Verbal IQ
(b) Performance IQ
(c) Full Scale IQ
(d) Ratio IQ

6. An example of Functional Autonomy is to
(a) receive a reward for the desired behaviour.
(b) acquire a behaviour that later motivates for different reasons.
(c) fear punishment, that compels one to obey.
(d) avoid disapproval of an authority figure.

7. Arun sucked his thumb till he was ten years old. As an adult he chews gum and constantly thinks about food. According to psychoanalytic perspective, Arun’s behaviour can be explained as
(a) Obsession and compulsion
(b) Oedipus complex
(c) Oral fixation
(d) Libido

8. Which is the correct combination of humors according to Hippocrates?
(a) Choleric-irritable
(b) Melancholic-calm
(c) Blood-unhappy
(d) Depressed-sanguine

9. What is the main aim of projective tests?
(a) identify the basic personality traits.
(b) bring out the unconscious feelings and thoughts.
(c) assess influence of culture on personality.
(d) diagnose psychological disorders.

10. Which of the following is NOT one of L Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?
(a) Conventional
(b) Unconventional
(c) Postconventional
(d) Preconventional

11. Zeenat feels very confident about her writing abilities. According to Bandura, Zeenat has a high ________ for writing.
(a) self-efficacy
(b) self-regulation
(c) self-concept
(d) observational learning

12. Shobhit’s friends describe him as warm and affectionate across most situations. According to Allport, warm and affectionate are
(a) central traits
(b) secondary traits
(c) cardinal traits
(d) source traits

13. The definition of Intelligence as the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, think rationally and deal effectively with the environment was proposed by
(a) Alfred Binet
(b) David Wechsler
(c) Lewis Terman
(d) Raymond Cattell

14. Who gave the term Peak Experience?
(a) Albert Bandura
(b) Carl Rogers
(c) Abraham Maslow
(d) Karen Horney

15. In which stage are the energies of the child directed towards learning new skills?
(a) Oral
(b) Latency
(c) Anal
(d) Phallic

16. An infant who has developed Object Permanence
(a) is attached to specific objects.
(b) sees all objects as being the same.
(c) knows that an object exists even if it is not in view.
(d) does not remember anything when it is out of sight.

17. Growth is understood as a
(a) Qualitative change
(b) Quantitative change
(c) Directly immeasurable
(d) Psychological change

18. Emotionally intelligent people are NOT characterised by
(a) Self – awareness
(b) The ability to perceive different types of emotions in others.
(c) The Ability to relate emotions to thoughts while solving problems.
(d) The Ability to understand their own emotions but not of others.

19. What eating disorder would one have if one skips meals and greatly reduces calorie intake?
(a) Bulimia
(b) Over-eating
(c) Anorexia
(d) Orthorexia

20. The accumulation of information, skills and strategies learnt through experience and applied in problem-solving situations refers to
(a) Naturalistic intelligence
(b) Fluid intelligence
(c) Crystalized intelligence
(d) Spatial intelligence

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