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Library And Society B.L.I.S Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.L.I.S
Department : Library
Subject Code/Name : Library And Society
Document Type : Model Question Papers
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Alagappa University Library & Society Question Paper

1.Explain the role of National library.
2.Explain the Five law of Library Science.
3.What is the role of Public libraries-

Related / Similar Question Paper :
Alagappa University BLIS Library & Information Science Question Paper

4.Explain the historical development of libraries in UK.
5.What is library legislation-
6.Explain the scope and objectives of Academic libraries.
7.Explain the role of ILA.
8.Explain the librarian and librarianship.
9.Explain the State and Central Library Act.

10.Trace the library movement in India since Independence.
11.Explain the library activities of UNESCO.
12.Explain the resource sharing in Indian libraries.
13.Explain the qualities of Good librarian.
14.Explain the functions of special library.
15.Write a short notes on :(a) FID


1.What are the secondary sources of information- Explain their characteristics.
2.Describe in detail the significance of documentary sources of information.
3.Write a note on any TWO of the following : (a)Book reviews
4.Explain the scope and limitations of Directoraries.
5.Discuss the importance of indexing journals.
6.Differentiate between documentation work and documentation service.
7.Write a note on any TWO of the following : (a)Translation service
8.Describe SDI. Discuss the flow of SDI system.
9.What are the primary sources of information- Illustrate your answer
10.Discuss the general criteria with which reference books are to be evaluated.
11.What is ‘initiation of freshman’- Check out a programme of initiation
12.Discuss the objective, functions and services of INSDOC.
13.Write a short note on the following : (a)User education
14.Write short note on the following : a)Books in print
15.Distinguish between bibliography, documentation list and library catalogue.


1.Write the need for classification.
2.Explain the principles of facet sequence with example.
3.Explain standard subdivision in DDC (19 edition).
4.Write an essay on fundamental categories in CC.
5.Discuss the principles of helpful sequence.
6.What is knowledge classification- Explain.
7.Bring out the historical development of UDC.
9.Bring out the functions of Library classification.
10.Explain the modes of formation of subjects.
11.Discuss the salient features of DDC.
12.What are common isolates- Explain common isolates in CC.
13.What is Notation- What are its functions-
14.Write an essay on Normative Principles.
15.Explain the concept of systems and specials in color classification


1.What are the functions of Library Catalogue-
2.Point out the advantages and disadvantages of the various physical
3.What do you know about the cataloguing of
4.Explain the concept of alphabetisation.
5.Explain the canon of Recall Value.
6.Enumerate the different types of Cross Reference Index Entries.
7.Evaluate Sears’ list of subject heading as a tool for deriving subject entries
8.Write about ISBD.
9.Trace in brief the evolution of catalogue codes.
10. Explain the various sections of main entry according to CCC with examples.
11. What are the different inner forms of the Library catalogue?
12. Explain the concept of centralised cataloguing and discuss the problems and prospects in organising centralised cataloguing in Indian contexts.
13. Compare the rules relating to ‘‘single authorship’’ in CCC and AACR 2.
14. Bring out the symbiosis between classification and catalogue.
15. Discuss in detail the chain indexing.

Distance Education :
B.L.I.S. Degree Examination, May 2008 :
Library Science :
Information Technology :
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions in about 200 words each.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. What are input and output devices? Describe any two major output devices.
2. What is an operating system? Discuss its functions.
3. Discuss briefly the use of computers in library and information centers.
4. Write a note on Dbase III plus.
5. Briefly write about AGRIS.
6. What is micrography? Explain the different processes of micrography.
7. What is NISSAT? Explain the services of NISSAT.
8. Write short essay on CD-ROM databases.

Part B :
Answer any FOUR questions in about 400 words each.
9. Write an essay on the positive and negative impacts of information technology on libraries.
10. What are the requirements in order to have internet facility? How is internet useful to a librarian?
11. Briefly write about ERNET.
12. Why are library networks necessary? Describe the services of INFLIBNET in detail.
13. What are the main modules of CDS/ISIS? Explain any two modules in detail.
14. What is Internet Browsing? Name any two prominent web browsers that are used for accessing the information from internet.
15. What is DBMS? Explain in detail advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.

1 Comment
  1. Short notes on translation services.

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