ICSE Class X Indian Dance Question Paper 2022 : cisce.org

Organisation : Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations
Class : Class X
Document Type : Specimen Question Paper
Subject : Indian Dance
Semester : 1 and 2
Year : 2022
Website : https://cisce.org/publications.aspx

ICSE Class X Indian Dance Specimen Question Paper

Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) Class X Indian Dance Specimen Question Papers Semester 1 and 2 for the year 2022.

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ICSE Class X Indian Dance Questions

Question 1
Choose the correct option from below to complete the sentence:
(a) Natya Shastra was compiled by Sage __________.
1. Vishwamitra
2. Bharata
3. Bharadwaja
4. Bhagiratha

(b) Ramayana was writen by Sage __________.
1. Vashistha
2. Valmiki
3. Vishwamitra
4. Atri

(c) Shiva’s dance is called __________ in generally.
1. Tandava
2. Lasya
3. Natya
4. Abhinaya

(d) King __________ was suppressed by Vamana.
1. Dasharatha
2. Bali
3. Harischandra
4. Hiranyakashipa

(e) Goddess __________ is always shown with instrument Veena.
1. Lakshmi
2. Saraswati
3. Parvati
4. Durga

(f) Surpanakha is sister of King ___________.
1. Satrajittu
2. Sarvabhoopala
3. Ravana
4. Dasaratha

(g) Mahabharata was scripted by __________ while dictated by Sage Vyasa.
1. Ganapati
2. Saraswati
3. Bheeshma
4. Valmiki

(h) Gotipuas are associated with __________ dance traditional.
1. Bharatanatyam
2. Odissi
3. Kathak
4. Manipuri

(i) Ganga is caught in the knotted hair by Lord ___________.
1. Ganesha
2. Vishnu
3. Shiva
4. Brhma

(j) Mahisasura was killed by ___________.
1. Shiva
2. Vishnu
3. Durga
4. Karthikeya

(k) __________ was turned into ashes by the opening of Shiva’s third eye.
1. Mahishasura
2. Ravana
3. Manmatha
4. Daksha

(l) Govardhan Giri was lifted by ___________ to rescue his companions.
1. Indra
2. Balarama
3. Krishna
4. Shiva

(m) Parashurama’s weapon was __________.
1. Sword
2. Axe
3. Mace
4. Bow & Arrow

(n) Golden deer was an important part in the life of ___________.
1. Lakshmana
2. Rama
3. Sita
4. Bharata

(o) Shiva rides a bull as his vehicle which is called __________.
1. Garuda
2. Nandi
3. Mayoora
4. Mooshika

(p) Krishna fought with a serpent called __________.
1. Sesha
2. Kalinga
3. Pannaga
4. none

(q) Prahallad’s role is associated with the avatar of ___________.
1. Narasimha
2. Vamana
3. Rama
4. Krishna

(r) To rescue the Vedas and species Vishnu took the form of a _________.
1. Fish
2. Tortoise
3. Boar
4. Horse

(s) Mohini is the form associated with Lord __________.
1. Vishnu
2. Shiva
3. Brahma
4. Indra

(t) Surya dynasty is associated with ___________.
1. Rama
2. Krishna
3. Vamana
4. Buddha

Question 2
Choose the correct answer from the options below:
(a) In Dwapara Yuga Lord Vishnu took birth as __________.
1. Buddha
2. Rama
3. Kalki
4. Krishna

(b) Kumbhakarna is the brother of ___________.
1. Karna
2. Sugreeva
3 Surpakarna
4. Ravana

(c) According to Natya Sastra the music is adopted from ___________ Veda.
1. Rug
2. Yajur
3. Sama
4. Adharva

(d) “Panchama Veda” is another name of ___________.
1. Abhinaya Darpana
2. Sangeetaratnakara
3. Shilapadikaram
4. Natya Sastra

(e) “Kinkini” is another name of __________.
1. Anklets
2. Armlets
3. Wrist-bands
4. Girdle

(f) After creating Natya Sastra, Brahma gave it to Sage ____________.
1. Bharata
2. Bharadwaja
3. Valmiki
4. Vasishtha

(g) Meenakshi is known to be the incarnation of ___________.
1. Lakshmi
2. Parvati
3. Saraswati
4. None of these

(h) The third incarnation of Lord Vishnu is __________.
1. Vamana
2. Varaha
3. Kurma
4. Narasimha

(i) Dasiattam was the previous name of ___________.
1. Manipuri
2. Bharatanatyam
3 Odissi
4. Kuchipudi

(j) Plough is associated with __________.
1. Parushrama
2. Balarama
3. Rama
4. Kalki

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