Gross & Regional Anatomy M.Sc Non Medical Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : M.Sc Non Medical Degree Examination
Subject Code/Name : 1001/Gross And Regional Anatomy
Year : I
Paper : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
2011-2012 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/4054-281001LA.pdf

Sub. Code: 1001
Candidates admitted from 2008-2009
Q.P. Code : 281001
Time : Three hours
Maximum :100marks
Answer All questions. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Describe in detail about Extra hepatic biliary apparatus under the following headings
a) Components b) arrangement c) course d) relation e) blood supply, lymphatic drainage and nerve supply.
Add a note on its applied anatomy
2. Describe in detail about Larynx under the following headings a)Extent b) Cartilages c) cavity of larynx d) muscles of larynx e) blood supply, Lymphatic Drainage and Nerve supply of larynx.
II. Write notes on :
1. Lumbricals of Hand
2. Posterior Mediastinum
3. Great saphenous vein
4. First Thoracic Rib
5. Structures under cover of Gluteus Maximus.
6. Coronary sinus
7. Inversion and Eversion of foot
8. Typical Intercostal nerve
9. Flexor Retinaculam
10. Lingual Artery

OCTOBER 2012 :
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Describe the Temporomandibular joint under the following headings.
a) Type of joint with articulating bones
b) Ligaments
c) Relations
d) Movements with muscles involved
e) Applied aspects
2. Describe the Oesophagus under the following headings.
a) Extent and parts
b) Curvatures & constrictions
c) Relations
d) Arterial & venous supply
e) Lymphatic drainage
f) Applied aspects
II. Write Notes on:
1. Sesamoid bones: Definition, Function, Features, Examples.
2. Ligaments & muscles of larynx with action.
3. Classify dural venous sinuses. Describe the caverns sinus in detail.
4. Pericardium: Layers, Blood supply, Nerve supply, Sinuses and Applied aspects.
5. Describe Pleura in detail.
6. Enumerate the intrinsic muscles of hand & Describe the dorsal digital expansion of middle finger.
7. Ligaments & Bursae around the knee joint.
8. Supports of uterus in detail.
9. Pelvic diaphragm.
10.Testis: Coverings, Blood Supply, Lymphatic drainage, Nerve Supply and Applied Aspects.

OCTOBER 2013 :
I Elaborate on: (2×20 =40)
1. Describe the Anatomy of Larynx
2. Discuss in detail about Brachial Plexus. Add a note on its applied anatomy
II. Write Short notes on: (10 x 6 = 60)
1. Deep fascia of Lower limb
2. Omental Bursa
3. Cervical sympathetic chain
4. Sub Phrenic spaces
5. Peri cardial Sinuses
6. Subsartorial canal
7. Lymph nodes of Axilla
8. Perineal pouch
9. Intrinsic muscles of Hand
10. Thoracic Duct

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