Mathematical Physics-I M.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Physics
Subject Code/Name : Mathematical Physics-I
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : Nov 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/4023.-M.Sc.%20Physics%20%5BNon-CBCS%5D.pdf

Alagappa  Mathematical Physics-I Question Paper

1. Linear vector spaces form the Mathematical basis of quantum mechanics—Justify.
2. Explain convolution theorem.
3. For positive value of arg (2), prove that org (2) – .

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4. State Cauchy-residue theorem.
5. Show that – nJ ( )- nJ 1( )
6. Show that 1
7. Obtain Legendre differential equation from Rodrigues formula for n = 2.
8. Show that Pm (- )Pn (- ) 0 ; m n
9. (a) (i) State and prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
10. (a) Evaluate the following integrals using Residue theorem.
11. (a) Show that Y 1 cos( cos )
12. (a) (i) Show that m n 2 1 P P d m n
13. Use finite Fourier transform to solve
14. Using calculus of residue prove that 2 cos 3
15. Derive Bessels equation from Legendre differential equation.
16. The equation of motion of a particle moving from


1. Define : Specific heat of solids.
2. List any two admissibility conditions on the wave function of a system.
3. What is an operator – State the principle of correspondence.
4. State the expansion postulate of quantum mechanics.
5. What do you mean by ‘closure’ –
6. Give the Schrödringer equation with spherical polar coordinates.
7. Briefly mention the role of angular momentum operators.
8. What is a stark effect –
9. (a) Deduce Planck’s radiation law.
10. (a) Discuss the physical interpretation of formalism
11. (a) Obtain eigen functions for – and – 101 of H-atom.
12. (a) Why the ‘perturbation’ is necessary for quantumsystems –
13. State and prove uncertainty principle.
14. Discuss both localized and non-localized states of
15. Show that P P x x x x h
16. Discuss the properties with respective proofs, of self-adjoint operator.


1. How is an FET used as vol tage variable resistance –
2. What is the advantages of TRIAC over SCR –
3. Define Modulation index.
4. What is the basic limitation of modulated transistor amplifiers –
5. Why is it not practicable to use a reactancemodulator in conjunction-
6. What is the function of the balanced modulator in the Armstrong modulation system –
7. Why is storage time eliminated in a metal semiconductor diode –
8. Give the principle of multicavity Klystron.
9. (a) Show the small signal model of an FET : (i) at low frequencies and
10. (a) With a neat diagram, explain the principle of pulse
11. (a) Derive the formula for the instantaneous value of
12. (a) Describe briefly : (i) Dielectric isolation. (ii) Epitaxial growth
13. A broadcst radio transmitter radiates 10 kW when is carrier power –
14. What is the bandwidth required for an FM signal
15. Design a UJT relaxation oscillator to generate a sawtooth waveform


1. Define :(i) Unit cell.(ii) Primitive cell
2. Why X-rays get diffracted by crystals –
3. Distinguish between Ionic and Covalent bonds.
4. What are phonons –
5. Define Fermi energy.
6. Write a note on Semimetals.
7. What are Brillouin zones –
8. What is de Haas-Van Alphen effect –
9. (a) Explain the concept of reciprocal lattice. Discuss its properties.

Molecular Spectroscopy :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Section – A (6 × 2 = 12)
Answer any six questions.
1. How many rotational lines will be observed in the microwave spectrum of HCl gas ?
2. How many normal vibrational modes are possible in the non-linear molecule C5H6 ?
3. What is Raman effect ?
4. What are the differences between Raman Spectra and Infrared Spectra ?
5. What is predissociation ?
6. State Frank – Condon principle.
7. Define ‘Coupling Constant’.
8. Which of the following systems will show ESR Spectrum ?
(a) H.
(b) H2.

Section – B : (4 × 9 = 36)
Answer all questions.
9. (a) Describe the rotational spectra of symmetric top molecules. (Or)
(b) Discuss the vibration – rotation spectrum of carbon monoxide molecule.
10. (a) (i) Write short notes on Quantum theory of Raman Effect
(ii) Explain briefly, how the structure can be determined by Raman and IR spectroscopy.
(b) Discuss some of the applications of Raman spectroscopy.
11. (a) Write short notes on :
(i) Dissociation.
(ii) Predissociation.
(b) Derive the frequencies of rotational fine structure of electronic vibration transition for a diatomic molecule.
12. (a) Explain the basic principles of NMR Spectroscopy and discuss the interaction between Nuclear Spin and Magnetic field.
(b) Explain the basic principle of ESR Spectroscopy and hence write a note on the instrumentation involved.

Section – C : (2 × 6 = 12)
Answer any two questions.
13. Compare the rotational energy levels of a diatomic molecule on the basis of Rigid rotator and Non rigid rotator.
14. Explain the selection rule in rotational Raman spectroscopy and the criterion for getting Raman Spectrum.
15. Describe a Fortrat Diagram.
16. Write a short note on Chemical Shift.

Categories: Physics

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