Electronic Measurement And Instrumentation B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Electronics
Subject Code/Name : Electronic Measurement And Instrumentation
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :Nov 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3981.-B.Sc.ELECTRONICS%20AND%20COMMUNICATION.pdf

Alagappa  Measurement & Instrumentation Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A :
1. What are the advantages of electronic measurement-
2. What do you mean by Standard-
3. What are the uses of signal generators-

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4. What do you mean by logic analyzer-
5. What are the advantages of DVM-
6. what do you mean by auto ranging in DVM-
7. What are the disadvantages of analog storage oscilloscope-
8. Write a brief note on Power scope.
9. What is meant by ATE-
10. What is the difference between microprocessor and micro controller-

11 a. Give the characteristics of transducers.
12 a. Describe sweep frequency generator.
13 a. Describe how automation is achieved in voltmeter.
14 a. Explain dual trace oscilloscope-
15 a. Explain testing an audio amplifier.
16. Explain instrumentation system with a block diagram.
17. What are the types of analyzers- Explain any three of them.
18. Describe Digital Multimeter with a neat block diagram.
19. Describe Sampling oscilloscope with a neat block diagram.
20. Explain testing radio receiver using computer controlled test system.

Electronic Devices & Circuits

1. What do you understand by a Semi-conductor-
2. Define rectifier efficiency.
3. What is a transistor- Why is it called-
4. What do you mean by transistor biasing-
5. State the requirement for a transistor to be of class B types.
6. What do you understand by feedback-
7. What is an LC oscillator-
8. What is meant by bistable multivibrator-
9. What is Miller Effect-
10. Define amplification factor M of a FET.
11 a. Draw and explain the V-I Characteristics of a pn junction.
12 a. How will you draw d.c. load line on the outputcharacteristics –
13 a. Discuss the principles of negative feedback in
14 a. Explain the working of a collpit’s oscillator with a neat circuit.
15 a. Sketch the circuit of a CS amplifier-
16. A half-wave rectifier is used to supply 50V d.c.
17. For the common base circuit show below, determine ICand VCB. –
18. When negative feedback is applied to an amplifier –
19. Find the operating frequency of a transistor collpitt’s
20. The amplifier shown below utilizers and n-channel FET

Circuits, Networks Analysis & Synthesis

1. What is the power if energy equal to 50J is used in 2.5s.
2. State reciprocity theorem.
3. What is transient time-
4. State Kirchhoff’s current law.
5. Distinguish between mean value and root mean square
6. Define Q-factor of a coil.
7. What are inverse h-parameters-
8. Define band-pass filter.
9. Define Laplace transform.
10. Using Laplace transform find the s-domain equivalent circuit of a resistor.

Part – B (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all questions.
11 a. Explain star-delta transformation with examples.
b. State and explain Norton’s theorem.
12 a. Deduce an expression for the current in an R-L-C circuit to which a voltage V cos (wt +??) is applied. Discuss the conditions for different damped oscillations.
b. Obtain the current through an R-L-C circuit to which a constant voltage V is applied.

13 a. Discuss the phase relation in pure resistor.
b. Obtain an expression for the bandwidth of an R-L-C circuit. Also obtain Q of the coil interms of bandwidth.

14 a. Deduce the expression for the characteristic impedance of a symmetrical T-Section.
b. What are the open circuit impedence (Z) parameters? Deduce them. Also show that Z21 = Z12.

15 a. State and prove initial and final value theorems.
b. How will you find the s-domain equivalent circuit of an inductor using Laplace transform? Explain.

Part – C (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any three questions.
16. In the circuit shown determine the value of load resistance when the load resistance draws maximum power. Also find the value of the maximum power.

17. For the circuit shown below, find the current equation
when switch is opened at t=0.

18. A series RLC circuit has a quality factor of 5 at
50 rad/sec. The current flowing through the circuit at
resonance is 10A and the supply voltage is 100V. The
total impedance of the circuit is 20. Find the circuit

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