Economic Development Of India B.Com Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Com
Department : Commerce
Subject Code/Name : Economic Development Of India
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper  : APRIL 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3965.-B.Com..pdf

Economic Development Of India :

1. Define Economic Development.
2. What is Capitalist Economy-
3. What are the sources of Irrigation-

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4. Define Human Resource Index.
5. State the need for Foreign Capital.
6. What is national income-
7. Differentiate between Absolute poverty and Relative
8. What is Productivity-
9. Write a note on Agricultural Labour.
10. Give the objective of Planning.
11. Write about Community Development Programme.
12. Explain the concept of Food Security.
13. Explain the features of Indian Economy.
14. What are the merits and demerits of Mixed Economy-
15. Discuss the consequences of Population Explosion on economic development of India.
16. Bring out the difficulties in the calculation of National income.
17. Suggest the measures of raising the agricultural productivity in India.
18. Briefly discuss about the agricultural development in the Eleventh five year plan.

Section C : (2 × 16 = 32)
Answer any two questions.
19. Describe the state of economy during colonial period.
20. Discuss the trend of savings and capital formation in the Indian economy.
21. Give a detailed account on Green Revolution.
22. Explain the role of FCI in the distribution of food.

B.Com. Degree Examination, April 2011 :
Marketing :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A (8 × 4 = 32)
Answer any eight questions.
All question carry equal marks.
1. Explain the term “Social Marketing”?
2. Explain, “Well brought in half-sold”.
3. What is meant by “Customer orientation”?
4. Explain the “Significance of Marketing”.
5. What is an advertisement Agency?
6. What are the objectives of Advertising?
7. Differentiate between Marketing and Selling.
8. What is the factors influencing to Pricing?
9. What is PLC?
10. What is Indoor Advertising?
11. Distiguish between Goods and Services?
12. What is modern ‘Marketing concept’?

Part B : (3 × 12 = 36)
Answer any three questions.
13. What are the importance features of an Advertisment copy?
14. Explain the functions of Marketing?
15. Explain the significance of Marketing Mise?
16. Discuss the commodity approache to the study of marketing?
17. Narrate briefly the criticisms of the Modern Advertising?
18. Explain the sales man born or made? Discuss.

Part C : (2 × 16 = 32)
Answer any two questions.
19. Explain the duties and responsibilities of Sales man?
20. Advertising brings long-term benefits by sales promotion is for quicker results – Discuss.
21. Explain the various kinds of pricy methods?
22. “Marketing brings and ends with consumer–Disccuss

B.Com./B.Com (C.A.) Degree Examination April 2011 :
Commerce/Commerce with Computer Applications :
Advanced Accountancy–II :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
[Common for B.Com and B.Com (C.A)]
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Section A : (8 × 4 = 32)
Answer any eight questions.
1. Define Bills of Exchange.
2. What is Renewal of a Bill ?
3. What is ‘Red ink interest’ ?
4. What is abnormal Loss ?
5. Define “Joint Venture”.
6. What are the advantages of self balancing ledgers ?

7. From the following particulars, calculate profit
Opening capital — 14,000
Closing capital — 30,000
Drawings — 10,000
Additional capital — 6,000

8. Arun consigned 2000 tonnes of coal @ Rs.50 per tonnes to Balu of Chennai. He paid Rs. 20,000 as freight. Due to normal loss only 1950 tonnes were received by Balu. He also paid Rs. 5,000 as unloading and Cartage charges. The unsold stock is 650 tonnes. You are required to calculate the value of closing stock.

9. How will you calculate Average Due Date ?
10. Prepare Total Debtors Account from the following :
Opening Balance of Debtors — 73,000
Cash received from Debtors — 1,00,000
Credit sales — 1,25,000
Closing Balance of Debtors — 98,000

11. From the following prepare purchases ledger Adjustment Account :
Sundry Creditors on 1.1.2010 — 3,100
Sundry Creditors on 31.12.2010 — 5,000
Credit purchases — 10,000
Cash paid to creditors — 15,000
Outward returns — 500

12. Distinguish between Consignment and Joint venture.

Section B : (3 ×12 = 36)
Answer any three questions.
13. On 1st January, 2004, Amutha draws a bill on Bavana at four months for Rs. 1,000 and Bavana draws on Amutha for similar amount and term. Both the bills are accepted and discounted at 6% p.a. Amutha meets his own acceptance at maturity lent Bavana’s acceptance is dishonoured. Bavana then accepts new bill at three months for the amount due by him plus interest at 8 % p.a. which is duly met at maturity. Prepare journal entries in the Books of both the parties.

14. Kumar, a partner in a firm has drawn the following amounts for the half year ended 30th June 1992.
Jan. 8 – Rs. 440. Apr. 10 – Rs. 480.
Feb. 12 – Rs. 400. May. 6 – Rs. 400.
Mar. 15 – Rs. 500. Jun. 8 – Rs. 400.
Interest is charged at 10 % p.a. Ascertain average due date and the amount of interest.

15. Mohamed sent 10 cars to Nasar on consignment. The cost of each car was Rs. 6,00,000. The expenses of Mohamed are :
Freight – 7,000
Insurance – 3,000

During transit, 1 car was destroyed and the insurance company paid Rs. 45,000 towards the claim. Nasar sold 7 cars at Rs. 7,50,000 each, and he paid for unloading and insurance Rs. 3,300. He sent Rs. 4,50,000 by drafts. It was agreed that Nasar is toget 5% commission. Prepare ledger in the Books of Mohamed.

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