Organic, Inorganic And Physical Chemistry-I B.Sc Model Question Papers :

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : Organic, Inorganic And Physical Chemistry-I
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website :

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2011 :

Organic, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry-I :

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Section A :

Related : Alagappa University Intermediary Metabolism B.Sc Model Question Papers :

1. Give the IUPAC names for the following compounds :
2. How is butadiene prepared –
3. Explain the reaction of methane with chlorine.
4. Give any two uses of LiAlH4.
5. How is sulphide are concentrated –
6. What is the composition of German Silver –
7. What is the use of Beryllium in nuclear chemistry –
8. Define Boyle law.
9. What is meant by mean free path –
10. State Trouton’s rule.

Section B : (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer all questions.
11. (a) A compound on analysis is gave C = 54.55%, H = 9.09% and O = 32.26%. Its vapour density is 44. Find the molecular formula. (Or)
(b) Explain the acidic behaviour of acetylene.
12. (a) Write any four applications of Grignard reagent. (Or)
(b) Discuss the chemical properties of Hydrogen peroxide.
13. (a) Write any two methods to refine the metals in metallurgy. (Or)
(b) What are the alloys of copper ? Give its composition and uses.
14. (a) Describe the diagonal relationship existing between Be and Al. (Or)
(b) Determine the vander Waal’s constants and explain the terms in it.
15. (a) What are the postulates of kinetic theory of gases ? (Or)
(b) Discuss Parachor and its applications.

Section C : (5 × 10 = 50)
Answer all questions.
16. (a) Write notes on :
(i) Elimination reaction.
(ii) Polymerization reaction.
(iii) Classification of Dienes.
(b) Explain Chloroplatinic salt method to determine the equivalent weight of the base.

17. (a) (i) Narrate the preparation and uses of Freon and Westron.
(ii) Give any two preparation and properties of NaBH4.
(b) Explain the chemical properties and structure of Ozone.

18. (a) What is heavy water ? How does it differ from ordinary water ? Give the preparation method of it. (Or)
(b) Write notes on :
(i) Concentration of ores.
(ii) Aluminothermit process.

19. (a) (i) Explain the extraction of magnesium.
(ii) Discuss in detail the reactions of Mg with N2, H2O and X2.
(b) (i) How do real gases deviate from ideal behaviour ?
(ii) What is inversion temperature ? How is it calculated ?

20. (a) (i) What are critical constants of a gas ?
(ii) Derive the relationship between the critical constants and the Van der Waal’s constants.
(b) What are the various types of Liquid crystals ? How would you account for their structure ?

B.Sc. Degree Examination, April 2011 :
Organic, Inorganic And Physical Chemistry—II :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all questions.
1. What is Absolute alcohol ?
2. What is Rosenmund reaction ? Give an example.
3. Give the structure of Carboxylic group.
4. Compare two chemical properties pseudo halogens with halogens.
5. What is meant by fixation of Nitrogen ?
6. Mention the name and uses of two alloys of Bismuth.
7. What is meant by artificial radioactivity ?
8. Define Nuclear fission.
9. Define the term ‘‘Gold number’’.
10. What do you understand by Tyndall effect ?

Part B : (5 × 6 = 30)
Answer all questions.
11. (a) Discuss the preparation of aldehydes and ketones from fatty acids.
(b) Explain the principle, steps and calculations involved in the alkoxy groups by Ziesel’s method.
12. (a) Discuss the preparation of monochloro, dichloro and trichloro acetic acids.
(b) How does fluorine differ from the halogens ?
13. (a) Discuss Born-Haber cycle and its applications.
(b) Explain intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding with examples.
14. (a) Discuss the extraction of Vanadium from its ores.
(b) Discuss the applications of radioactivity in medicine.
15. (a) Discuss the principle involved in the following :
(i) Artificial rain.
(ii) Formation of delta.
(iii) Smoke screen
(b) What is enzyme catalysis ? And write a note on Michael’s-Menton equation.

Part C : (5 × 10 = 50)
Answer all questions.
16. (a) (i) Write notes on absolute alcohol and methylated spirit.
(ii) How is cyanohydrin formed ? Discuss the mechanism of nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds. (Or)
(b) With the help of a suitable example, explain :
(i) Meerwin-Pondorff-Verley reduction.
(ii) Wittig reaction.
(iii) Grignard reagent addition to carbonyl compounds.

17. (a) Describe the preparation and any four synthetic uses of malonic ester.
(b) Discuss the preparation of glycollic, lactic, malic, citric and antaric acids.

18. (a) (i) How Fajan’s rule explains the transition from electrovalency to covalency ? Discuss the various factors with suitable examples.
(ii) Discuss the action of nitric acid on metals and non-metals.
(b) How is Arsenic extracted from its ores ? Give the methods of preparation oxides and oxyacids of arsenic.

19. (a) (i) Write notes on the nuclear stability with the help of the following :
(1) n-p ratio.
(2) Magic number.
(ii) Explain how radioactive isotopes are helpful in investigating reaction mechanisms.
(b) Discuss the preparation of Titanium dioxide, Thorium dioxide, Ammonium molybdate, Vanadium pentoxide, Sodium cobalt nitrate.

20. (a) Write notes on :
(i) Application of adsorption
(ii) Properties of gels.
(b) Explain Freundlich and BET adsorption isotherms.

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