Intermediary Metabolism B.Sc Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.Sc
Department : Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : Intermediary Metabolism
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2011 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3958.-B.Sc.%20Bio%20Chemistry.pdf

Alagappa Intermediary Metabolism Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Part A :

Related : Alagappa University Biomolecules B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4032.html

1. What is Gluconeogenesis –
2. Name the enzymes regulating glycolysis.
3. What is anaplerotic reaction – Illustrate with an example.
4. Give the regulatory role of HMG – CoA reductase in Cholesterol metabolism.
5. What are glucogenic amino acids – Give example.
6. What are Ketone bodies –
7. Distinguish between a Nucleoside and a Nucleotide.
8. List the precursors of purine ring.
9. Explain pentose phosphate pathway.
10. Describe the pathway of Kreb’s cycle

11. Explain the sources of high energy phosphates. Add a note on ATP / ADP cycle.
12. Discuss Urea cycle and its importance
13. Enumerate the steps involved in the oxidation of fatty acids.
14. Explain the Biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotide.
15. Explain phenylalanine metabolism.
16. Explain the arrangement of components in the Electron Transport Chain.

Part C : (2 × 16 = 32)
Answer any two of the following.
17. Discuss Glyoxalate cycle.
18. Explain the mechanism and significance of mitochondrial electron transport system.
19. How is Cholesterol synthesized from acetyl CoA ?
20. Illustrate the biosynthesis and degradation of purine nucleotides.

April 2011

B.Sc. Degree Examination  :
Nutritional Biochemistry :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Section A (6 × 3 = 18)
Answer any six questions.
1. List out the functions of food.
2. Define K. cal.
3. Define SDA.
4. What is Hyper vitaminosis ? Give one example.
5. Explain the role of Iron in Nutrition.
6. Define PEM.
7. What is Nutritional theraphy ?
8. What are new Protein foods ?

Section B : (5 × 10 = 50)
Answer any five questions.
9. Write note on :
(a) Composition of foods.
(b) Food habits.
10. Explain the sources, kinds and functions of carbohydrates.
11. How will you estimate the energy value foods ?
12. Write an account on sources and metabolism of potassium and sodium.
13. Explain the sources, distribution and abnormalities of Vitamin C.
14. Write the diet for Pregnant Woman and Lactating Woman.
15. Explain briefly on Nitrogen Balance and protein Nutrition abnormalities.

Section C : (2 × 16 = 32)
Answer any two of the following.
16. Give an account on sources, kinds and functions of proteins.
17. Explain briefly about Basal Metabolism.
18. Describe the sources, distribution, functions and deficiency symptoms of Vitamin A.
19. Write an essay on Nutritional challenges of the future.

April 2012

B.Sc. Degree Examination  :
Clinical Biochemistry—I :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum :100 Marks
Part A (6 × 3 = 18)
Answer any six of the following.
1. What is GTT ?
2. Define the term Diabetes Mellitus
3. Atherosclerosis.
4. What is Gaucher’s disease ?
5. Types of Porphyrias.
6. Gout.
7. Immunoglobulins.
8. Autoimmune diseases.

Part B : (5 × 10 = 50)
Answer five of the following.
9. Define glycosuria and explain about its types.
10. Explain about the classification, metabolic abnormalities of Diabetes Mellitus.
11. Explain about lipoproteinemias.
12. Explain about the disorders of Cholesterol metabolism.
13. Disorders of Plasma proteins.
14. Elaborate on alkaptonuria, albinism and homocystinuria.
15. Write a short notes on :
(a) Gout and its types.
(b) Orotic acid uria.
(c) Xanthinuria.

Part C : (2 × 16 = 32)
Answer any two questions.
16. Explain about the acute complications of Diabetes Mellitus.
17. Explain about the lipid storage disorders.
18. Elaborately explain the inborn errors of amino acid metabolism.
19. Explain about the types of hypersensitivity.

April 2013

B.Sc. Degree Examination, :
Clinical Biochemistry—II :
(Non-CBCS—2004 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum :100 Marks
Part A : (6 × 3 = 18)
Answer any six of the following.
1. Give the normal values for important constituents in blood.
2. Bence Jones protein.
3. Blood clotting.
4. Gilbert’s disease.
5. Functions of thyroid hormone.
6. Define choline esterases.
7. Diagnostic uses of enzymes.
8. Define Oncology.

Part B : (5 × 10 = 50)
Answer any five of the following.
9. Explain the chemical analysis of blood and urine.
10. Briefly account on the scope of clinical biochemistry in diagnosis.
11. Explain :
(a) Cysteinuria.
(b) Fanconi syndrome.
12. Write down the functions of disorders of thyroid hormones.
13. Explain the Isozymes.
14. Discuss the role of enzyme pattern in health and disease.
15. Briefly explain the malignant and non malignant tumours.

Categories: Chemistry
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