Research Methodology M.Phil Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : M.Phil
Department : Economics
Subject Code/Name : Research Methodology
Semester : I
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

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Alagappa University Research Methodology Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
1. Evaluate the approaches to scientific social research.

Related : Alagappa University Theory Of History And Methods Of Research M.Phil Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4111.html

2. Elucidate the basic qualities of a good researcher.
3. Bring out the importance of review of literature as a source of research problem.
4. Examine the problem of objectivity in social research.
5. Critically evaluate the various procedures for testing small samples.
6. Point out the characteristics of a good research
7. Analyse the components of a good research design.
8. State the importance of correlation and regression analysis in research.
9. Give an account of the contents of a research report.
10. Prepare your own report and edit and evaluate the final draft.

Quantitative Techniques In Economics

1. Explain the second order conditions in relation to concavity and convexity.
2. State and prove D’Morgan’s law.
3. Obtain consumer’s equi librium for U = 48 – (x – 5)2 – 3 (y – 4)2 subject to x + 3y = 9.
4. Explain the derivation of slutsky equation.
5. Explain the relationship between Average cost and Marginal cost with suitable illustrations.
6. (a) Explain the Euler’s theorem.
(b) Discuss the properties of Cobb-Douglas production function, its equation and it significance.
7. Explain Hawkin-Simon conditions in Input-output analysis. Also mention its significance.
8. Show that relationship between the primal and dual of a linear programming problem.

Contemporary Issues In Indian Economic Development

(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer any five of the following (5 × 15 = 75)
1. What are the factors hindering the programme in human development ?
2. Analyse the efficacy of population policy in controlling the growing population in India.
3. How can planning help to remove poverty in India ?
4. Explain the theory of Demographic transition.
5. Critically analyse the achievements of India’s Five Year Plans in India.
6. Analyse the problems and significance of small scale industries in India.
7. Explain the recent trends in women entrepreneurship in India.
8. What are the objectives of monetary policy in Indian economy.
9. Give a critical account of new economic policy in India.
10. Examine the management of Fiscal deficits in India.

Economics Of Infrastructure

(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer any five of the following : (5 × 15 = 75)
1. Briefly explain the meaning, significance and role of Infrastructure in India’s Economic Development.
2. Evaluate the principles of pricing in public utilities.
3. Explain the cost functions in the Transport sector.
4. State the factors influencing in demand for transport. Also mention the economic significance of transport.
5. Examine the achievements of telephone department through Information Technology in India.
6. Discuss the characteristics of Postal department.
7. Critically examine the methods of conservation of energy.
8. Analyse the effects of the exploitation of Natural Gas in India.
9. How Education leads to Economic Growth ? Explain elaborately.
10. Describe the influencing factors in determinants of Health.

Micro Finance & Rural Development

(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer any five of the following : (5 × 15 = 75)
1. Explain the Meaning, definitions and its related concepts of Micro Finance.
2. Evaluate the impact of Micro Finance in Indian economic development.
3. Discuss the Need and demand for Micro finance for farmers and rural entrepreneurs.
4. Analyse the role of NABARD and its rural credit in India.
5. Describe the poverty alleviation through Micro Finance.
6. How the Micro finance generate the employment ? Explain it.
7. Narrate the concept, Meaning, Objectives and Nature of SHGs.
8. Assess the Growth and performance of SHGs in Tamil Nadu and India.
9. Trace the recent development in rural finance through Bank and Financial Institutions in India.
10. Enumerate the future trends and challenges of Micro Finance in India.

Research Methodology

(CBCS—2008 onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer all questions.
1. (a) What do you mean by research methodology ? Explain its significance and describe the different types of research. Or
(b) Describe some of the important research designs used in experimental hypothesis testing research study.
2. (a) What are the steps involved in sample design and explain various types of sample design. Or
(b) Discuss the relationship between sample size and the sampling error.
3. (a) Enumerate the different methods of collecting data. Which one is the most suitable for conducting enquiry regarding Family Welfare Programme in India ? Or
(b) Differentiate Primary sources of data from Secondary sources.
4. (a) “Processing of data implies editing, coding,classification and tabulation”. Describe in brief these operations in the context of research study. Or
(b) Explain the characteristics of hypothesis. Describe the procedure of hypothesis testing.
5. (a) Describe the format of research report. Or
(b) Distinguish between footnotes and bibliography.

Categories: Economics
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