Systematic Bacteriology & Mycology M.Sc Non Medical Question Bank : tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Name : Systematic Bacteriology And Mycology
Year : Final
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : tnmgrmu.ac.in

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Systematic Bacteriology & Mycology :


Related : TNMGRMU General Bacteriology And Immunology M.Sc Non Medical Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3940.html

Q.P. Code : 282977
Time : 3 hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. The morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Shigella dysenteriae.
2. The morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of Corynebacterium diphtheria. Write about DPT vaccine.
II. Write notes on :
1. Preparation and uses of Robertson’s cooked meat medium.
2. Uses of Rabbit in Microbiology.
3. Collection and processing of blood for culture.
4.ZN staining.
5. Significant bacteriuria.
6. Determination of MIC of an antibiotic and its uses.
7. Lab diagnosis of mycotic diseases.
8. Principle and uses of an autoclave.
9. Quality control in media preparation.
10.Lab diagnosis of cholera.

OCTOBER 2012 :
Time : 3 hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Elaborate on various methods adopted for culture of bacteria with special reference to quantitative analysis of Urine.
2. Elaborate on various anaerobic culture methods with special reference to Mc-Intosh Felde’s Anaerobic jar
II. Write Notes on :
1. Chromoblastomycosis.
2. Lepromin Test.
3. Cryptpcoccus neoformans.
4. Serological Tests for Syphilis and in detail about V.D.R.L. Test.
5. Classification of Fungi.
6. Weil-Felix Reaction.
7. Zygomycoses.
8. Helicobacter pylori.
9. Laboratory diagnosis of Dermatophytoses.
10.Laboratory diagnosis of Cholera.

OCTOBER 2013 :
Answer ALL questions :
I. Elaborate on : (2X20=40)
1. Elaborate on various biochemical reactions used in identification of bacteriae.
2. Elaborate on collection of Blood, transport, plating, identification of Pathogen and interpretation of the result.
II. Write Notes on : (10X6=60)
1. Laboratory diagnosis of Bruellosis in man.
2. Pneumocystis carinii.
3. Laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
4. Tinea versicolor.
5. Clasification and identification of Atypical Mycobacteria.
6. Candida albicans.
7. Significant Bacteriuria.
8. Blastomyces dermatidis.
9. Helicobacter pylori.
10. Rhinosporidium seeberi.

Sociological Concepts And Sociology Of Medicine :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Explain R.K Merton physician and student, student education and the role of Nurse and Health.
2. How would you justify Social stratification in democratic Societies? Stratification and Health.

II. Write notes on :
1. Define Medical Sociology and describe the Scope and relevance in patient care.
2. Who is a father of Sociology? Explain.
3. Explain the Theory of Suicide.
4. To what extent do you think class consciousness exists in your Society is it increasing or decreasing. Why?
5. Write T. Parson Theories of Sickness.
6. Explain system of Medical beliefs and phycities.
7. Write professionalisation of medicine and other practitioners of the medical care.
8. Mention the Socio demographic variablities.
9. What is Social Group? What are the characteristic of Social Group?
10. Write Sub – Culture of Medical Worker.

Sub. Code : 3071
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Write concept of a patient as a person and concept of a patient as a whole Social component in theory and rehabilitation.
2. Explain Herbert Spencer Theory of Social Evolution Organic, Analogy, Cralton coping.

II. Write notes on :
1. Explain Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Captalism.
2. Write Inter-relationship between Man and Society.
3. Historical development of Medical Sociology.
4. Define Bureaucracy and describe the features grown of Bureaucracy.
5. Write Culture induce Symptom and Disease.
6. Explain Socio-demographic Variables.
7. What is social Deviance? Write the functionalist approach to Deviance?
8. Define health and describe the factors affecting health.
9. Explain the functional significance of co-operation competition of social rocess.
10. Explain science of medicine and its relevance to Social Institution.

OCTOBER 2012 :
Answer ALL questions in the same order :
I. Elaborate on :
1. Define social institution and discuss the Historical development of medical sociology.
2. What is norms and what are the contribution of sociology and social policy.

II. Write Notes on :
1. Scope and its relevance to patient care.
2. Discuss the social facts in the field of medical sociology.
3. Explain the Bureaucracy of Max Weber.
4. Enumerate class based inequalities and health status.
5. How for the beliefs and values associated with disease.
6. Bring out the other practitioners of health care.
7. Write about socialization and its process.
8. Highlight the salient features of Ethic and spirit of capitalism.
9. Write short answer on sub culture of medical workers.
10.Explain the changing patterns in the contemporary society.

Categories: Medical
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