Ocular Anatomy & Physiology Diploma OT Question Bank : tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Diploma In Optometry Technology
Subject Code/Name : 1501/Ocular Anatomy & Physiology
Year : I
Paper : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : tnmgrmu.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :
2012-2013 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/Diplomo/3903-84151501KZ.pdf

Ocular Anatomy & Physiology Questions :

AUGUST 2012 :
Sub. Code: 1501

Related : TNMGRMU Optometric Optics Contact Lenses & Low Vision Aids Diploma OT Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3908.html

Q.P. Code : 841501
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Mins)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on:
1. Describe the general features, microscopic features and functions of cornea.
2. Define binocular vision and describe the grades of binocular single vision.
3. Describe the extra ocular muscles in detail. Add a note on its action.
II. Write Notes on:
1. Blepharaspasm.
2. Conjunctiva.
3. Layers of retina.
4. Accommodation reflex.
5. Wald’s visual cycle.
6. Development of crystalline lens.
7. Intraocular pressure.
8. Chemical composition of tear film.
9. Angle of anterior chamber.
10.Entoptic phenomena.
III. Short Answers on:
1. What is scleral spur?
2. What is macular vision?
3. What is visual acuity?
4. Name the segments of eyeball.
5. What is achromatopsia?
6. What is photopic vision?
7. What is mydriasis? Give examples for sympathomimetic drugs.
8. What is visually evoked potential?
9. What is optic radiation?
10.Name the glands of the eyelids.

I. Elaborate on: (3×10=30)
1. Anatomy of upper eye lid.
2. Physiology of binocular single vision.
3. Actions of Extra ocular muscles.
II. Write Notes on: (10×5=50)
1. Electro retinogram.
2. Factors responsible for corneal transparency.
3. Anatomy of lacrimal drainage system.
4. Anatomy of optic nerve.
5. Circulation of aqueous humour.
6. Structure of sclera.
7. Range of accommodation.
8. Functions of tears.
9. Types of pupillary reflexes.
10. Physiology of dark adaptaion.
III. Short Answers on: (10×2=20)
1. Boundaries of anterior chamber.
2. Situation and nerve supply of sphincter pupillae muscle.
3. Anatomy of macula lutea.
4. Parts of conjunctiva.
5. Insertions of recti muscles.
6. Hering’s theory of colour vision.
7. Factors responsible for transparency of lens.
8. Name the accessory lacrimal glands.
9. What is rhodopsin?
10. Origin , insertion and action of Muller’s muscle.

AUGUST 2013 :
I. Elaborate on: (3×10=30)
1. Trace the visual pathway
2. Dimensions, layers and histology of cornea
3. Photochemical changes occurring in retina when light falls on retina
II. Write notes on: (10×5=50)
1. Anatomy of ciliary body
2. Anatomy of vitreous humour
3. Origin, insertion, and nerve supply of levator palpebrae superioris
4. Distance correction of Snellen’s test
5. Visually evoked potential
6. Tests for contrast sensitivity
7. Physiology of aqueous humour formation
8. Binocular eye movements
9. Grades of binocular single vision
10. Functions of lid
III. Short answers on: (10×2=20)
1. What is ora-serata?
2. What is Tenon’s capsule
3. What is posterior chamber
4. Actions of inferior oblique muscle
5. What is intra ocular pressure?
6. Near vision acuity tests
7. Circulations of tears
8. What is palpebral fissure?
9. What is scotopic vision
10. Insertions of recti muscles with respect to limbus

General Information :
Diploma In Optometry Technology :
1. With whom (Physician/ Surgeon) they will work?
The Ophthalmologist

2. What kind of patients / disorders they will be involved in assisting?
** Patients with ocular diseases and refractive errors of all age groups

3. What kind of work they will do ( job description)?
** History taking
** Checking Visual acuity
** Assessing Binocular single vision
** Assessing Colour vision
** Examination of anterior segment
** Objective refraction by Retinoscopy& Auto refractor
** Subjective refraction
** Peadiatric refraction
** Instillation of eye drops for dilatation
** Glass prescription
** Checking muscle balance
** A‐scan biometry and Keratometry
** Visual field testing – Bjerrum’s screen, Humphrey Field Analyser
** Assessment of squint
** Prescription of contact lens and training in usage
** Assessment of low vision
** Prescription of low vision devices and Low vision aids
** Simple investigative procedures in ophthalmic evaluation
** Optical dispensing and trouble shooting

4. What knowledge / Theory they should have to perform the above activities
** Basics of eye anatomy & physiology
** Ocular pharmacology
** Ocular diseases
** Orientation to refraction chamber
** Basic Optics
** Visual acuity
** Various ophthalmic instruments
** Refractive errors and management
** Anisometropia, Anisokonia and amblyopia
** Accommodation and its anomalies
** Clinical refraction procedures – supplementary tests
** Basic orthoptics
** Ocular motility and strabismus
** Visual fields
** Contact lens
** Low vision Aids (LVA)
** Dispensing optics
** Basics of medical records

5. What Practical / Skills they should be imparted?
** Model eye practice
** Retinoscopy practice
** Using autorefractomenter
** A‐scan biometry
** Using keratometer, take K readings
** Glass power checking
** Checking of accommodation ,convergence and fusion
** Contact lens fitting, trouble shooting of spectacles

Categories: Medical
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