General Physics, Radiation Physics & Physics Of Diagnostic Radiology Diploma RIT Question Bank : tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Diploma In Radiology Imaging Technology
Subject Code/Name : 1402/General Physics, Radiation Physics & Physics Of Diagnostic Radiology
Year : I
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : https://www.tnmgrmu.ac.in/index.php

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TN MGRMU General Physics Question Paper

Sub. Code: 1402

Related / Similar Question Paper : TNMGRMU Diploma Human Anatomy Question Bank

Q.P. Code : 841402
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
(180 Mins)


Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
I. Elaborate on:
1. What is the principle electromagnetic induction and explain its application in X- ray production?
2. Describe in detail about the factors affecting the quality and quantity of X-rays.
3. What is the principle of radiation detection and explain about personnel monitoring.

II. Write notes on:
1. Atoms and molecules.
2. Filtration.
3. Mutual induction.
4. Anode assembly.
5. Compton effect.
6. Radiation zone monitor.
7. Write about the phenomenon of thermionic emission.
8. Half-value layer.
9. X-ray tube cooling.
10. Binding energy.
III. Short answers on:
1. Define current.
2. What is nucleus?
3. What is the commonly used target angle in diagnostic X-ray unit?
4. Voltmeter and Ammeter.
5. Pocket dosimeter.
6. Why tungsten is used as target material in X-ray tube?
7. What is kVp and mA stand for in imaging technology?
8. What is heat units?
9. Give charge and mass of neutron.
10. Expand TLD.


I. Elaborate on: (3X10=30)
1. Explain in detail about various components of X-ray tube.
2. Describe the different types of radioactivity.
3.Describe about Bohr’s atomic model structure
II. Write Notes on: (10X5=50)
1. Excitation.
2. Photo electric effect.
3. Explain inverse square law.
4. Pair production.
5. Element and compound.
6. X-ray circuit.
7. Factors influencing X-ray beam quality and quantity.
8. Tube Voltage.
9. Self induction.
10.Principle of line focus.
III.Short Answers on: (10X2=20)
1. Mass number.
2. Define work.
3. What is conduction.
4. What is electric potential.
5. Melting point of X-ray target material and atomic number.
6. What is ohm.
7. Define power and give its unit.
8. What is the charge and mass of an electron?
9. Filament current.
10. What is radiation.


I. Elaborate on : (3×10 = 30)
1. Describe the construction and working of modern x-ray tube.
2. Explain in detail about the photoelectric effect of radiation.
3. Write in detail about construction and working of ionization chamber.
II. Write short notes on: ( 10X5= 50)
1. Write briefly about properties of X-ray.
2. Sub atomic particles.
3. Excitation
4. Tube current
5. Electromagnetic radiation
6. X-ray efficiency
7. Explain the phenomenon of magnetism
8. Radiation survey meter
9. Radioactive decay
10. Principle of line focus.
III. Short answers on: (10X2=20)
1. Define Ohm’s law
2. Einstein’s formula
3. What is the SI unit of radioactivity
4. Voltmeter and Ammeter
5. What is nucleon
6. Define work
7. Name the target material commonly used in X-ray tube
8. Atomic number and mass number
9. Define energy
10. What is element.


Theory :
(1) English – Communication skills – (50hrs)
(2) Basics of Computer (Computer Applications related to Radiography) – (50hrs)
(3) Medical Ethics and patient care – (50hrs)
(4) Human Anatomy – & Physiology – (100hrs)

** Scope of Anatomy and Physiology – Definitions and Terms in Anatomy and Physiology- Structure and function of human cell – Elementary tissues of human body- Brief account on Composition of Blood – functions of blood elements – Blood Group and coagulation of blood.

** Cardio Vascular System – (Structure and functions of various parts of the heart, arterial and venous system, brief account on common cardiovascular disorders).
** Respiratory System – (various parts of respiratory system and their functions, Physiology of Respiration).

** Digestive System – (names and various parts of digestive system-Liver, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Buccal Cavity, Pharynx, Oesophagus, Stomach, intestine etc.-physiology of digestion and absorption)

** Urinary System – (various parts of urinary system and its function-structure and function of kidneys-physiology of urine formation – pathophysiology of renal disease and edema.)
** Reproductive System – (physiology and anatomy of Male & Female reproductive system-Prostate & Uterus & Ovaries etc.)

** Musculoskeletal System (Classification of bones & joints, structure of skeleton –structure of skeletal muscle – physiology of muscle contraction)
** Nervous System (various parts of nervous system- Brain and its parts –functions of nervous system – Spinal Cord & Nerves).

** Ear, Nose, Throat and Eye (Elementary knowledge of structure and functions of organs of taste, smell, hearing, vision.)
** Endocrine System (Endocrine glands ,their hormones and functions-Thyroid, Parathyroid, Suprarenal, Pituitary, pituitary and Thymus)

** Haemopoietic and Lymphatic System (Name of the blood vessels & lymph gland locations).
** Surface Anatomy & Surface Markings of Human Body.

Categories: Medical

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