Plant Ecology And Phytogeography B.SC Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.SC
Department : Botany
Subject Code/Name : Plant Ecology And Phytogeography
Year : II
Semester : IV
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3866.-BSC_BOTONY.pdf

Plant Ecology & Phytogeography

Part – A (10 × 2 = 20) :
Answer All questions.
1. Ecosystem
2. Food web

Related : Alagappa University Plant Biodiversity-I B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/3977.html

3. Soil erosion
4. Competition
5. Halophytes
6. Vivipary
7. Acid rain-
8. Deforestation
9. Renewable energy
10. Endemism

Part-B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer All questions.
All questions carry equal marks
11. a. Describe the components of an ecosystem. (Or)
b. Write an account on the different types of ecological pyramids.
12. a. Write short notes on plant association. (Or)
b. Write down the importance of soil conservation.
13. a. Describe the morphological and anatomical adaptations of hydrophytes. (Or)
b. Describe the quadrat method for studying vegetation.
14. a. What are the effects of radioactive pollution? (Or)
b. Write down the consequences of deforestation.
15. a. Describe the different climatic zones of India. (Or)
b. Write an account on the non-renewable energy resources and their importance.

Part-C : (3 ×10 = 30)
Answer any Three questions
16. Describe the biotic and abiotic components of a pond ecosystem.
17. Describe the different methods used to control soil erosion.
18. With a neat diagram, describe the morphological, anatomical and physiological adaptations of xerophytes.
19. Write an essay on fresh water pollution, its effects and methods to control.
20. Describe the different vegetation types seen in Tamil Nadu.

Gymnosperms & Paleobotany

B.Sc. Degree Examination, :
(Plant Biodiversity-Ii Pteridophytes, ) :
(CBCS—2008 Onwards)
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum :75 Marks
Draw diagrams wherever necessary
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer All the questions
1. Protostele.
2. Leptosporangium.
3. Ligule
4. Horse tail.
5. Winged Pollen.
6. Cleavage Polyembryony.
7. Coal ball.
8. Era.
9. Rhynia-Sporangium.
10.Male flower of Williamsonia.

Part – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer All the questions
11. (a) List out the general characters of Pteridophytes. (Or)
(b) Describe the structure of synangium.
12. (a) Write about the external features of Adiantum. (Or)
(b) Describe the internal structure of Marsilea Petiole.
13. (a) Describe the sporne system of classification of Gymnosperms. (Or)
(b) Illustrate the structure of ovule in Gnetum.
14. (a) Describe geological time scale. (Or)
(b) Write about the computation of the age of fossils.
15. (a) Write a short note on Lygenopteris. (Or)
(b) Explain the vegetative structure of Williamsonia.

Part – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any Three questions.
16. Write an essay on heterospory and seed habit.
17. Describe the structure of sporocarp of Marsilea.
18. Describe the different methods of fossilization.
19. Write in detail about the Life history of Pinus.
20. Describe the structures of Lepidodendron, Lepidocarpon and pentoxylon.

B.Sc. Degree Examination, April2010 :

Cytology, Anatomy and Micro Techniques

(CBCS—2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all Questions.
1. Plasma Membrane.
2. Cytokinesis.
3. Apical Meristem.
4. Wood Fibres.
5. Bundle Cap.
6. Annual rings.
7. Electrons.
8. Eye piece lens.
9. Maceration.
10. Microtome.

Part – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer All Questions.
11. (a) Write notes on rough walled endoplasmic reticulum. (Or)
(b) What are the significance of Meiotic division.
12.(a) Classify the kinds of tissues studied by you. (Or)
(b) Give an account on sclereids.
13.(a) Write about the structure and functions of Cambium. (Or)
(b) Define the structure of node and its kinds.
14.(a) Write the structure and working mechanism of light microscopes. (Or)
(b) Give an account of the sources of light in compound and electron microscopes.
15.(a) Write about fixatives. (Or)
(b) Write notes on saffranin.

Part – C :
Answer any three Questions.
16. Write an essay on the structure, chemistry and functions of plasma membrane.
17. Describe the structure and functions of xylem tissue.
18. Explain th edevelopment of Normal secondary growth in Dicot stem.
19. List out the differenes between Electron and compund Microscopes.
20. Describe the procedure involved in the processing of sample for Microtome sectioning.

B.Sc. Degree Examination, April 2010 :

Embryology Of Angiosperms

(CBCS—2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer all the Questions
All questions carry equal marks.
1. Microspore
2. Syngamy
3. Perisperm
4. Dicot Embryo
5. Apogamy
6. Male Sterility
7. Nutrient Medium
8. Callus
9. Ovule Culture
10. Embryoids

Part – B : (5 × 5 = 25)
Answer all Questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
11a. Describe the types of Ovules found in angiosperms. (Or)
9b. Describe the internal structure of anther.
12a. Describe helobial endosperm with examples. (Or)
9b. Describe the embryogany in Monocots.

Categories: Botany

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