PHY101 Properties Of Matter,Thermal Physics and Optics B.SC Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.SC
Department : Physics
Subject Code/Name : PHY101 Properties Of Matter,Thermal Physics and Optics
Semester : II
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : APRIL 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3857-BSC_PHYSICS.pdf

Alagappa Thermal Physics Question Paper

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 60 Marks
Part – A (10 × 1½ = 15) :

Related : Alagappa University Properties Of Matter And Acoustics B.Sc Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/3988.html

Answer All the Questions.
1. What is meant by a beam and neutral axis –
2. Write down the formula for moment of inertia of a circular disc.
3. Define ‘co-efficient of viscosity’.
4. What is meant by stream line motion –
5. Define specific heat of a substance.
6. Mention some everyday applications of thermal radiations.
7. State the two statements of second law of thermodynamics.
8. Give the principle of heat engine.
9. Why the central fringe in Newton’s ring appears dark –
10. What are polarizer and analyzer

Part – B : (5 × 3 = 15)
Answer All the Questions
11 a. Discuss the theory of uniform bending.
9b. Write a note on I-Section griders.
12 a. Derive Poisuelle’s formula.
9b. Give an account on Venturimeter.
13 a. Discuss Dulong and Petit’s law according to quantum theory.
9b. Calculate the temperature of the sun from the following data :
Solar constant = 1400 W/m2
Radius of the sun = 6.96 x 108m
Distance between the sun and earth = 1.496 x 1011m Stefan’s constant = 5.6697 x 10-8W/m2/K4.
14 a. Write notes on reversible and irreversible process in thermodynamics.
9b. Explain the Carnot’s theorem.
15 a. Describe Air Wedge method of determining the thickness of a wire.
9b. State the difference between diffraction and interference bands.

Part – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any Three Questions
16. Drive an expression for the couple per unit twist of a wire.
17. Explain the experiment to determine the co-efficient of viscosity of a liquid.
18. State and explain Newton’s law of cooling and hence discuss how specific heat capacity of liquid is determined by this method.
19. i) Obtain an expression for the change of entropy when ice is converted into steam.
ii) Explain the change of entropy for a reversible process.
20. Define specific rotary power. Explain how Laurent’s half shade polarimeter can be used to find specific rotatory power of sugar solution.

B.Sc. Degree Examination, April 2010 :

Mechanics And Relativity

(CBCS / 2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
PART – A ( 10 × 2 = 20 )
Answer ALL Questions.
1. Define “ Centre of Gravity ”
2. Define “ Angle of Friction ”
3. Distinguish between direct and oblique impacts.
4. State the Newton’s law of gravitation.
5. State the theorem of perpendicular axes.
6. Define : “ Centre of oscillation” and “ Centre of Suspension”.
7. State the laws of floatation.
8. Define : “Metacentric height”
9. State any two reasons for the negative result of Michelson Morley’s experiment.
10. Define : “Time dilation ”

Part – B : ( 5 × 5 = 25 )
Answer ALL Questions.
11. a. Determine the centre of gravity of a right solid cone. (Or)
b. Describe the action of a friction clutch.
12. a. Obtain the expressions for the “range and time of flight” of a projectile. (Or)
b. Describe the variation of ‘g’ with altitude.
13. a. Determine the kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis. (Or)
b. Determine the period of oscillation of a compound pendulum.
14. a. Determine the centre of pressure of a triangular lamina immersed in a liquid with its vertex on the surface. (Or)
b. What are the various types of energies / possessed by a liquid in flow ? Discuss any one type.
15. a. Deduce Einstein’s mass-energy equivalance. (Or)
b. Give an account on length contraction.

Part – C : (3 × 10 = 30)
Answer any THREE Questions.
16. Determine the centre of gravity of a solid and a hollow hemi-sphere.
17. Obtain the expressions for the gravitational potential and field due to a solid sphere.
18. Explain the method of determining ‘g’ by a Kater’s pendulum.
19. State and prove Bernoull’s theorem.
20. Derive the Lorentz transformation equations.

B.Sc. Degree Examination, April 2010 :

Thermal Physics & Statistical Methods

(CBCS / 2008 Onwards)
Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A : (10 × 2 = 20)
Answer ALL the Questions.
1. Define the two specific heat capacities of a gas.
2. State Duling and Petit’s Law.
3. State Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
4. What is entropy ?
5. What is adiabatic demagnetization ?
6. Name two refrigerants normally used is refrigerator.
7. State Newton’s law of cooling.
8. State Stefan’s law of radiation.
9. What is Phase – Space ?
10. What are Fermions ?

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