BBE203 Business Mathematics B.B.E Model Question Papers : alagappauniversity.ac.in

Name of the University : Alagappa University
Degree : B.B.E
Subject Code/Name : BBE203 Business Mathematics
Semester : IV
Document Type : Model Question Papers
Website : alagappauniversity.ac.in

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April 2010 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3856-BBE.pdf
April 2011
: https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/alagappauniversity.ac.in/3856-B.B.E..pdf

Business Mathematics :

Duration : 3 Hours
Maximum : 75 Marks
Part – A (10 × 2 = 20) :

Related : Alagappa University Management Concepts M.B.A Model Question Papers : www.pdfquestion.in/4043.html

1. State the revenue function.
2. Find the third derivative of y, if y = 3×6 – 2×5 – x4 .
3. State the conditions for minimization.
4. What is MR –
5. If U = x2y2 , find
6. Define partial differentiation.
7. Define MU.
8. What is isoquant –
9. What is objective function –
10. What is linear programming –

Part – B (5 ×5 = 25) :
11. a. Explain the uses of cost function in economics.
12. a. A firm’s total revenue and total cost functions are R = 30 Q –Q2
13. a. Given, z = (x + 4) (2x + 5y), find partial derivatives.
14. a. Find the marginal utility function for the following functions :—
15. a. State the uses of Linear Programming problem.

Part – C (3 × 10 = 30) :
16. Finddx for the following :—ii. y = log (x3 + 3)
17. Find consumer’s equilibrium, if the utility function U = 8xy and the
18. If C = 4Q-Q2 + 2Q3 is the total cost function, verify that at the
19. Explain the significance of partial derivative in Economic analysis.
20. How will you solve a given L. P. P. by graphical method –

Part – A (10 × 2 = 20) :
1. What is statistics-
2. State the uses of statistics in Banking.
3. Define Secondary data.
4. What is sample-
5. State the objectives of tabulation.
6. Mention the different parts of statistical table.
7. State any three properties of Arithmetic Mean.
8. Define Median.
9. State the need for measures of dispersion.
10. What is Quartile deviation –

Part-B (5 × 5 = 25) :
11. a. What are the characteristics of Statistics –
12. a. State the qualities of a good questionnaire.
13. a. Explain the important types of two – dimensional diagrams.
14. a. What are the requisites of a good average –
15. a. State the importance of Skewness.

Part-C (3 × 10 = 30) :
16. Discuss the limitations of Statistics.
17. Explain the various methods of sampling.
18. Analyze the four important types of classification.
19. Calculate Harmonic mean for the following data :—
20. Calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness for the following

Part – A (10 × 2 = 20) :
1. Define the word ‘Production’.
2. What is meant by Isoquant –
3. What is variable cost –
4. State the relation between MC and AC –
5. Write a short note on “Supply curve”.
6. Distinguish between Firm and Industry.
7. What are the kinds of Market in Economics-
8. Define “Monopoly”.
9. What is Product differentiation –
10. What do you mean by selling cost –

Part-B (5 × 5 = 25) :
11. a. Explain division of Labour and its characters.
12. a. Explain the concept of different costs.
13. a. Explain the elasticity of supply.
14. a. What are the features of Monopoly –
15. a. Explain the wastes of Monopolistic competition.

Part – C (3 × 10 = 30) :
16. Critically examine the Malthusian theory of population.
17. Analyze the relationship between short-run and long-run average
18. Elucidate the Law of variable proportions and Returns to scale.
19. Discuss the importance of pricing policy in Industries.

B.B.E./B.A. Degree Examination, April 2011 :
Economics/Economics Vocational (Tourism)
Business Economics—I : (Non-CBCS—2004 onwards) [Common for B.B.E and B.A. Tourism Management]
Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks
Section A (8 × 3 = 24)
Answer any eight questions.
Each question carries 3 marks.
1. What is meant by Business Economics ?
2. What are the scope of Business Economics ?
3. What is Consumer Surplus ?
4. What is Utility ?
5. Define Income Demand.
6. What are the measurement of elasticity of demand ?
7. State the factors determining elasticity of demand.
8. What are the properties of Indifference Curve ?
9. What is demand forecasting ?
10. What do you mean by production function ?
11. Mention the concept of law of production.

Section B : (3 × 12 = 36)
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 12 marks.
12. Explain the objectives of a Business firm.
13. Describe the law of equi–marginal utility.
14. Explain the Law of demand.
15. Explain the types of elasticity of demand.
16. What are the importance of Short – run and Long – run forecasting ?
17. Explain the Laws of Production.

Section C : (2 × 20 = 40)
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 20 marks.
18. Describe the role and responsibilities of a Business Economist.
19. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility.
20. Explain the criteria of a Good Forecasting technique.
21. Explain the Laws of Return to scale.

Categories: Business Studies

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