CS331 Systems Programming and Operating System-I B.SC Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : Systems Programming and Operating System – I
Year : III
Semester : V
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3836-syspro%20questions.docx

MIT Systems Programming Question Paper

CHAPTER -1 Introduction

System Programming

1. Write a SMACO program to print CGD of two integers.
2. Write a SMACO program to check whether given number is perfect –

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College CS3333/ CS343 Computer Networks-I and II B.SC Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3832.html


Operating System

Questions for 1 mark :
1.List different types of editors.
2.What is structure editor-
3.Which editors do not display text in the manner it would appear if printed.
4.Give examples of structure editor. (April 2009)
5.With the help of suitable diagram, explain the designing of an editor.
6.Which editors maintain the multiple representation of text-
7.What is software tool- Give two examples-
Questions for 5 marks :
1. Explain design of editor with the help of suitable diagram.
2. Write a note on editor.


Question for 1 mark
1. List the assembler directive statements you are familiar with.
2. What is the purpose of 200 in start 200 statement.
3. What will be the value of the location counter (LC) at the line number 3 & 4
4. List the name of data structure of assembler.
5. What is literal- Give the general form of literal declaration.
6. List different kinds of statements used in assembly language.
7. Define forward reference. (April 2008)
8. List the assembly mnemonic in which first operand is not used.
9. What is use of symbol table- (Oct. 2009)
Question for 5 marks :
1. What is forward reference- How it is handled by assembler.
2. Explain EQU and LTORG statements giving examples.
3. What is purpose of LTORG statement-
4. describe various tasks performed by single pass assemble.
5. Give name description of the data structures used for two pass assembler.
6. Give the syntax of EQU and use of EQU statement. (April 06)
7. What are the different factors affecting pass structure of an assembler.
8. Compare and Contrast variant I and variant II of intermediate code for
9. Generate the intermediate code variant I and II for the following program :
10. Write an assembly language program to find out maximum of two numbers.
11. What is forward reference- How it is handled by single pass-
12. Discuss the various issues related to program listing and error reporting
13. What is the role of assembler directives in assembly program- How are
14. List the static data structures required for assemblers.


Question for 1 mark
1. Define basic block. (April 05, Oct. 05, April 09)
2. What is dynamic pointer- (Oct. 04)
3. What is a block in a programming language- (April 08)
4. Define dynamic binding. (Oct. 05)
5. Define data type. (April 05, 08)
6. Define scope of a program entity. (Oct. 06)
7. Apply the elimination of common subexpression technique on :
8. What is dead code- (April 09)
9. Define memory binding. (Oct. 09)
10. What is nested macro call? Give syntax. (April 07)
11. Give syntax and use of AIF statements. (April 07)
12. Define Macro processor. (Oct. 08)
13. What are the contents of macro definition? (Oct. 07)
14. Explain keyword parameters and position parameters with suitable example. (Oct. 09)
15. Define lexical expansion of a macro. (April 08)

16. Give the general form of defining local and global expansion time variables in macro. (April 09)
17. Explain the data structures which are shared by all macro defined in a single program. (Oct. 09)
18. State the role of sequence symbol. (April 09)
19. What are the contents of macro definition? (Oct. 09)
20. Keyword parameter can preceded the positional parameters? Justify with Suitable examples. (April 09)
21. Define macro assembler. (April 09)
22. What is the purpose of preprocessor statement? (Oct. 09)

Question for 3 mark :
1. Explain keyword parameters? (April 05)
2. Explain schematic of macroprocessor with help of suitable diagram.
Question for 6 mark :
1. Give the names of description of data structures used for macro. Explain with suitable examples the entries in different data structure. (Oct. 05)

Question for 5 mark :
1. Explain keyword parameters and positional parameters with suitable Examples. (Oct. 05)
2. Explain how nested macro calls are handled. (Oct. 04)
3. Macro definition contains which types of statements? (Oct. 05)
4. What is macro processor? Explain design overview of it. (April 07)
5. What is macro? Differentiate between formal parameter with actual parameter, give examples. (April 06)

6. Explain the data structures which are shared by all macro defined in a single program. (Oct. 07)
7. What do you mean by a macro with mixed parameter and with nested macro call? Give an example of each. (Oct. 06)
8. Write short note on designing of macro assembler. (Oct. 08)
9. Explain keyword parameters and positional parameter with suitable example. (Oct. 07)
10. Explain the preprocessing of nested macro with suitable example.
11. Explain the all tasks involved in macro expansion. (April 08)


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