CS212 Relational Database Management System RDBMS B.SC Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : CS-212 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Year : II
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :2010-2011 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3808.-rdbms%20question%20bank.docx

University of Pune RDBMS Question Bank

CS-212 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Question Bank

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College CS211 Data Structures using C B.SC Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3806.html

Chapter 1

1.What is a RDBMS-
2.What is the output of the following command-
3.What is the significance of cursor FETCH statement of MySQL-
4.Write a procedure in MySQL
5.What are cursors- How do you declare, open, fetch and close a cursor-

6.What are triggers and when are they fired-
7.What is exception handling-
8.Consider a table emp(emp_no, name, salary).
9.What is the output of following MYSQL statement :
10.Write a Mysql statement to display only the day from the current date.

11. Write a function in MYSQL which will take your name xyz as a input and return a message ‘ GOOD MORNING XYZ’ as a output.
12. Give the command in MYSQL to load data of table student into a text file ‘data.txt’

13. Consider a table employee(eno,ename,salary) and emplog(eno,ename,old salary, new salary). Write a trigger which will activated when the employee record is modified, its changes should automatically entered into emplog table.
14. What is the output of following?
15. What is the output of following command? Select Replace (‘Lotus is beautiful flower’,’Lotus’,’Rose’);

16. What is the significance of cursor FETCH statement of MYSQL?
17. What is the usage of REVOKE command of MYSQL?
18. Write a procedure in MYSQL which will accept employee number as input and delete the record of specified employee form the employee table whose fields are (emp_no, name, and salary).

19. Write a MYSQL query to get the names of three employees earning highest salary from employee table.
20. Write a MYSQL statement of display only the day from the current data.

21. Give the command in MYSQL to load data of table student into a text file’data.txt’.
22. How and when a user will grant privileges to other users?
23. Describe all levels of SHOW Command.
24. Consider a table emp(emp_no,name,salary).Write a trigger in MYSQL to check salary when record is added or modified such that if salary < 0,it is set to zero or if it is greater than 25,000 then set it to 25,000.

25. Consider a table employee(eno,ename,salary) and emplog(eno,ename,oldsalary).Write a trigger which will be activated when the employee record is modified, its change should automatically entered into emplog table.
26. Write down the two differences between DBMS & RDBMS?
27. Explain any 4 string functions.

Chapter 2

1.What is a transaction- Explain the properties of a transaction.
2.Explain with a neat diagram the state transition diagram .
3.What is an inconsistent state.
4.What are concurrent transactions- Explain the problems
5.What is dirty read- Explain with example.

6.What are unrepeatable read-
7.What are schedules- Explain the types of schedules.
8.What are serial schedules-
9.What is a recoverable schedule-
10.Define non-recoverable schedule.

Chapter 3

1.Comment and justify : “A DBA is responsible for handling database security”.
2.Who is a DBA- What are the responsibilities of a DBA-
3.Explain with suitable example mandatory access control-
4. Explain the various levels at which security measures are taken.
5.What is Discretionary Access control(DAC) Method-
6.What is the usage of REVOKE command in MYSQL-
7.What is Mandatory Access control(MAC) for multilevel security-
8.What is Polyinstantiation-

Chapter 4

1.What do you mean by crash recovery-
2.Define Backup & Storage Structure.
3.Enlist various types of failures.
4.Explain the term Log-based recovery
5.With neat diagram explain shadow paging.

6.What is a recovery.
7.Short note on Remote backup system
8.Explain storage structure in detail.
9.Explain the following terms :i)Recovery & Atomicity

Chapter 5

1.What is Client & Server-
2.Explain how client-server computing model works.
3.Write short note on “Evolution of client-server information technology”
4.Difference between client-server based information system & mainframe-based information system.

5.What benefits can be expected from client-server system-
6.Explain client-server architecture.
7.Explain client-server architecture interaction with diagram
8.Explain client-server architectural principle
9.Describe the client component.

10.Explain communication middleware components functions
11.What are different database middleware components-
12.Short note on client-server database.

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