CS211 Data Structures using C B.SC Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : B.SC
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : CS-211 Data Structures using C
Year : II
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

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Data Structure Using C :

Chapter 1Introduction to Data Structure And Algorithm Analysis :
1. Definei. Time Complexity.ii. Space Complexity.iii. ADT.

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College Introduction to Programming and ‘C’ Programming B.SC Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3803.html

2. Define Data Structure and List any four Linear Data Structure.
3. Define Algorithm. State different characteristics of Algorithm.
4. Explain primitive and non-primitive Data Structures.
5. Explain Linear and Non-linear Data Structures.
6. Define Space Complexity. What are the components of Space Complexity-
7. Arrange the following time complexities in decreasing

Chapter 2 Linear Data Structure and Sorting :
1. Justify the statement : “sorted data makes the searching process efficient”.
2. What is the best case and worst case efficiency of insertion sort-
3. Give any one example of unstable sorting method.
4. Give an example of sorting method which uses partitioning.
5. What is time complexity of quick sort-
6. Define stable sorting method.
7. What is the time complexity of merge sort-
8. Define Sorting. Explain internal and external sorting.
9. Given an array int a[5][4][3] whose base address
10. Give the formula to calculate address of element in row major
11. Write an algorithm for bubble sort with swap count and comparison
12. Sort the following data using insertion sort method. 30,40,10,50.-

Chapter 3 Linked List :
1. Define Linked List. State various types of linked list.
2. Explain node structure for doubly linked list.
3. Define generalized linked list with an example.
4. What is circular linked list-
5. Write data structure for doubly circular linked list.
6. Give the representation of generalized list B=(p,(q,s),r).
7. What are the advantages of doubly linked list-
8. Define structure for creating generalized linked list.
9. Write an algorithm for reversing singly linear linked list.
10. Write a function for inserting an element in doubly circular –

Chapter 4 Stack :
1. Define stack.
2. Write any four applications of stack.
3. List different stack operations.
4. If postfix form of expression is AB$C*D-EF/GH+/+ ,then
5. Give infix expression for following prefix string. $+A*BC*+ABC.
6. Give prefix and postfix representation of following infix string.
7. Convert the following expression from postfix to infix ABC-*D/EF*+
8. Convert the following expression from prefix to postfix +*AB+*CDE
9. Write a structure declaration for static stack.
10.Write a structure declaration for dynamic stack.

Chapter 5 Queue :
1. Define Queue. List various applications of Queue.
2. Write a short note on linked representation of Queue.
3. List the various operations that can be performed on Queue.
4. What is circular queue-
5. What is DeQueue-
6. Define Descending priority Queue.
7. Define priority Queue.
8. Give one advantage of Dequeue.
9. Define multiple queue.
10. List any four operations on dequeue.
11. Write a statement to delete element from circular queue implemented dynamically.
12. Write a function to initialize a circular queue.

Chapter 6 : Tree
1 mark Questions :
1. Define the following.
i. Balance Tree
ii. Expression Tree
iii. Balance factor of AVL tree
iv. Complete Binary Tree.
v. Forest.
vi. Almost Complete Binary Tree
vii. Binary Search Tree.
viii. Strictly Binary Tree
ix. Almost complete Binary tree.
x. Balance Factor.
xi. Threaded Binary tree.
xii. Height balances tree.
xiii. Siblings.
xiv. Right Skewed Binary Tree.
xv. Extended Binary Tree.
xvi. Heap.
xvii. AVL tree.

2. Name two ways of representing a binary tree.
3. Construct binary search tree for the following data 25,6,36,9,12,18,33,20.
4. Construct a binary search tree for following words.Tushar, Amit, Beena, Pranav, Hemant, Neeta.
5. “Binary search tree could be an example of skewed binary search tree”- Justify True or False.
6. Give Inorder,Preorder and Postorder traversal for the following tree.

3 mark Questions :
1. Construct Binary Search Tree for following elements.15,11,13,8,9,17,16,18,22
2. Write a C function to print maximum and minimum elements from a given binary search tree.
3. Explain sequential representation of binary search tree.
4. sort the following sequence of numbers using heap sort method. 12,30,10,8,15,100,2,33,56,5.
5. Explain any two tree traversal methods.
6. Write an algorithm to count no of leaf nodes and no. of non leaf nodes in a tree.
7. What are different tree traversal methods? Explain with example.

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