BCA601 E-Commerce BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Subject Code/Name : BCA601 E-Commerce
Year : III
Semester : VI
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3787-E-commerce.docx

MIT ACSC E-Commerce Question Paper

Q1. What is e-commerce- Write the scope of e-commerce.
Q2. What are the main activities of e-commerce- Explain any two
Q3.What are the goals of e-commerce.

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Q4. What are the technical component of e-commerce.
Q5. Give major advantage and disadvantages of e-commerce.
Q6 Write down the function of e-commerce. Explain them briefly.
Q7 Write some of the application of e-commerce.
Q8. Write on the following business.1. Consumer to Consumer.
Q9 Write on the following business

Unit 2

Q1.What is a website. Give features of website.
Q2.Give reasons for building website.
Q3. Write the benefits of website.
Q4. Explain following parameter of website.1.Bandwidth requirements.2.Cost.
Q5 Explain the procedure of registering a domain name.
Q6. What is web promotion-
Q7. Explain the following methods of web promotion.a. Target e-mail.

Unit 3

Q1. Give advantages and disadvantages of internet.
Q2. Write on the component of internet information technology structure.
Q3. What is intranet- Give advantages of intranet.
Q4.What is extranet Give advantages and disadvantages of extranet
Q5. Differentiate between intranet and extranet.
Q6. What is the role of intranet in B2B application.

Unit 4

Q1. What is EDI- Write the history of EDI standard.
Q2. Give the application of EDI.
Q3. Write down the limitation of EDI.
Q4. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of EDI.
Q5. Describe EDI model.

Unit 5

Q1 Define e-payment. Give the types of e-payment system.
Q2.What is electronic cash-
Q3 Write on following.1.Traditional payment system.2.Credit card system.
Q4.Explain value exchange system.
Q5.Write down the characteristics of e-payment.
Q6. Explain electronic fund transfer.
Q7 Write on following.1. Paperless bill.2. e-cheque.

Unit 6

Q1. What are the objective of e-commerce.
Q2. How the objective of e-commerce are linked to business strategies-
Q3. What are the strategies to manage website cost.-
Q4. Give the comparison of benefit to cost in e-commerce.
Q5.What are the strategies for developing electronic commerce websites.-

Unit 7

Q1. Define the following1.Internet marketing.2.Online shopping.
Q2. Write down the pros and cons of online shopping.
Q3. Give advantages and disadvantages of internet marketing.
Q4. Justify an internet business.
Q5.Write on internet marketing techniques.
Q6.What is e-cycle of internet marketing.
Q7. Write on personalization of e-commerce.

Unit 8

Q1 What are the objectives of e-governance.
Q2 Explain Indian custom EDI system in detail..
Q3. Write on the common service centre.
Q4.Explain ICES –Import.
Q5 Explain ICES –Export.

April 2013 :
Q.1) Define E-commerce. Explain different types of E-commerce. [15]
Q.2) Explain benefits of building own Website and different ways of promoting the Website. [15]
Q.3) What is Internet ? Explain role of Intranet in B2B Application. [15]
Q.4) Explain EDI Model with diagram. Mention advantages and disadvantages of EDI. [15]
Q.5) Explain the Process of Electronic Payment System. Brief its advantages and disadvantages. [15]
Q.6) Explain the linking objectives to Business Strategies in E-commence. [15]
Q.7) Short notes : (Any Four) [20]
(a) E-cycle
(b) Goals of E-commerce
(c) Extranet
(d) E-cash
(e) BAN
(f) Banner Exchange

Project Management in IT (2013 pattern) :
1.Write a note on Project Management.
2.What are the phases of Project Life cycle.
3.What are the qualities of Project Manager.
4. How to organized and plan a software project in an organization.
5.What are the different Project Management Components.
6.Describe a plan to develop and execute a project management .
7.What are the different Configuration Management Technique.
8.Describe Change Control in Project Management .
9.Explain software Project Estimation in detail.
10.Explain COCOMO Model.
11.Explain Delphi Cost Estimation Models.
12. How to identify the risk and types of Risk?
13.Write a note on Risk Checklist.
14.How to prioritized a Risk?
15.Explain Qualitative and Quantitative assessment of Risk Analysis.


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