BCA603/4 Operating Systems/ Advance Java BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Subject Code/Name : BCA603/4 Operating Systems/ Advance Java
Year : III
Semester : VI
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper :

BCA603 : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3785-Adv%20java.docx
: www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3785-syspro&os.docx

MITS Operating System Question Paper

1) Define Operating System .What Are Different Operating
2) What Is System Call. Explain The Working Of System Call.
3) Explain Process Concept.Explain Creation And Termination

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4) Explain Cascading Termination And Context Switch.
5) Write Short Notes On Multiprocessing, Clustered And Realtime
6) Explain Scheduling And Criteria For Scheduling.
7) Differentiate Between Pre-Emptive And Non-Preemptive Scheduling.
8) Explain Fcfs, Sjf, Rr, Multilevel And Priority Scheduling Algorithm.
9) What Is Interprocess Communication.
10 What Are Classic Problems Of Synchronization.

11) Explain deadlock avidance, deadlock detection and deadlock recovery.
12) What are the different methods for handling deadlocks- Explain
13) Define the following a)Deadlock b) safe state c) unsafe state d) starvation
14) Define the following a) logical and physical address
15) Explain segmentation and segmentation with paging
16)Explain page replacement algorithm, demand paging and virtual memory
17) Explain a) free space management b) allocation methods
18) Compare contiguous,linked and indexed allocation
19) Explain scheduling algorithm(FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN, LOOK, CLOOK)
20)Explain polling and interrupts
21)Write short a) Editorsb) Macros

Advanced JAVA

1. Write down the functionality of JDBC Driver.
2. List down the 4 types of JDBC Drivers & explain them in brief.
3. Write down the steps involved in JDBC Application.
4. Write a short note on Statement Interface.
5. Write a short note on ResultSet Interface.
6. Explain parameterized SQL in JDBC using example.
7. Write a role of DriverManager and Connection in JDBC.
8. Write down difference between ArrayList & Vector.
9. Write a short on Collection Framework.
10. Write a short note on Hashcode.
11. Write down difference between Iterator & List Iterator.
12. Write a short note on followingi. Connectionii. Statement
13. Explain multithreading in detail.
14. What is meant by thread.
15. Explain the importance of thread priorities.
16. What is synchronization-
17. Explain Runnable interface in detail along with its need.
18. Explain Thread Lifecycle with proper diagram.
19. Explain the following methods with their syntax i.join()

April 2013

Q.1) Attempt the following : (Any Eight) [2×8=16]
(a) Explain types of Statements in JDBC.
(b) Define a Bean.
(c) List the Implicit JSP Objects.
(d) What are the parameters of the doGet( ) Method ?
(e) Name the statement types used for executing SQL Query.
(f) List the classes in the collection Framework.
(g) What is the purpose of getsession( ) Method ?
(h) What is RMI ?
(i) List the methods used in Thread Life Cycle.
(j) What is Hash Set ?

Q.2) Attempt any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Explain Architecture of JDBC in detail.
(b) Write a program in Java using servlet for making a registration form which collects name and e-mail address. Send this data to a servlet that displays it.
(c) What are the advantages of Collection ?
(d) Explain Thread Synchronization with example.
(e) Write a program which reads in a series of first names and stores them in a linked list. The program should not allow to store duplicate names.

Q.3) Attempt any four : [4×4=16]
(a) What are Beans ? Explain its advantages.
(b) Explain the directives and actions in JSP.
(c) How interthread communication can be achieved in Java ?
(d) Write a JDBC program that inserts the following details to employee table having the structure emp_no, emp_name, salary.
(e) Define a Thread Called MyThread for printing text on command prompt for n number of times. Create 2 Threads and run them. Pass the text and n as a parameter to the thread constructor.
(i) First thread prints “I am in TYBCA” for 10 times.
(ii) Second thread prints “I like Advance Java” for 20 times.

Q.4) Attempt any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Difference between Array List and Vector.
(b) How session tracking is achieved in Java using servlet ?
(c) Write a JDBC program to delete records from student table whose marks are less than 32.
(d) What is Stub ? Why Stub is needed ?
(e) Create a hash table containing student name and percentage. Display the details of the hash table. Also search for a specific student and display percentage of that student.

Q.5) Attempt any four : [4×4=16]
(a) What are the features of JSP ?
(b) Explain Lifecycle of Thread.
(c) State purpose of following JDBC classes and interfaces :
(i) Statement
(ii) Connection
(iii) Result Set
(iv) Driver Manager
(d) Why RMI Registry is needed ?
(e) Write a servlet which accepts the user name from HTML Page and returns a message which greets the user.

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