BCA502 Internet Programming and Cyber Law BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Subject Code/Name : BCA502 Internet Programming and Cyber Law
Year : III
Semester : V
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3781.-ipcl.docx

MITS Internet Programming Question Paper


Q1 What is HTML- write its characteristics.
Q2 Define tag. what are the types of tag

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College BCA504/BCA505 Core Java/ VB.NET BCA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3778.html

Q3 What is frame- Write a programme which devides the screen into 20%,80% columns
Q4.How we create table in html.Define cellspacing and cellpadding.
Q5.Define a form in html.
Q6.Write on image mapping.
Q7.Write a simple programme for displaying nested order list in html.
Q8.Write basic tag for html editing


Q1.Write on cascading style sheet.
Q2.How we position elements by using css.
Q3.Write some properties of css.
Q4.Explain various technique for applying css.


Q1.What is Javascript. Explain its some characterstics.
Q2.How we create a array in javascript.
Q3.Define event handling in javascript
Q4.Write on document object model.
Q5.Explain following DOM objects
1.window 2.history 3.location 4.navigator
Q6.Give some methods of following object
1.string 2.Date 3.math 4.Object.


Q1.What is ASP.write its characterstics.
Q2.Explain Application object.
Q3.Explan Session object.
Q4.What is global.asa.
Q5.Write on request and response object.
Q6.Write steps for database connection in asp .


Q1.Write on internet.
Q2.What is cyber law. write some cyber crime and what are the
Q3.What is the scope of cyber crime.
Q4.Write on cyber jurisprudence.


Q1. Explain the features of digital contracts.
Q2. Explain digital signature.
Q3. explain the role and function of certifying authority


Q1. Explain operating system access control.
Q2. How Unix operating system provide security.
Q3. Write on Window NT
Q6. write on following a. Granularity.b. Sandboxing and proof carrying code.
Q7. Explain following technical attacks given below.1.Sniffing.2.Spoofing.


Q1.Compare symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
Q2.Write RSA algorithm.
Q3.What is public key encryption
Q4. Explain hashing.


Q1.What is e-banking.
Q2. What is book keeping.
Q3.What is the legal recognition of digital signature.


Q1. Explain following cybercrime.
1. Tempering with computer source document.
2. Hacking with computer system.
Q2. Write any case study of cyber crime.

Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) State assumptions wherever necessary.

Sample Questions

Q.1) Solve any eight : [8×2=16]
(a) What is Internal Style Sheet ?
(b) What is the use of location DOM Object ?
(c) List any four standard HTTP Headers.
(d) What is the use of <caption> tag ?
(e) What is an Access Control List ?
(f) Define Cryptography.
(g) What is the use of Usemap Attribute ?
(h) List different Logical Tags ?
(i) What is Dense Array ? Give an example.
(j) Define Tampering.

Q.2) Solve any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Explain the use of <frameset> tag with an example.
(b) Write a note on Cyber Jurisprudence.
(c) Write a JavaScript Code print prime numbers between 1 to 100.
(d) HTML Code to design following output
(e) Write HTML and CSS Code to generate the following output : (Use Inline Style Sheet) INDIA
** Taj Mahal
** Bibika Makbara
** India Gate
** Maysoure Place

Q.3) Solve any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Explain different security functions provided by Windows NT Operating System.
(b) Explain the use of class attribute in CSS with an example.
(c) Explain any two Dialogue Boxes used in JavaScript.
(d) Write an ASP Code to display the details of player (pno, pname, age, game_name) whose age is between 18 and 40. (Use JavaScript)
(e) Write an ASP Code to delete customer details (custno, custname, city) who lives in ‘Mumbai’ city. (Use JavaScript)

Q.4) Solve any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Explain Request Object in ASP.
(b) Explain Sandboxing Technique.
(c) Explain Symmetric Key Cryptography.
(d) Write an ASP Code to display project details (project_no, project_name, duration) in table format on the screen. (Use JavaScript)
(e) Write an ASP Code to print sum of first and last digit of a given number. (Use JavaScript)

Q.5) Solve any four : [4×4=16]
(a) Write a note on <map> tag with proper example.
(b) Explain Global.asa ?
(c) What are the advantages of JavaScript ?
(d) Write HTML Code to design following ouput
(e) Write a JavaScript Code to calculate sum of even and odd numbers from an array and display the result on the screen.

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