BCA203 C Programming BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Department : Computer science
Subject Code/Name : BCA203 ‘C’ Programming
Semester : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

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MIT Arts C Programming Question Bank

Section – A

1. What is Array- Explain types of Array with example.
2. Write a program to find the intersection & union of two 1D arrays.
3. Write a menu driven program to find the addition, subtraction,

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4. Write a program to accept n integers from user and sort them
5. Define String. Give syntax of declaration and example.
6. Write a menu driven program to perform
7. What is the use of structure-
8. Define structure. Give syntax of declaration and example.
9. Give difference between Array and Structure.
10. Explain nested structure with example.

11. Give difference between structure and union.
12. What is union- Explain memory allocation for the union
13. Write a program to accept the student record having
14. Write program to accept and display the record of
15. What is preprocessor-
16. Write a menu driven program to find maximum of two numbers
17. Explain file inclusion in preprocessor with example. (
18. What is the use of File IO in ‘C’ language.
19. Give difference between text file and binary file.
20. Explain the functions fopen() and fclose().
21. Describe all the modes used in fopen().
22. Explain the random file access functions fseek() and ftell()
23. Write a program to copy the contents of one file into another.
24. Write a program to write the 5 students records into file,
25. Explain EOF and feof().
26. Write a program to add two integers using command line arguments.
27. write a program to copy the contents of one file into other character
28. Define structure. Give syntax of declaration and example.
29. Give difference between Array and Structure.
30. Explain nested structure with example.
31. Give difference between structure and union.
32. What is union- Explain memory allocation for the union
33. Write a program to accept the student record having
34. Write program to accept and display the record of
35. What is preprocessor-
36. Write a menu driven program to find maximum of two numbers
37. Explain file inclusion in preprocessor with example. (
38. What is the use of File IO in ‘C’ language.
39. Give difference between text file and binary file.
40. Explain the functions fopen() and fclose().
41. Describe all the modes used in fopen().
42. Explain the random file access functions fseek() and ftell()

Section – B

Subject – C++  :
1. Explain with example the major pillars of OOP
2. What is the concept reference in C++. Explain with example.
3. What is the use of const keyword.
4. What is inline function. Explain in detail.
5. Write a short note on static keyword (static data member & static member functions)
6. What is constructor?
7. What is destructor?
8. Explain constructor overloading.
9. What is the use of virtual function? What is pure virtual function?
10. What is inheritance? Explain types of inheritance. Give examples.
11. What is function overloading give example.
12. Compare malloc() in ‘C’ and new operator in C++.
13. Explain friend function in C++.
14. What is operator overloading.
15. Explain the features of C++
16. Explain Major pillars of Object Oriented Programming.
17. Difference between structure and class
18. What is ‘this’ pointer in C++?
19. Explain what is the use of default arguments in C++. Give example.
20. Explain Polymorphism in detail.
21. What is dangling pointer problem in C++? How to overcome it?
22. What is the use of function template? Explain with suitable example.
23. What is the use of class template? Explain with suitable example.
24. Explain new and delete operators in C++.
25. What is Encapsulation in C++.
26. What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding.
27. Create a class Mystring having data members int len, char *str, define default constructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, overload the assignment operator and destructor and disp() function.
28. Create a class Mystring having data members int len, char *str, overload the new and delete operators for the class.
29. Explain the streams for console IO & file IO in C++.
30. Explain seekp(), seekg(), tellp() & tellg() with example.

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