BCA202 Elements Of Statistics BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
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Subject Code/Name : BCA202 Elements Of Statistics
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Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

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MIT Elements Of Statistics Question Bank

LESSON1 Population, Sample and Data Condensation :

Lesson – 1

Q1] Define Statistics.
Q2] Explain the terms i) Population ii) Sample

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Q3] Distinguish between census and sample.
Q4] State the different methods of sampling.
Q5] Define the following terms. a) Raw data b) Attributes c) Variable
Q6] Explain Less than and more than cumulative frequencies.
Q7] Explain the construction of i) ogive curves and ii) Histogram.
Q8] Draw i) Histogram ii) less than ogive curve
Q9] Draw a Histogram
Q10] Marks Scored

Lesson – 2

Q.1 what do you mean by Average- What are the objectives
Q.2 State merits and demerits of Arithmatic mean.
Q.3 Define median- Explain how it is calculated-
Q.4 Define mode- Explain mode as a statistical average.
Q.5 Compare mean & median in the light of requisites and usefulness.
Q.6 Explain briefly, the relative merits and demerits of mean, median & mode.
Q.7 Define Quartiles. How are they calculated-
Q.8 Calculate Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode
Q.9 Find the mean, median and mode of the following data :
Q.10 Find the modal wages of the following frequency distribution :

Q.11 A student scored 50,54,55,60 marks in four subjects Maths, Economics, Geography and English. Assigning weights 3,3,2,1 respectively, find the weighted A.M. of the scores of the student.
Q.12 Calculate arithmetic mean, median and mode for the following data.
Q.13 Calculate the arithmetic mean for the following data using step deviation method.
Q.14 The mean salary of 50 employees was calculated to be Rs. 680 per month. Later it was found that salary of Mr. A was wrongly taken as Rs. 270 instead of Rs.720 What will be the correct mean salary.

Q.15 Find the combined mean for the following data : Mean(X1) = 210, Mean of (X2) = 150, n1 = 150, n2 = 100
Q.16 The mean weight of 150 students in a class is 60 kg. The mean weight of boys is 70 kg. and the mean weight of girls is 55 kg. Find the number of boys and girls in the class.
Q.17 Mean weight of 98 students as calculate from a frequency distribution is found to be 50 kg. It is later discovered that the frequency of the class interval 30‐40 was wrongly taken as 8 instead of 10. Calculate the correct A.M.
Q.18 Find the missing frequency from the following data given that average number of tablets required to cure a person is 20.
Q.19 Find the missing frequency from the following data whose median is 126.

Q.20 Calculate median, mode, lower quartile and upper quartile for the following data. Also locate them graphically.
Q.21 The arithmetic mean, mode and median of a group of 100 observations were calculated to be 30,37 & 32 respectively. It was later discovered that one observation was wrongly noted as 56 instead of 65. Find the correct values of A.M.,mode & median.
Q.22 Compute the quartiles for the following series of observations. 26, 30, 35, 5, 6, 7, 9, 20, 40, 45, 11, 18, 15, 49, 60.
Q.23 Find the quartiles from the following frequency distribution using formula.

Lesson – 3

Measures of Dispersion :
Q.1 Explain the concept of dispersion.
Q.2 What are the absolute and relative measures of dispersion-
Q.3 Define Standard Deviation for ungrouped & grouped data.
Q.4 Define Quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation.
Q.5 Define mean deviation and coefficient of mean deviation.
Q.6 Define combined variance and combined standard deviation.
Q.7 Define Variance and discuss the effect of change of origin
Q.8 Find the range & coefficient of range of the following series
Q.9 For a distribution Q1=23.41, Q2=25.3, Q3=27.63.
Q.10 Calculate mean deviation about median
Q. 11 The mean weight of 150 students is 60 kg.
Q.12 Calculate the standard deviation

Lesson – 4

Chapter : 4] Permutations and Combinations :
Q1) State the fundamental principals of counting
Q2) Define permutation in case of the following,
Q3) Define combination with one illustration.
Q4) How many 3 letter words can be formed
Q5) How many three digit numbers divisible any number of times-
Q6) A committee of 4 persons is to be formed

Lesson – 5

Chapter : 5] Sample Space , Events and Probability :
Q1) Distinguish between deterministic and non-deterministic
Q2) Explain the following with suitable examples : i) Sample Space
Q3) Three coins are tossed and outcome on the uppermost
Q4) State the classical definition of probability with
Q5) State the axioms of probability.

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