Principles of Programming and Algorithm BCA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Department : Computer Science
Subject Code/Name : Principles of Programming and Algorithm
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

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MITACSC Principles of Programming & Algorithm Question Paper

1. Explain the structure of ‘C’ programming with example.
2. What is function- Explain function as building blocks.
3. Explain precedence and Associativity-

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4. What is the need of data type in programming- Explain.
5. What is operator- Explain different types of operators in ‘C’.
6. Explain Console based Input Output functions in ‘C’.
7. Explain concept of header file.
8. Explain escape sequences in C.
9. Explain format specifiers used with the printf () function.
10. Explain different types of c instructions.

11. What are the types of C constants-
12. What are different C keywords-
13. What are different types of C variables-
14. What are different data type qualifiers-
15. Explain conditional operator with example.

16. Explain preprocessor directives in C.
17. Explain if…………Else with example.
18. Explain working for multiple if with suitable example.
19. Explain switch with suitable example.
20. Explain any two loop control structure with Example.

21. Explain working of goto statement with example.
22. Explain working of FOR loop with Example.
23. What is loop- How can do……..While loop vary from While loop.
24. Explain any two problem solving Techniques-
25. What is algorithm- Explain characteristics of Algorithm.

26. What is Flowchart- Explain with Example.
27. What is mean by Time-Complexity- Explain Big-Oh notation.
28. What is argument- What are the actual and formal arguments-
29. What is function declaration-
30. What is function prototyping-

31. What is function- Explain function definition with suitable example.
32. What is returning function-
33. What is local and global veriable-
34. Explain call by value and call by reference.
35. Explain the use of break, continue and goto statement in looping.

36. What is variable- Explain scope of variable.
37. Explain storage classes.
38. What is recursion- Explain it with example.
39. Write short note ona) Loops in C b) If statementc) Higher Level Languages
40. Write any two character input functions and two character output functions.

41. compiler creates which type of file-
42. Write features of C in detail.
43. Write all the primitive data types along with format specifier
44. Write the syntax of size of operator and give example.

45. Explain basic types of function.
46. Explain the structure of ‘C’ programming with example.
47. What is function- Explain function as building blocks.
48. Explain precedence and Associativity-
49. What is the need of data type in programming- Explain.
50. What is operator- Explain different types of operators in ‘C’.

Principals of Marketing

Chapter One

Q1. Define Marketing- Critically explain the term –
Q2. Distinguish between Selling and Marketing-
Q3. Distinguish between Old Concept and New Concept –
Q4. Explain Objectives, Nature, Scope & Importance
Q5. “Marketing is delivery of standard of living to the society”.

Q6. Explain the important characteristics of Marketing Management-
Q7. “Marketing is the basic function of any business”, explain this statement –
Q8. Describe various functions of Marketing Management-
Q9. Explain Traditional and Modern concept of Marketing Management-
Q10. Classify Marketing functions in your words-

Chapter Two

Q1. Define Marketing Planning- Explain steps in the planning process-
Q2. What is the scope of Marketing Planning-
Q3. What are essential of Marketing Planning-
Q4. Discuss various Marketing Plans and the problems faced in
Q5. Prepare a chart of information required to be gathered while making

Q6. What is Marketing Research- Explain major objectives of MR-
Q7. What is the scope and importance of MM-
Q8. Explain in brief MR prcedure-
Q9. What is primary and secondary data- What is its importance-
Q10. Describe various methods of MR-

Q11. Explain different branches of MR-
Q12. Write short notes on the following-a)Product Research.
Q13. Explain the organization set up of the simple marketing-
Q14. Write short notes on the following-a)Product.
Q15. Explain various environmental factors


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