Forensic Pharmacy & Business Management B.Pharm Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : 4241/Forensic Pharmacy And Pharmacy Business Management
Year : III
Paper : VI
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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Forensic Pharmacy & Business Management :

February 2009 :
[KU 750] Sub. Code: 4241

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(Regulation 2004)
Candidates Admitted from 2004-05
Q.P. Code : 564241
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 80 marks
Answer Section A and B in SEPARATE Answer Book. :
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question. 1 x 20 = 20)
1. Explain in detail about the features of new drug policy.
2. Give an account of Drug technical advisory board and drug inspectors.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Write the salient features of poisons act.
2. What are the different classes of license granted for sale of drugs?
3. Describe the functions of pharmacy council of India.
4. Mention the offences and penalties under Narcotic and psychotropic substances act.
5. Write a note on essential commodities act.
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2X2.5 =5 )
1. Define new drug.
2. What is MAPE?
3. Describe schedule N.
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question (1 x 20 = 20)
1. Define personal management. Write an account on objectives and functions of personal management.
2. Write a detailed account of scientific advertising media and its importance.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. What are the purposes and methods of training to the sales man/
2. Write a brief account on inventory control methods.
3. Outline the concept of management.
4. What are the various channels of distribution in pharmaceutical marketing?
5. Give a note on salesmanship.
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2 x 2.5 = 5)
1. What is feedback information?
2. Define “Market research”.
3. What is detailing?

August 2009 :
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question. (1 x 20 = 20)
1. Discuss about constitution of pharmacy council of India (PCI). Give the functions and duties of PCI?
2. Discuss the features of drugs and cosmetics act and rules.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Bonded laboratory.
2. Ethics for pharmacists.
3. Write a note on insecticide act.
4. Describe on the legal control over termination of pregnancy.
5. Give the qualification and duties of drug inspectors.
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2 x 2.5 = 5)
1. Magic remedies.
2. Spurious cosmetics.
3. Adulterated drug.
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question. (1 x 20 = 20)
1. Explain the terms “ Market Research” What are the various methods of conducting market research?
2. a) Explain the channel of distribution on pharmaceutical field and discuss its importance.
b) Write the different types of salesman.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Explain the functions and principles of personal management.
2. Write briefly about communication process.
3. Explain the importance and quality of leadership.
4. Discuss the fundamental principles of insurance.
5. What is scientific advertising and how is it useful to the organization?
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2 x 2.5 = 5)
1. What is a patent?
2. Define mail order business.
3. Define bulk drug and distributor

February 2010 :
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question. (1 x 20 = 20)
1. What are the qualifications for the appointment of drug inspectors? Explain the duties of drug inspectors and procedure for taking samples.
2. What are the minimum requirement of drug manufacturing units as per schedule M under drug and cosmetic Act 1940 and rules there under?
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Give the details of narcotic drugs. Prescribed in naecotic and psychotropic substances act.
2. Salient features of essential commodities Act.
3. New drug policy.
4. Prevention of cruelty to animal act.
5. Mention the labeling requirement of ayurvedic medicines.
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2 x 2.5 = 5)
1. Government Analysts.
2. Loan Licence.
3. Drugs technical advisory board (DTAB).
I. Essay Questions : Answer any ONE question. (1 x 20 = 20)
1. Explain modern techniques involved in inventory control.
2. Explain about sales promotion methods under taken at dealer’s level as well as consumer’s level in pharmaceutical industry.
II. Write Short Notes : Answer any THREE questions (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Explain the advantage of “Market research”.
2. What are the various channels of distribution in pharmaceutical industry?
3. Distinguish between departmental stores and multiple stores.
4. What is scientific advertising and how it is useful to the organization.
5. State the principles behind general insurance.
III. Short Answers: Answer any TWO questions (2 x 2.5 = 5)
1. International Trade.
2. Define the term ‘Coding’.
3. Define ‘Management’.

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