Principles Of Management BBA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : Principles Of Management
Document Type : Question Bank
Website :mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : 2008-2009 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3764-POM.pdf

Principles Of Management :

Q1. What is Management-
Q2. Explain the Features/ Characteristics of Management-

Related : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College Principles of Finance BBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3762.html

Q3. Discuss with reasons whether Management is an Art or a Science-
Q4. Discuss Management as a Profession-
Q5. Explain the basic functions of Management-
Q6. Explain Need/ Importance of Management-
Q7. Explain Nature and Scope of Management-
Q8. Explain the relationship between Management and Administration-
Q9. Explain the relationship between Organization and Management-
Q10. Management is “What Management Does.” Discuss.
Q11. “Management is more an Art than a Science,” Explain the Statement-
Q12. What do you mean by Management-
Q13. Write short notes on the following.
(A) Management as a Profession.
(B) Management as a Social System.
Q14. Define Management. Explain the relationship between Management and Administration?

Q1. Explain the contribution of F.W. Taylor in Management
Q3. State in detail the contribution of Peter Drucker in –
Q4. Explain- Indian Management Thought.
Q5. Write short notes on the following.(A) Social System Theory
Q6. Explain the contributions to Management thoughts
Q7. Write short notes on the following.(A) Scientific Management.

Q1. What is Planning- State its features.
Q2. Define the term Planning- State the importance of Planning-
Q3. Describe the various types of Plans-
Q4. Explain the process of Planning in detail-
Q5. Explain the advantages and Dis-advantages of Planning-
Q6. What is Forecasting- State the importance/ need of Forecasting-
Q7. Explain various techniques of Forecasting-
Q8. Describe the factors affecting decision- making process-
Q9. What are the types of Decisions-
Q10. State the nature of Decision Making process-
Q11. State the techniques of Decision Making-
Q12. Define Organization- Discuss its Nature and Importance-
Q13. Define Decision Making- Describe the characteristics
Q14. What do you mean by Principles of Organization-
Q15. Explain the procedure of Organizing in brief-
Q16. What are the major types of Organization Structures-
Q17.Explain the following>(A) Line and Staff Organization
Q18. Write a note on Delegation of Authority-
Q19. What is Decentralization- Explain the importance of Decentralization-
Q20. Explain the factors determining Decentralization of Authority-
Q21. What is Staffing? Explain the importance/ need for Staffing?
Q22. What is Direction? Explain its features and importance?
Q23. Explain various elements of Direction?
Q24. Explain principles of Direction?
Q25. What is Communication? State its features and importance?
Q26. Describe the process of Communication?
Q27. Explain various principles of Communication?
Q28. What are the main barriers of Communication process?
Q29. What is Grapevine? – Answer ‐ (Informal way of communication)
Q30. Define Motivation? State its features and importance?
Q31. Describe Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory? – Answer – (Basic, Safety, Social, Ego/ Esteem, Self Actualization).
Q32. Explain Mc Gregor’s Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’ on Motivation?
Q33. Describe F. Herzberg’s theory of Motivation?
Q34. Explain Mc Clelland’s Achievement theory?
Q35. Define Leadership? State the nature and importance?

Q1. What is Control- State the nature and importance of Control-
Q2. Explain the process/ procedure of control-
Q3. Explain various techniques of Control- –
Q4. Define Co-ordination- How far co-ordination is
Q6. Explain the importance of Co-ordination-
Q7.Explain principles of Co-ordination
Q8. Explain types of Control-
Q9. Write a note on Span of Control-

Q1. Define Strategy- Explain its meaning/ features-
Q2. Explain the concept of Strategic Planning-
Q3. Explain the steps in the process of Planning-
Q4. Describe various Strategy Techniques-
Q5.Describe the process of Strategy formulation-
Q6. Explain the role of different Strategies-
Q7. Explain the Social Responsibilities of Management due
Q8. Explain the term TQM- State its features-
Q9. Explain the concept of Crisis Management-
Q10. Define Stress- Explain the concept of Stress Management-
Q11. Explain different strategies/techniques to reduce the stress-
Q12. Explain the concept of Management of Change-
Q13. What is International Management-
Q14. Explain the various causes of Resistance to change-

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