Pharmacy Practice And Pathophysiology B.Pharm Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : B.Pharm
Subject Code/Name : 4260/Pharmacy Practice And Pathophysiology
Year : II
Paper : III
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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2011-2014 : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/web.tnmgrmu.ac.in/PHARMACY/3757-1-564260KZ.pdf
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TN MGRMU Pharmacy Practice Question Paper

AUGUST 2012 :
Sub. Code: 4260

Related / Similar Question Paper : TNMGRMU B.Pharm Pharmaceutical Technology Question Bank

Q.P. Code : 564260
Time : Three hours
Maximum: 100 Marks
(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order. :
Answer Section A and B in SEPARATE Answer Book. :
I. Elaborate on:
1. Define incompatibility. Explain all the types of physical incompatibilities with one example for each.
II. Write notes on:
1. Write a model prescription and mention its parts.
2. Define Emulsions. Write any one method to determine the type of Emulsions.
3. Write a short note on lotions.
4. What is herapathite reaction?

III. Short Answers:
1. What is Young’s formula?
2. What is 1 % w/v – explain.
3. Define isotonicity.
4. Define pills.
5. Define Posology.
IV. Elaborate on:
1. Define Inflammation. Explain in detail the process of Inflammation.
V. Write notes on:
1. Write a note on reversible cell injury.
2. Write a note on Parkinson’s disease.
3. What is myocardial infarction?
4. Explain about epilepsy.
VI. Short Answers:
1. Define apoptosis.
2. Define diapedesis.
3. Define atrophy.
4. Define hypertrophy.
5. What causes syphilis?


(180 Min)
Answer Section A and B in SEPARATE Answer Book. :
I. Elaborate on: (1X20=20)
1. a)Citing an example, identify the important components of an ideal prescription and indicate their importance.
b)What are the legal requirements to be followed and complied with for establishing and maintaining retail medical store?
II. Write notes on: (4X5=20)
1. How do you distinguish gargles from mouthwash?
2. Explain how children doses are calculated?
3. Barriers in Patient counseling.
4. Role of pharmacist in community health care and education.
III. Short Answers: (5X2=10)
1. Types of emulsion with suitable example.
2. Define vitallium.
3. Antagonism.
4. Double wrapping method.
5. Liniments.
IV. Elaborate on: (1X20=20)
1. a) Define AIDS. Explain the mode of transmission and
management of HIV/AIDS.
b) What are the contributory factors for peptic ulcer.
V. Write notes on: (4X5=20)
1. Urinary Tract Infections.
2. Management of Asthma.
3. Pathophysiology of ulcerative colitis.
4. Mediators of inflammation.
VI. Short Answers (5X2=10)
1. Lewis triple response.
2. DOT therapy.
3. Atheroma.
4. Angina.
5. Myocardial infarction.


I. Elaborate on: (1X20=20)
1. (a).Define prescription. Explain the parts of prescription with a model prescription.
(b) Define posology. Explain the various factors which determine the dose(s) of drugs(s).
II. Write notes on: (4X5=20)
1. Handling of prescription.
2. How will you prepare 200ml of 60 percent alcohol from 90 percent and 50 percent alcohols.
3. Convert 18o UP and 20o OP into percentage of alcohol.
4. Add a note on various child dose calculation formulas.
III. Short Answers on: (5X2=10)
1. Supra-addition.
2. Agonist.
3. Absolute alcohol
4. Proof spirit
5. Lotions
I. Elaborate on: (1X20=20)
1. Define diabetes. Discuss in detail the etiology, pathophysiology and management of diabetes.
II. Write notes on: (4X5=20)
1. Differentiate acute and chronic renal failure.
2. Types of congestive heart failure.
3. Types of urinary tract infections.
4. Pathophysiology of gout.
III. Short answers: (5X2=10)
1. Azotemia.
2. Suppuration.
3. Urolithiasis
4. Ejection fraction.
5. Podagra.

February 2014

I. Elaborate on : (1X20=20)
1. a. Discuss the formulation of mixtures with examples?
b. Classify different types of bandage materials with their application
II. Write notes on : (4X5=20)
1. Mention the factors to be determined during dose calculation.
2. Write a note on therapeutic incompatibility with example.
3. Outline the design of drug store?
4. Mention the records to be retained in the drug store.

III. Short Answers on : (5X2=10)
1. Define Emulsion
2. Give two examples for over the counter medication.
3. Differentiate the mode of application in liniment & lotion
4. Define hypertonic solution.
5. Mention two examples for adhesive tapes

Section B (Pathophysiology)
I. Elaborate on: (1X20=20)
1. a) Discuss the pathophysiology of cell injury.
b) Enumerate the management of diabetes
II. Write notes on : (4X5=20)
1. Differentiate atropy & hypertrophy
2. Mechanism of cell repair
3. Pathophysiology of hypertension.
4. Contributing factors for asthma.
III. Short answers on : (5X2=10)
1. Gout
2. Therapy for treating rheumatoid arthritis
3. Importance of thyroid stimulating hormone
4. Treatment for peptic ulcer
5. Any two causes of cell injury.

Categories: Medical

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