Business Informatics BBA Question Bank : mitacsc.ac.in

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BBA
Subject Code/Name : Business Informatics
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : mitacsc.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/mitacsc.ac.in/3749.-BI.pdf

MIT Business Informatics

1) What is computer- Explain its characteristics
2) Write generation of computer.
3) Explain block diagram of computer in detail.

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4) What do u mean by data organization- Explain it with an ex.
5) Explain any four input devices.
6) Explain any four output devices.
7) Explain the types of memory in detail.
8) Explain different types of primary memory.
9) Write types of computer.
10) What do u mean by computer languages- Explain compiler, interpreter.

11) Conversion from binary to decimal 0r decimal to binary.
12) Solve :i)(516)10 =(- )2ii)(CAD)16=(- )10iii)1101*111
13) Explain different types of computer languages.
14) What is an assembly language- Explain its advantages and disadvantages –
15) Give types of printer.
16) State difference betweeni)RAM and ROM
17)Write features of DOS operating system.
18) Explain booting process in DOS.
19) Explain batch file with an example.
20)Write any five Internal DOS Commands with syntax and example.
21)Write any five External DOS Commands with syntax and example.
22)Write function of DOS o.s.
23)Write various types of o.s.
24)Write features of Windows o.s.
25) Explain files and directories in DOS.
26) Explain following DOS commands with example.
27) i) ECHO ii) EXIT iii) GOTO
28) iv) MKDIR v) CHDIR VI) DIR
29) vii) COPY viii) DEL ix) DELTREE
31)Write features of Windows o.s.
32)Write short notes oni) Start button ii) taskbar
33) Explain any two windows application in detail.
34) Explain Notepad.
35) Explain Paintbrush.
36)Write features, usage of MS WORD.
37)Write features, usage of MS EXCEL.
38)Write features, usage of MS POWERPOINT.
39)Write features, usage of MS ACCESS.
40) What do you mean by chart- Explain various types of charts in MS EXCEL.
41) What do you mean by DTP-
42) Explain Mail Merge.
43) Describe switching between Applications.
44) What do u mean by slide animation.
45) What do u mean by slide transition-
46) Explain views in Power Point.
47) What is DBMS- Explain advantages and disadvantages of it
48) What is RDBMS- Explain advantages and disadvantages of it
49) What do you mean by ERD- For what purpose it would be used
50) Explain Normalization and its types.
51)Write various types of languages in RDBMS.
52) Explain Create SQL Commands with syntax and Example.
53) Explain Insert SQL Commands with syntax and Example
54) Explain Drop SQL Commands with syntax and Example
55) Explain Truncate SQL Commands with syntax and Example
56) Explain Select SQL Commands with syntax and Example
57) Create table student having attributes rollno,sname,address,city,subject
58) Insert five records in entity student.
59) Retrieve the record from student where city of student is ‘pune’.
60) Count no of students who are studing subject ‘c’

Principles of Finance :
CHAPTER 1 : Basic Concepts of Finance :
1. Differentiate between :Fixed Assets and Current Assets
2. Write short notes on :Role of finance manager
3. Questions :
1. What is the scope of Financial Management-
2. Explain the essentials of a goods financial plan.
3. Write a short note on Budget.
4. Enumerate the steps involved in Financial planning.-
5. Explain the advantages and limitations of Financial planning-
6. Give a brief account of a various types of plans.

CHAPTER 2 : Financial planning :
1. Explain the concept of Financial Planning-
2. What are the objectives of Financial Planning-
3. Briefly enumerate the Principles of a good financial Plan-
4. Discuss the major areas of financial planning-
5. short notes on : Limitations of Financial Planning.

CHAPTER 3 : Capital Structure :
1. What is optimum capital structure-
2. Explain the factors that determine the capital structure of a firm-
3. What are the criteria of appropriate capital structure-

CHAPTER 4 : Capitalisation
2. What are the causes of overcapitalization- How can it be corrected-
3. What are the causes of undercapitalization- What are the remedial measures-

Categories: Business Studies
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