Business Communication Skills BCA Question Bank :

Name of the University : University of Pune
Name of the College : MIT Arts Commerce & Science College
Degree : BCA
Subject Code/Name : Business communication Skills
Semester : I
Document Type : Question Bank
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MIT Business communication Skills Question Bank

1. What is business communication-
2. What is the process of business communication-

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3. State the functions of communication.
4. What are the barriers of business communication-
5. How can one overcome the barriers to communication .
6. What is communication cycle-
7. What is the role of business communication in the business world-
8. Why has communication skill become important in today’s business world-
9. What is internal and external communication-

10. What is formal communication-
11. What is written communication-
12. What is oral communication-
13. What are the limitations of written communication-
14. What are the limitations of oral communication-
15. What are the limitations of face-to face communication-
16. What is informal communication-
17. What is verbal communication-
18. What is non-verbal communication
19. What are the features of good report writing-
20. How can you make a good resume-
21. What is notice, agenda, meeting minutes, report-
22. What is a memorandum-
23. What is a sales letter- What are its good features-
24. How can the job application be made effective-
25. What are the different types of layouts of the letter

26. Why are business letters needed-
27. Explain the planning and layout of the business letters.
28. What are the types of business letters-
29. What are the features of a complaint letter-
30. What are the features of a circular letter-

31. Why is effective communication essential in the business world-
32. What precautions should a speaker take while delivering a speech-
33. What is group discussion- What are its applications in the business world-
34. What is an interview-
35. Explain the types of interview-
36. What is grapevine-
37. How is body language used as a means of communication-
38. What is lateral communication-
39. What is upward communication-
40. Write on essential conditions of the environment of the business –
41. What are the principles of good listening-
42. What is the role of the information technology in the business communication-
43. State the functions of communication.
44. What are the barriers of business communication-
45. How can one overcome the barriers to communication .
46. What is communication cycle-
47. What is the role of business communication in the business world-
48. Why has communication skill become important in today’s business world-
49. What is internal and external communication-

Chapter 1 – System Concept

Software Engineering :
Short Question :
1. Comment on “Organization acts as open system.
2. State true of false DSS makes use of the summarized organizational data.
3. Define decision support system

Long Question :
1. Explain system & sub system?
2. Describe various element of system
3. Explain any two characterstics of system
4. Explain role of feedback in the functioning of a system
5. List the subsystem & functions of the following system
a. Library System
b. College Admmision system
c. HR/Personnel System
6. Define system. Explain different types of system.

Chapter 2 – Software & Software Engineering

Short Question :
1. Define Software
2. Define Process
3. Comment on “Software is customized”
4. State true or false Y2K is not a software crisis.
5. Define Software Myths.
6. Define Product line software
7. State any two charctersics of software
8. Define legacy software
9. What is embedded system
10. State the role of core principles in software engineering.

Long Question :
1. Explain the characteristics of software
2. Explain the feature of legacy software
3. Explain any two software myths
4. Explain web application & open source software
5. Write short note on software engineering layers
6. Explain frame work activities of a process
7. Explain any five umbrella activities which are complemented to frame work activities
8. What are the steps of essence of software engineering practice?

Chapter 3 – System Development Life Cycle

Short Question :
1. What do you mean by operational feasibility
2. What is request clarification
3. What is requirement analysis
4. What is technical feasibility

Long Question :
1. What is System testing? Explain its types
2. Explain software testing
3. Explain system design & development of software stages of SDLC
4. What do you mean by Unit & system testing
5. Explain activities of system implementation & evalution
6. Why System maintenance is required

Categories: Business Studies

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