Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry BOT Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 6123/Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry
Year : III
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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TNMGRMU Occupational Therapy Psychiatry Question Paper

[KW 958 (Y)] Sub. Code: 6123
Non-Semester Regulations
Q.P. Code : 786123
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Related : TNMGRMU Advanced Occupational Therapy In Orthopeadics MOT Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3845.html


Answer All questions. :
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary :
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Describe the role of occupational therapy in the management of alcohol dependent syndrome.
2. Explain the various behaviour modification techniques.

II. Short Notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Mosey’s adapative skills.
2. Interest check list.
3. Projective techniques used by O.T.
4. Eating disorders.
5. Psychsomatic illness.
6. Activity configuration.
7. Sheltered workshops.
8. Disturbances of thought and perception.
9. Obsessive compulsive neurosis.
10. Relaxation techniques.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Frame of reference.
2. Clinical features of ADHD.
3. Phobia.
4. Family therapy unit.
5. Psychiatric disorders of childhood.
6. Depression.
7. Negative reinforcement.
8. Psychiatric rehab team.
9. Active friendliness.
10. Minimisation.


[KX 958 (Y)] Sub. Code : 6123
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. Discuss the Psychiatric OT rehabilitation of a 50 years old house wife with Schizophrenia having predominant negative symptoms.
2. Role of Occupational Therapy in Community Psychiatry.
II. Short Notes: (10X5=50)
1. Half way homes.
2. OT in Senile Dementia.
3. Role of OT in a Day Care Centre.
4. Anti Social personality disorder.
5. Role of Therapist in Parallel play.
6. Drama Therapy.
7. Habit Training.
8. Evaluation of Body image.
9. Hysterical Fits.
10. Attitudes of a Therapist.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Conversion.
2. Ego.
3. Reinforcement.
4. Psychopathic personality.
5. Define REM Sleep.
6. Reference Group.
7. Define Flooding.
8. What is Black out?
9. Write any four types of Dementia.
10. What are types of eating disorder?


(180 Min)
Answer ALL questions in the same order.
I. Elaborate on:
1. Outline the types of mood disorders and write in detail the occupational Therapy Management for a person with Manic Depressive psychosis.
2. Explain behavioural techniques and its use in Mental retardation.
II. Write Notes on:
1. Adaptive living skills training.
2. Awareness group.
3. Occupational Therapy role in substance abuse.
4. Systematic desensitization.
5. Occupational Therapy Management in anxiety disorders.
6. Counseling care takers of psychiatric clients.
7. Plan a social skills training group for chronic schizophrenics.
8. Mental status examination.
III. Short Answers :
1. Write four characteristics of a potential clients.
2. Alcoholics anonymous.
3. Types of referrals.
4. Interest check list.
5. Occupational performance.
6. Assessment of gross motor skills in children with learning disability.
7. Sheltered workshop.
8. Personality questionnaire.
9. Prevocational assessment.
10. Uses of clay modeling.


(180 Min)
I. Elaborate on: (2X20=40)
1 Role of Executive functions in psychiatric disorders
2 Behavioural Approach to Rehabilitation of Patients with Substance-Use Disorders
II. Write Notes on: (8X5=40)
1 Relaxation Procedures
2 Sensory integration for chronic schizophrenics
3 Analysis of activity complexity
4 Writing disabilities
5 Developmental groups
6 Drama therapy
7 Psychodynamics
8 Discuss self concept
III. Short Answers : (10X2=20)
1 Recreation
2 Anal stage
3 Conflict
4 Altruism
5 Aptitude
6 Cardinal trait
7 Scheduling
8 Repression
9 Group norms
10 Reality testing


I. Elaborate on: (2×20 = 40)
1. What are the clinical features of obsessive compulsive neurosis? Explain the OT management for 25 years old charted accountant with the complaints of repeated checking.
2. Plan out OT management for a 45years old businessman with first episode of mania.
II. Write Notes on: (8×5 = 40)
1. Half way homes
2. Mention the precautions to be considered while treating depressed clients.
3. OT role in the management of 14 years old boy with antisocial personality disorder.
4. Various causes of schizophrenia.
5. How painting can be used as projective technique
6. Explain the volitional sub system and its contribution to occupational performance
7. Write the management of hallucinations and delusions
8. Electroconvulsive therapy
III. Short Answers on: (10×2 = 20)
1. Token economy
2. Project group
3. Mention four therapeutic use of collage
4. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia
5. Mention four differences between neurotic and psychotic depression
6. La-belle-indifference
7. Habituation
8. Name four sensory integrative activities for schizophrenia
9. Intrapersonal skills
10. Expressed emotions

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