Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry BOT Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 6122/Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology And Psychiatry
Year : III
Paper : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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Health Psychology, Clinical Psychology :

February 2009 :
[KU 957 (Y)] Sub. Code: 6122

Related / Similar Question Bank :
TNMGRMU BPT Psychology & Sociology Question Bank

Non-Semester Regulations
Q.P. Code : 786122
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions. :
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary :
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Explain the various causes, treatments, outcomes and prevention for Mental Retardation.
2. Describe in detail about the various personality disorders.
II. Short Notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Psychoanalytical model.
2. Impotence.
3. Drug addiction.
4. Intelligence tests.
5. Psychosexual developments.
6. Methods in clinical psychology.
7. Endocrine diseases.
8. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
9. Defense Mechanisms.
10. Effective communication.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Attention and perception.
2. Hallucination.
3. Antisocial personality.
4. Down’s syndrome.
5. Modeling and shaping.
6. Displacement.
7. Enuresis.
8. Physiological changes during stress.
9. Bereavement.
10. Reinforcement.

August 2009 :
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Discuss in detail causes, clinical features and management of schizophrenia.
2. Define Intelligence. Discuss the various methods of assessing intelligence in children.
II. Short Notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Motivation and emotion.
2. Perception.
3. Define types of learning.
4. Phobia.
5. Behaviour modification.
6. Catatonia.
7. Pseudo dementia.
8. Mental retardation causes.
9. Psychotherapy.
10. Grief reaction.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Dyslexia.
2. Attempted suicide.
3. Token economy.
4. Electro convulsive therapy (ECT).
5. Pica.
6. Hysterical fits.
7. Malingering.
8. What is family therapy?
9. Give two examples for dependence.
10. What is paraphrenia?

February 2010 :
I. Essays : (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Explain the concept of normality and abnormality and various causes for abnormality.
2. Define attitude and discuss the factors involved in the formation and change of attitudes.
II. Short Notes on : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Reaction to loss.
2. Id, Ego, and Superego.
3. Projective techniques.
4. Sexual dysfunction.
5. Dementia.
6. Personality style.
7. Behaviouristic model.
8. Delusion.
9. Systemic desensitization.
10. Hallucinations.
III. Short Answers: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Projection.
2. Unconscious.
3. Abnormality.
4. Intelligence Quotient.
5. Aphasia.
6. Define classical conditioning.
7. What is compliance?
8. Define guidance and counseling.
9. Obsession.
10. Oral stage.

[KX 957 (Y)] Sub. Code : 6122
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. Describe Mourning Grief and Bereavement. Mention complications of Bereavement and dying patient and its management.
2. Describe Memory Thinking Intelligence and perception and mention related disorders.
II. Short Notes: (10X5=50)
1. Defense Mechanism.
2. Tests of Intelligence.
3. Bio feed back.
4. Alcohol related mental problems.
5. Major depression.
6. Attention and Concentration.
7. Manic Depressive Psychosis (M.D.P).
8. Conflict.
9. Dellusion.
10. Stress Disorder.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Dementia.
2. Systematic desensitization.
3. Electro Convulsive Therapy.
4. Delirium.
5. Acute Dystonia.
6. What is Psychosomatic disorder?
7. What is Genetic Counselling?
8. What is Family Therapy?
9. Functional Impotance.
10. Attempted Suicide.

August 2012 :
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
1. Briefly discuss about the various causes, types and treatment of shcizophrenia.
2. Define personality. Explain various personality disorders with suitable cases.

II. Write Notes on
1. Factors to improve compliance.
2. Inventory techniques.
3. Behaviouristic school.
4. Panic disorder.
5. Delusions.
6. Down’s syndrome.
7. Types of reinforcement.
8. Endocrine disease.
III. Short Answers :
1. Any four psychosomatic disorders.
2. Perception and sensation.
3. Mild Mental Retardation.
4. Operant conditioning.
5. Oedipus complex.
6. Electro Convulsive Therapy.
7. Characters of counselor.
8. Types of thinking.
9. Introjection.
10. Bipolar disorder

February 2013 :
I. Elaborate on: (2X20=40)
1. Write the anatomical substrate of speech and issue differentiation of different speech disorder.
2. Define intelligence. Describe various theories of intelligence.

II. Write Notes on
: (8X5=40)
1. Dhat syndrome.
2. Classical conditioning.
3. Alfred Adler.
4. Grief reaction.
6. Phobic disorder.
7. Infantile autism.

III. Short Answers on
: (10X2=20)
1. Ego.
3. Token economy.
4. Projection.
6. Premature ejaculation.
7. Stuttering.
8. Cause mental retardation.
9. Skinner.

August 2013 :
I. Elaborate on : (2×20 = 40)
1. Give a brief overview of the different kinds of psychological tools/ techniques used to gather information in the clinical setting with examples.
2. Examine the various Ego Defense Mechanisims proposed by the Psychodynamic Approach and their relationship to Psychopathology.

II. Write Notes on
: (8×5 = 40)
1. Mental Status Examination
2. Pavlovian/ Classical Conditioning
3. Stress and sickness
4. Levels of Consciousness proposed by Freud
5. Psychotic Disorders
6. Counselling
7. Substance Abuse
8. Personality disorders

III. Short Answers on
: (10×2 = 20)
1. Communication Techniques
2. Disturbances of Consciousness
3. Geriatric patients
4. Measuring Intelligence
5. Occupational Therapy in Mental Illness
6. Common Side-effects of Psychopharmacology
7. Emotional issues in patients with Spinal Cord Injury
8. Criminal Responsibility in Mental Illness
9. Questionnaires in the clinical setting
10. Emotional Reactions of patients to admission and treatment

Categories: Medical
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