MSW02 Social Work With Individual and group M.Sc Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : Master Of Social Work (MSW)
Subject Code/Name : MSW-02 – Social Work With Individual and group
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

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VMOU Social Work with Individual Group

Time : 3Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Section – A

Very short answer type questions :

Related : VMOU MSW04 Social Work Research and Statistics MSW Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3725.html

i. Give one objective of Social case work.
ii. Who is the author of the book ‘Social Work Concepts and Method’-
iii. Give the name of the book written by Meri Richmond.
iv. Who is the Writer of the book ‘Social Group Work’-
v. Mention the name of the main component of social case work.
vi. What are the three aspects or powers of personality, according to Freud –
vii. Which part of personality is responsible for the basic instinct of the individual-

viii. What is the primary and basic function of ego-
ix. According to Parad , what are the three major functions of the ego –
x. What is the important method used in social case work-
xi. Give one important feature of ego.
xii. Give one objective of behavior of an individual.
xiii. What is the meaning of attitude-
xiv. Give any one characteristic of the attitude.
xv. What is the meaning of power of life –
xvi. Give two means of individualization.
xvii. Give the meaning of acceptance.
xviii. What is right to secret-
xix. What do you mean by sensitivity-
xx. What is guidance-
xxi. What is meant by counseling-
xxii. What is group social work-
xxiii. Where was county poverty act passed-
xxvi. Where was Henry Street settlement established-

Section – B

Short answer type questions :
1. Bring out the meaning of group condition.
2. Why is guidance said to be of specific nature-
3. Give the advantages of doing social work in group.
4. Give the stages of group-guidance.
5. Elaborate the meaning of counseling.
6. Mention the objectives of counseling in the field of social work.
7. Discuss the need of counseling.
8. Show the importance of educational guidance and counseling.
9. Give one developmental task of counseling.
10. Describe the group counseling.
11. Bring out the meaning of evaluation services.
12. Give the types of counseling-
13. Discuss the remedial counseling.
14. What is psychological counseling
15. Give the theory of counseling.
16. Show the theory of individualization.
17. Analyse the theory of meaningful relations.
18. Examine the theory of objective presentation of emotions-
19. Elaborate the meaning of communication.
20. Mention the theory of acceptance.
21. What is the theory of self-control ?
22. Give the organs of group work.
23. State the role of group social worker with a group.
24. Differentiate between direct and indirect leadership.

Section – C

Long answer type questions :
Q.1 Analyze the importance of guidance from the perspective of social work. Discuss the areas of knowledge, which are necessary for guidance.
Analyze the ways by which counseling can be done with the group. Discuss its importance.
Q.2 Explain the stages of group counseling.
Discuss the directions of objective of counseling.
Q.3 Discuss the concept of communication. State its role in social work.
What is counseling? Discuss the types of counseling.
Q.4 Describe the developmental tasks of counseling.
Discuss various theories of counseling and their importance.
Q.5 Explain various organs of group social work. Discuss the role of group social worker.
Write a short notes on the following:-
(a) Small group discussion.
(b) Role play.
(c) Committee discussion.
Q.6 What is vocational leadership in social work? Discuss its importance.
What is the meaning of leadership? Discuss its types.
Q.7 What is the meaning of planning? Discuss the importance of planning in the field of group social work.
Discuss the theory of the planning process. Explain the stages of planning.
Q.8 What is the meaning of the programme? Analyze programme as a form of process in the group work.
Mention the various means used in the programme . Discuss the importance of programme for a group.
Q.9 Discuss the theory of programme and its importance.
What is the concept of social case work? Discuss its importance.
Q.10 Discuss the development of social case work in India.
Explain the principles of social case work.
Q.11 Discuss the objectives of social case work.
Describe the meaning and characteristics of the ego. Discuss the role of ego in social case work.
Q.12 Bring out the relationship between individual and adaptation. Discuss the objectives of Behavior.
Discuss the main theory of Human Behavior.

Categories: Social Work
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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