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Rehabilitation Medicine Including Geriatric Rehabilitation BPT Question Bank :

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 5187/Rehabilitation Medicine Including Geriatric Rehabilitation
Year : IV
Paper : V
Document Type : Question Bank
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2009-2012 :

Rehabilitation Medicine Including Geriatric Rehabilitation :

February 2009 :
[KU 992] Sub. Code: 5187

Related : TNMGRMU Orthopaedics For Physiotherapists BPT Question Bank :

Non-Semester Regulations and Eighth Semester
(Modified / New Modified Regulations)
Q.P. Code : 745187
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions :
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Define osteoporosis. Write the clinical features and the management.
2. Brief local and systemic effects of heat injury. Write the rehabilitation of burns injury.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Achillus Tendinitis.
2. Cryotherapy.
3. Deep vein thrombosis.
4. Rupture of supra spinatus tendon.
5. Global aphasia.
6. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (B.P.P.V.).
7. Sliding filament theory.
8. Blink reflex.
9. Obesity.
10. Patello femoral syndrome.
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Gower’s Sign.
2. Barthel index.
3. Cadence.
4. Tinnel’s sign.
5. Laseque test.
6. Aerobic training.
7. McMurray’s test.
8. L5 dermatome.
9. Swan neck deformity.
10. COBB angle.

August 2009 :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Define pressure ulcer. Write the common sites of pressure ulcer formation and contributing factor, add a note on treatment guideline.
2. Define Geriatric rehabilitation. Discuss the biology and physiology of ageing and common impairments in geriatric patients.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Theories of pain.
2. Dynamic knuckle bending splint.
3. Muscle spindle.
4. Hamsting strain.
5. Strength duration curve.
6. Arthrodesis.
7. PTB prosthesis.
8. Plantar fascitis.
9. Apraxia.
10. Club foot boot
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Baker’s cyst.
2. Erb’s point.
3. L4 dermatome.
4. Axonatmesis.
5. Wax therapy.
6. Tarsal tunnel syndrome.
7. Stump Neuroma.
8. Define nonunion.
9. Walking cane.
10. Circumduction gait.

February 2010 :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. Write in detail about the rehabilitation after total knee reconstruction.
2. Define stroke. What are the risk factors for stroke? Add a brief note on the pathophysiology of stroke. How will you rehabilitate a 60 years old patient with left side hemiplegia.
II. Short Notes : (10 x 5 = 50)
1. Phantom pain.
2. Autonomous bladder.
3. Aphasia.
4. Primitive reflexes.
5. Sunderland’s classification of nerve injury.
6. Medical social worker.
7. Various types of sockets for below knee prosthesis.
8. Knuckle bender splint.
9. Architectural barriers.
10. Somi brace.
III. Short Answer: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Wallerian degeneration.
2. Claw deformity.
3. Gaenslen’s test.
4. Dermatomes.
5. Genu valgum.
6. Gouty Arthritis.
7. Tennis elbow.
8. MCR chappal.
9. Pulses profile.
10. Isotonic exercises.

[KX 992] Sub. Code : 5187
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. Define Multiple Sclerosis. Write in detail about the Clinical features and its management.
2. Define the term Rehabilitation. Briefly describe the various models of team concepts in Rehabilitation. Explain briefly the roles played by each Rehabilitation Team Member.
II. Short Notes : (10X5=50)
1. Differentiate between Spasticity and Rigidity. Give one disease condition for each.
2. Post Polio Syndrome.
3. Gait Cycle.
4. Rood’s Sensory motor approach.
5. Milwavkee brace.
6. Community based rehabilitation.
7. Sym’s prosthesis.
8. Features of ideal amputation stump.
9. Strength Duration Curve.
10.Clinical Psychologist.
III. Short Answers: (10X2=20)
1. Bakers Cyst.
2. Erb’s point.
3. Tinel’s Sign.
4. Elbow Crutch.
5. Write three complications of Fracture.
6. Tropic Ulcer.
7. Complications of Stroke.
8. Difference between UMN and LMN in Facial palsy.
9. Tardy Ulnar palsy.
10.Plantar Fascitis.

February 2011 :
I. Essay :
1. Discuss the deleterious effects of prolonged inactivity and bed rest on the body system.
2. Discuss the role of physiotherapist in rehabilitation following myocardial infarction in 50 year old male.

II. Short notes :
1. Community based rehabilitation.
2. Endurance exercises.
3. Activities of daily living.
4. Spasticity.
5. Below knee prosthesis.
6. Tendon transfers and muscle re-education.
7. Architectural barriers.
8. Biofeed-back.
9. Wheel chair.
10. Milwaukee brace.

III. Short answers :
1. Occupational therapist.
2. De-Quervain’s disease.
3. Septic arthritis.
4. Ankle foot orthosis.
5. Retero-Calcaneal bursitis.
6. Cervical spondylosis.
7. Peripheral neuropathy.
8. Aphasia.
9. Boutonniere deformity.
10. Lymphoedema.

August 2011 :
I. LONG ESSAYS (2X20=40)
1. Describe the rehabilitation process for a person with traumatic tetraplegia at C4 level.
2. How will you rehabilitate a college student who has become traumatic bilateral below knee amputee?

Ii. Short Notes (8X5=40)
1. Post polio syndrome.
2. Co-ordination exercises.
3. Cardio pulmonary changes in the elderly.
4. Syme’s prosthesis.
5. Occupational therapist.
6. Rheumatoid hand deformities.
7. Four- poster collar.
8. Myoelectric hand.

III. Short Answers (10X2=20)
1. Interdisciplinary team.
2. Features of a CTEV Boot.
3. Ankle foot orthosis.
4. Tinel’s sign.
5. Jaipur foot.
6. Phantom limb pain.
7. Cervical collar.
8. Apraxia.
9. Tennis elbow.
10. Broca’s aphasia.

February 2012 :
I. Elaborate on : (2X20=40)
1. Describe the etio-pathology and clinical features of Parkinson’s disease. Describe the rehabilitation of a patient with Parkinson’s disease.
2. Describe the physiological changes that occur with aging. Explain the causes of falls and measures to prevent falls in the elderly.

II. Write notes on : (8X5=40)
1. Deep vein thrombosis.
2. Circle of Willis.
3. Postural Hypotension.
4. Wrist drop.
5. Dementia.
6. Muscle tone.
7. Connections of the Cerebellum.
8. Trigeminal Neuralgia.

III. Short Answers : (10X2=20)
1. Features of lower motor neuron paralysis.
2. Dermatomes of upper limb.
3. Grades of spasticity.
4. Neural pathway of Knee jerk.
5. Motor supply of Median Nerve.
6. Transient Ishaemic attack.
7. Moros reflex.
8. Extra-ocular muscles of the eye.
9. Circumduction gait.
10. Anal reflex. © 2021

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