MSCCH03 Physical Chemistry M.Sc Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : M.Sc
Department : Chemistry
Subject Code/Name : MSCCH-03 – Physical Chemistry
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3714.-MSCCH-03_134.pdf

VMOU Physical Chemistry Question Paper

Section – A

Very short questions :
1. What is De-broglie equation-

Related : VMOU MSCCH01 Inorganic Chemistry M.Sc Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3711.html

2. Increasing the intensity of radiation does not affect the ………
3. Write schrodinjer wave equation for hydrogen atom.
4. How wave function is represented-
5. How probability of finding electron is represented-
6. What is normalized wave function-
7. Particle is one dimensional box is represented by ……
8. What are hydrogen like atoms-
9. What is rigid rotator-
10. What is the formula of potential energy of hydrogen –

11. What are the m values for every l value-
12. What is the expression of energy of an electron –
13. What is the Hamilton equation for many electron system-
14. The molecular orbital theory is given by …….
15. Write Hamiltonian operator-
16. What is system-
17. What is kinetic energy-
18. What is open system-
19. What is isolated system-
20. What is Extencive properties-
21. What is Intensive properties-
22. What is Isobaric process-
23. What is Adiabatic process-
24. What is the relation between Joule and Arg.
25. What is the relation between Cp and Cv.

Section – B

Short questions :
1. What is meant by classical mechanics-
2. What do you mean by photoelectric effect-
3. What are operator and normalized wave function-
4. What is de-brogli equation- Give the expression for total energy
5. Explain that the energy of particle is quantized.
6. Describe briefly the main postulate of quantum mechanics.
7. Prove that the wave function of a particle in one dimensional box
8. Define the spontaneous process by giving an example.
9. What is meant by source and sink in thermodynamics-
10. Explain efficiency of heat engine. Explain why it will never be 100%.
11. What is Carnot’s theorem-
12. Under which conditions the third law of thermodynamics
13. What is mean by spontaneity and reversibility-
14. What is meant by Gibbs Energy and Helmholtz energy-
15. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics-
16. Define and explain second law of thermodynamics.
17. What is entropy- Discuss the change in entropy for a isothermal change.
18. Derive Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
19. Explain with examples activity and activity coefficient-
20. What is mean by non-ideal solution-
21. What is Osmosis- How will you demonstrate it in laboratory-
22. What is mean by lowering of vapour pressure- Explain it.
23. What is mean by Vont. Hoff’s factor-
24. What is standard electrode potential-
25. What do you mean by electro-chemical series-
26. What is Nernst equation- Explain its importance.
27. Explain different types of concentration cell.
28. Explain mechanism of corrosion of impure ion.
29. What is over voltage- Explain in detail.
30. Explain Debye-Huckel theory for strong Electrolytes.

31. How the ionic product of water is determined conductiontrically.
32. Explain half-wave potential. How it is helpful in determining concentration of ions?
33. Write short note on Galvonic cell and concentration cell.
34. Write short notes on Cyclic voltametry.
35. Write short note on Dry or Chemical corrosion.
36. Explain reaction velocity and velocity constant.
37. What are order of reaction and molecularity?
38. Explain effect of temp. on reaction rate.
39. Half life of first order reaction in 6 min. calenlati velocity constant.
40. What is meant by singlet and triplet state?
41. What is Quantam yield?
42. What is flurosecence?
43. On which principle photo-electric cell is based?
44. What is photosenitizer?
45. What is Lambert’s law? Explain.
46. What do you understand by IC and ISC?
47. Write short note on phosphprescenc?
48. What do you understand by radiative and non-radiative transitions?
49. Write short note in primary salt effect?
50. Write short note on Enzyme catalysis.
51. Write short notes on Fast reaction.

Section – C

Long questions :
1. Explain the Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom. Give its defects.
2. Deive the de-broglie wave equation and show that on the basis of this theory how the wave mechanics was developed? Derive schrodinger’s equation.
3. What are operators? Describe in brief the algebra associated with them. What are Hamiltonion and Laplacian’s operators?
4. Describe the postulates of quantum mechanics and discuss their signifincance.
5. Calculate the expectation values of position and momentum of a free particle in one-dimensional.
6. A proton in one dimensional box of width 1𝐴0 undergoes a transition from the ground state (n=1) to the first excited state (n=2). Calculate the transition energy Δ𝐸 in ev.
7. Derive equation for a particle in three dimensional box and also finding out energy of transition.

Categories: Chemistry
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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