HAU M.Sc. Agriculture Question Paper : CCS Haryana Agricultural University

Organisation : CCS Haryana Agricultural University
Course : M.Sc. Agriculture
Document Type : Old Question Paper
Website : http://admissions.hau.ac.in/

HAU M.Sc. Agriculture Question Paper

CCS Haryana Agricultural University, M.Sc. Agriculture Old Question Paper

Related / Similar Question Paper : HAU M.Sc. Basic Science Question Paper

M.Sc. Agriculture Question Paper

1. Marginal physical product (MPP) where P=production, and X=input, is equal to
(A) ?P/ ?X
(B) ?X/ ?P
(C) P/X
(D) None of these

2. In which relation, an increase or a decrease in production of one product affect the production of the other inversely
(A) Supplementary
(B) Joint product
(C) Competitive
(D) Complementary

3. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the successor to

4. Which of the following is the apex bank for agricultural credit in India?
(D) A. SBI

5. A demand curve measures
(A) Buyer’s willingness to pay
(B) Actual price a buyer must pay to get the product
(C) Difference between a buyer’s willingness to pay and the actual price of the product
(D) All of these

6. Consumer surplus is
(A) a buyer’s willingness to pay plus the price
(B) the price of the product minus the buyer’s willingness to pay
(C) when the buyer’s willingness to pay and the price of the product are equal
(D) a buyer’s willingness to pay minus the price

7. According to the law of demand
(A) there is a positive relationship between quantity demanded and price
(B) as the price rises, demand will shift to the left
(C) there is a negative relationship between quantity demanded and price
(D) as the price rises, demand will shift to the right

8. Marginal utility signifies
(A) utility from first unit
(B) utility from last unit
(C) utility from additional unit
(D) utility from third unit

9. National Income means
(A) Income of the Government
(B) Money measure of the overall annual flow of goods and services in an economy
(C) Value of the fixed wealth in an economy
(D) Aggregate of the earnings of working class in an economy

10. Internal rate of return (IRR) is that rate at which Net Present value is
(A) Positive
(B) Negative
(C) Zero
(D) None of these

11. The residual left with the farmers after meeting his family consumption, farm requirements, social and religions payments is called as
(A) Marketed surplus
(B) Marketable surplus
(C) Producer Surplus
(D) Consumer Surplus

12. If the NPW is zero, then B/C ratio is
(A) >1
(B) <1
(C) = 1
(D) = 0

13. A market characterized by large number of sellers and buyers and homogenous product is known as
(A) Monopoly
(B) Oligopoly
(C) Perfect
(D) Monopolistic

14. Demand for goods which are needed for further production is called as
(A) Derived Demand
(B) Autonomous demand
(C) Direct Demand
(D) All of these

15. Which one of the following is not a measure to reduce the risk?
(A) Diversification
(B) Hedging
(C) Contract sales
(D) Monoculture

16. Marginal product is
(A) Addition made to total production by the use of an additional input
(B) Average production per unit of input use
(C) Total addition to the production by addition input use
(D) All of these

17. In which layer of the atmosphere there is a temperature inversion?
(A) Troposphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Ionosphere

18. Which layer of the atmosphere has lowest average temperature?
(A) Troposphere
(B) Stratosphere
(C) Mesosphere
(D) Ionosphere

19. The value of Environmental lapse rate is given as
(A) – 6.5 oC / km
(B) + 6.5 oC / km
(C) 5.5 oC / km
(D) 5.0oC / km

20. Wind direction is measured as –
(A) From where it comes
(B) Where it goes
(C) It touches the face
(D) A and C both are correct

21. Vertical distribution of microclimate is:
(A) 10-2 to 101 m
(B) 10-2 to 102 m
(C) 10-2 to 103 m
(D) 10-2 to 104 m

22. Name the most important weather element –
(A) Temperature
(B) Rainfall
(C) Cloud Cover
(D) Atmospheric Pressure

23. ‘Khaira disease’ (also known as iron rust) of rice is caused due to:
(A) Excessive application of nitrogen
(B) Deficiency of zinc
(C) Bacterial infection
(D) Iron deficiency

24. Lysine is a limiting amino acid in:
(A) Cereals
(B) Pulses
(C) Oilseeds
(D) Green vegetables

25. Which among the following herbicides is non-selective herbicide?
(A) Paraquat
(B) Alachlor
(C) Butachlor
(D) Atrazine

26. Berseem seed is treated with:
(A) Rhizobium meliloti
(B) Rhizobium lupini
(C) Rhizobium trifoli
(D) Rhizobium Japonicum

27. Conversion of ADP to ATP is known as:
(A) Photolysis
(B) Photo phosphorylation
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Photorespiration

28. Deficiency of which essential plant nutrient leads to ‘pop pod in groundnut’:
(A) Sulphur
(B) Calcium
(C) Phosphorus
(D) Boron

29. Which among the following weeds causes dropsy disease in human beings:
(A) Pluchea lanceolata
(B) Digera arvensis
(C) Parthenium hysterophorus
(D) Argemone mexicana

30. Roots absorb water from soil:
(A) Actively
(B) Passively
(C) Both actively and passively
(D) None of these

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