Psychology And Sociology BPT Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Subject Code/Name : 6113/Psychology And Sociology
Year : I
Paper : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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TNMGRMU Psychology & Sociology Question Paper

[KU 902] Sub. Code: 6113

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TNMGRMU BPT Physiology Question Bank

First Semester – First Year – Non-Semester Regulations
(Common to all regulations)
(Common to BPT and BOT Examinations)

February 2009

Q.P. Code : 746113
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks
Answer All questions :
Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary :
Section A and B must be answered in SEPARATE Answer Book :
I. Essays.
1. Define heredity and environment. Explain their role in relation to physical characteristics, intelligence and personality. (15)
2. Define learning and list the differences and similarities between classical and operant conditioning. (10)
II. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Counselling.
2. Steps in creative thinking.
3. Control of Anxiety.
III. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Name the three types of attention.
2. Expand M.M.P.I and B.A.I.
3. List four traits of creative people.
4. Name the principles governing Id, Ego and super-ego.
5. List any four qualities of leadership.
IV. Essays:
1. Define social planning and the role of social planning in the improvement of health and rehabilitation. (15)
2. Define social change and factors of social change. (10)
V. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Looking Glass self.
2. Social factors affecting health status.
3. Rural community in Health.
VI. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Prostitution.
2. Folkways.
3. Synthetic school.
4. Endogamy.
5. Primary Group.

August 2009

I. Essays.
1. Define personality. Describe briefly and explain the assessment of personality in projective test. (15)
2. Define psychology. Explain the branches of psychology. (10)
II. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Interview.
2. Rationalization, projection.
3. Classical conditioning.
III. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Role of RAS.
2. List the senses.
3. Expand WISC and RPM.
4. Attitude.
5. Childhood.
IV. Essays:
1. Explain nature and scope of sociology. (15)
2. Discuss why we need application knowledge of sociology in
physiotherapy. (10)
V. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Explain process of socialization.
2. Uses of study of sociology.
3. Home remedies.
VI. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Who said “Man is a social animal”?
2. Define community.
3. Define polyandry.
4. Who is the father of sociology.
5. Define society.

February 2010

I. Essays.
1. Explain Thorndike’s trial and error learning and laws of learning. (15)
2. Define frustration. Explain sources and solutions for frustrations. (10)
II. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Abnormal psychology.
2. Psychological needs.
3. Attention.
III. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. List the senses.
2. Displacement.
3. Creativity.
4. Old age.
5. Interview method.
IV. Essays.
1. Define social groups and social group in hospitals and rehabilitation settings. (15)
2. Features of modern caste system. (10)
V. Short Notes: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Influence of family on human personality.
2. Role of medical social workers.
3. Social change and deviance.
VI. Short Answer: (5 x 2 = 10)
1. Psychosomatic diseases.
2. Maternity Act.
3. Types of beggars.
4. Sickness.
5. Arya samaj.

[KX 902] Sub. Code : 6113
I. Essays.
1. Write about the importance of the knowledge of Psychology in Physiotherapy Profession. (15)
2. Explain clearly about culture induced symptoms & disease and subculture of medical workers. (10)
II. Short Notes: (3X5=15)
1. Illusion & Hallucination.
2. Heridity & Environment
3. Reactions to Frustration.
III. Short Answers: (5X2=10)
1. Counselling.
2. Four concepts of learning.
3. Name the five Psycho sexual stages.
4. Psychological changes in emotion.
5. Figure ground perception.
IV. Essays:
1. Roles of primary and secondary groups in the hospital and rehabilitation centre for restoration of Patient’s health. (15)
2. Discuss the various method of social control. (10)
V. Short Notes: (3X5=15)
1. Explain about social Security and social legislation.
2. Problems of Indian Working Women in employment.
3. Five factors influencing social change.
VI. Short Answers: (5X2=10)
1. Role of Social Planning.
2. Role of Community in Public Health.
3. Bring three home remedies for diseases.
4. Cultural lag.
5. Define Socialization and its uses.

February 2011

I. Essays :
1. Define motivation. Explain the role of primary and secondary motives in motivation. (15)
2. Define Learning. Explain the various effective ways by which a student can enhance his learning skills. (10)
II. Short Notes :
1. Delusions.
2. Infancy.
3. Attention.
III. Short Answers :
1. Types of conflict.
2. Kinds of learning.
3. Change of attitude.
4. Qualities of leadership.
5. Role of RAS.

Section B :
IV. Essays :
1. Features of Modern caste in India. (15)
2. Functions of Family. (10)
V. Short Notes :
1. Beggary.
2. Informal means of social control.
3. Cultural meaning of sickness.
VI. Short Answers :
1. Definition of Health.
2. Examples for formal groups – any four.
3. Meaning of customs.
4. Meaning of Cultural Lag.
5. Social Hierarchy – meaning.

Categories: Medical

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