Introduction To Nursing Administration Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Question Bank : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

Name of the University : The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University
Degree : Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
Subject Code/Name : 4895/Introduction To Nursing Administration
Year : II
Paper : V
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : web.tnmgrmu.ac.in

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TN MGRMU Nursing Administration Question Paper

February 2009 :
[KU 835] Sub. Code: 4895
(For Trained Nurses)

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Q.P. Code : 684895
Time : Three hours
Maximum : 75 marks
Answer All questions :
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) As a nurse administrator, how will you organize an intensive care unit in the hospital? (8)
b) Describe the legal responsibilities in maintaining the patient records.(7)
2. a) Describe the principles of administration. (8)
b) What are the techniques of supervision used in nursing management? (7)
II. Write Short Notes on : (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Inventory control.
2. Leadership styles.
3. Staff development.
4. Hospital information system.
5. Public relation.
III. Short Answers Questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. List down four principles of delegation.
2. List down four principles of administration.
3. Mention the difference between the line and staff organization.
4. List down four advantages of rotation plan.
5. What are the different types of hospitals?
6. Mention the tools used for performance appraisal.
7. What are the elements of administration?
8. Define management.
9. Mention in few words about the concept of cost effectiveness.
10. Define quality nursing care.

August 2009

I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) Define nursing service administration. List the objectives and principles of nursing administration.
b) Define management. Explain the principles of good ward management.
2. Define supervision. Explain the nature, scope and objectives of supervision.
II. Write Short Notes on : (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Organization of nursing unit.
2. In service education.
3. Patient assignment.
4. Responsibilities of nursing superintendent in relation to staff development.
5. Evaluation of patient care.
III. Short Answers Questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Write any two principles of budgeting.
2. What is nursing audit?
3. Define supervision.
4. Write any two methods of patient assignment.
5. List any four principles of administration.
6. List any four techniques of supervision.
7. Write any four legal responsibilities of head nurse in maintenance of patient records.
8. What is job analysis?
9. Write any two methods of inventory control.
10. Write any two leadership styles.

[KW 835] Sub. Code: 4895
I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. a) Explain the principles of administration. (7)
b) Discuss the role of nursing personnel in material management. (8)
2. a) Describe problem solving process. (8)
b) What are the methods of reporting and maintenance of records in a hospital? (7)
II. Write Short Notes on : (5X 5 = 25)
1. Quality nursing care.
2. Staff development.
3. Hospital policies.
4. Budgeting.
5. Skill training.
III. Short Answer Questions: (10X 2 = 20)
1. Write any two leadership styles.
2. What is cost effectiveness?
3. List any four elements in administration.
4. What is job description?
5. List any four elements in personnel management.
6. Write any two functions of a leader.
7. Write any two safety measures the nurse should follow to prevent
8. List any four methods to evaluate patient care.
9. What is nursing audit?
10. List down four principles of delegation.

February 2010

I. Essays: (2X15=30)
1. a) Describe the problems related to keeping equipment and supply in a ward.
b) As a ward sister, describe the role in maintaining quality nursing care.
2. a) Define Financial management and enumerate various types of Budget.
b) Discuss briefly the Budget Process.
II. Write Short Notes on : (5X 5 = 25)
1. Nursing Audit.
2. Public Relation.
3. Group Dynamics.
4. Performance Appraisal.
5. Legal aspects in Nursing.
III. Short Answer Questions: (10X 2 = 20)
1. Any two principles of Organisation.
2. Short notes on Self Preservation.
3. Common problems in relation to recruitment.
4. Two factors that affect Hospital Utilization.
5. What is meant by Induction Training?
6. Mention four important Safety Measures of Hospital Environment.
7. Mention four Principles of Maintaining Records.
8. List down the techniques of Supervision.
9. Define Skill Training.
10. List down four factors affecting quality Nursing Care.

February 2011

I. Essays : (2X15=30)
1. a) Describe problem solving process.
b) What are the methods of reporting and maintenance of records in a Hospital?
2. a) Discuss the principles of administration.
b) Explain the role of nursing personnel in material management

II. Write Short Notes on : (5X 5 = 25)
1. Organization.
2. Functions of Leadership.
3. Importance of records and reports.
4. Job analysis.
5. Purposes of budget in a hospital.

III. Short Answer Questions : (10X 2 = 20)
1. Write any four factors affecting quality of nursing care.
2. Mention four needs for public relation.
3. Define personal management.
4. Write any two advantages of organizational chart.
5. Types of tool of performance appraisal.
6. Two difference between administration and management.
7. Write any four responsibilities of a nursing supervisor.
8. What is motivation?
9. Write any two methods of nursing audit.
10. Write any two elements of Delegation.

Categories: Medical
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