MLIS04 Information Sources, Resources and Systems M.LIS Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : Master of Library and Information Science (M.LIS)
Subject Code/Name : MLIS-04 – Information Sources, Resources and Systems
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3690-MLIS-04_17.pdf

Information sources, Resources & system :

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Section –A :
Very short answer type questions :

Related : VMOU MLIS03 Information Storage and Retrieval Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3687.html

1. Define primary sources.
2. What is frequency of Indian National Bibliography.
3. Write full form of ‘ KBES.’
4. What is meaning of Social Science-
5. Describe the benefits of Bus Network Topology.
6. Discuss Wide Area Network (WAN).
7. What is the expansion of BARC.
8. Give the expansion of ‘AGRIS’.
9. Name any two primary information sources.
10. What is cyber media-
11. The acronym ‘ISRO’ stands for.
12. What is Local Area Network (LAN)-
13. Give the full form of IFLA.
14. Bibliography of Bibliographies is an example of which category –
15. In which year the American Chemical Society was established-
16. What do you understand by trade literature-
17. Who is the publisher of world of Learning-
18. What is ‘Hypertexts’-
19. Give the full form of ‘NASSDOC’.
20. Write the activities of an Information consultant.
21. Write the benefits of Star Network Topology.
22. The acronym MARC stands for.
23. In which year the ‘UNESCO’ was established?
24. What is Data Center?

Section –B :
Short Answer Question :
1. Discuss the need of Information Sources.
2. Write a note on Information transfer.
3. Write the characteristics of Information Intermediaries.
4. Name the Electronic Database in Social Sciences.
5. What do you understand by Cito-analysis-
6. Write a short note on Information system.
7. Write the objectives of NISSAT.
8. Write a note on ‘SENDER’.
9. Write a note on encyclopedia.
10. Explain ‘Optical media’.
11. Define Science.
12. Write a short note on Cito-analysis.
13. What is science Citation Index-
14. Enumerate internet search Engines.
15. Define information system.
16. Write a note on types of Network.
17. Write a note on Statistical sources.
18. Enumerate the publication of DESIDOC.
19. Make a comparison between Information Broker –
20. Name the Indexing and abstracting services in humanities.
21. Mention the electronic resources in the field of science and technology.
22. What Citation means?
23. Describe in brief the web of science.
24. Describe the need of web resources.

Section-C :
Long answer questions :
1. Explain primary information sources with examples. Or
Write a detailed note on print media.
2. Discuss the international agencies involved in information generation and transfer. Or
Define information intermediaries and discuss their functions.
3. Describe the primary information sources in humanities with examples.Or
Explain internet resources available humanities.
4. Describe the functions of documentation and information centers. Or
Explain the objectives and activities of NISCAIR.
5. Discuss the secondary sources of information with examples. Or
Write a detailed note on Micro forms.
6. Enumerate the Indian Institution s involved in information creation. Or
Elaborate the types of information intermediaries.
7. Explain secondary information sources in humanities. Or
Describe the web based citation analysis products.
8. Describe the criteria for evaluation of web resources. Or
Explain the types of documentation and information centers.
9. Write a detailed note on Tertiary sources of information. Or
Explain with examples the web based information sources.
10. Describe the role of NISSCAIR in information creation and transfer. Or
What is Cito-analysis? Discuss Google Scholar.
11. Describe internet resources available on social science. Or
Write a detailed note on the activities of ‘OCLC’.
12. Write an essay on UNESCO. Or
Explain major sources of information in the field of science and technology.

Note : Question paper will be divided in to three sections- ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
Section-A will contain 8 very short answer type questions each having 2 marks. The section will have a total weightage of 16 Marks.

All questions of this section will be compulsory and answer of each question is expected in one word/one sentence or maximum 30 words.

Section-B will contain 8 short answer type questions each having 8 marks. The examinee has to answer any 4 questions out of 8 questions. The section will have a total weightage of 32 Marks. The answer of each question in this section should be written within 100 words.

Section-C will contain 4 Essay/Long answer type questions each having 16 marks. The examinee has to answer any 2 questions out of 4 questions. An internal choice will also be given in each question of this section.

The section will have a total weightage of 32 Marks. The answer of each question in this section should be written in not more than 800 words.

Categories: Library
Tags: vmou.ac.in

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