MJ07 Printing, Publishing and Mass Communication Management MJ Question bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : Master of Journalism
Subject Code/Name : MJ-07 – Printing, Publishing and Mass Communication Management
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3674.-MJ-07_36.pdf

VMOU Publishing & Mass Communication Management

Time : 3Hours Max Marks:80
Section A
Very Short Answer Type Question :

Related : VMOU MJ06 Audio Visual Communication Technology Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3672.html

1. What is affected to Effective communication-
2. When Antyodaya scheme began-
3. On what basis success or failure of regional and urban policies depend-
4. Who is the writer of the book third wave-
5. What is the key for socio-economic progress-
6. Chilka movment is releted to which state-
7. In which news paper the coloum “Aao Gaon chale “ was published-
8. “We two our two” is concerned with what-
9. When the program Mid-day Meals was started-
10. Whose study report is mass media in developing countries-

11. Kerala model related to what-
12. When Rajeev Gandhi Computer Saksharta Mission was started-
13. What is information Flow-
14. What is GDP-
15. Who is the vice-chairmen of planning commission-
16. When Janani Suraksha Yojana was started-
17. What is Early Bird-
18. Write down the name of any four traditional media
19. In which state APPIKO movement was started-
20. Who is known as Jal purush –

21. When ASEAN was established?
22. What is common service center?
23. Draw the diagram of Aristotles model of communication.
24. When the Indian Tourism Development Corporation was established?
25. What is the full form of SITE?
26. What is semantic noise?
27. What is the full form of DTH?
28. Who gave play theory?
29. Who wrote the book mass communication of the social system?
30. What is the work of opinion leader?
31. When Information Technology Act came in force in India?
32. What is noise?
33. What is mass in mass communication?
34. What is cultural dependency?
35. Who gave bullet theory ?
36. Write any two types of media?
37. What is feed back?
38. What is the meaning of message?
39. Who says medium is the message?

Section B
Short Answer Type Question :
1. Elobrate SITE-
2. What are the responsibilities of D.A.V.P
3. What do you understand by development of man power-
4. What is Right to education-
5. What is social responsibility theory.
6. What are development indicators-
7. Tell about Gyanwani –
8. What is health communication –
9. What are the organizational barriers of communication-
10. What are the objectives of Regional Planning-
11. Role of T.V. in development –
12. How does social media effect youth-
13. What do you understand by participatory in development communication-
14. What are the types of Audience-
15. What is globalization-
16. What do you understand by Community Radio-
17. Explain agenda setting theory.
18. What is grapevine communication-
19. What is I.E.C-
20. Explain population explosion-

21. What do you understand by self help group?
22. What is community radio?
23. What are the pre-requisites of development?
24. Write about any government policy of rural development?
25. What do you understand by internet.
26. Write the characteristics of public communication.
27. What is play theory?
28. What do you understand by effective feedback?
29. What is Modernization?
30. Tell about the folk theater?
31. What is non-verbal communication?
32. Elaborate digital divide?

Section C : (Long Answer Question)
Note : Answer any two Questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum upto 800 words. Each question carry 16 marks.
1. What is the importance of public participation in development? – Write in detail .
What do you understand by development communication? How it is useful in rural development?
2. Write in detail about the main problems of rural development.
Write in detail about any community development program of India.
3. MANERGA will reduce the problem of migration. Comment.
Describe the development of human communication and also describe the important role of languages in communication.
4. What is the difference between centralised and decentralised theory of development.
Clarify the role of communication in family welfare.
5. Discontent is essential for development. Comment.
Describe the role of T.V. in development communication.
6. What are the characteristic of underdeveloped societies ?
What is the contribution of mass media in agricultural development? Explain with example.
7. How Wesley and Maclean’s model of communication are used in development
What is the Group Communication? How gate keeping is important in communication?
8. What do you understand by millennium development goals?
What do you understand by development? How it is different from growth and progress?

Categories: Journalism
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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