MP402 Organizational Development And Training MBA Question bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-402 – Organizational Development And Training
Year : II
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

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VMOU Organizational Development Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MP111 Global Business Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3632.html

Section A

1. Define Organisational Development.
2. Define Change Agent.
3. Define the term Virtual Team.
4. Define parallel learning.
5. Define OD consultants.
6. Explain Lewin’s stages of change process.
7. Define social Loafing.
8. Define goal setting.
7. Define techno structural interventions.
8. Define reaction level evaluation of training.
9. Define techno structural interventions.
10. Define reaction level evaluation of training.

11. What do we mean by ‘evaluating the contextual factors’ of Training-
12. Define Self-Managed Teams.
13. Define the term Interventions.
14. Define work-redesign.
15. What are the stages of team development-
16. What is diagnosis in OD-
17. Define T group training.
18. Define training and development.
19. Define Organisational Development Values.
20. Define key assumptions of OD.
21. Define the term team efficacy.
22. Define parallel learning structures.
23. Define downsizing and restructuring.
24. Explain ideal stage of managerial grid.

Section B

1. Explain the formation of group.
2. Explain group cohesiveness and the factors affecting group cohesiveness.
3. What is survey feedback- Explain various methods of survey feedback.
4. Explain action research as a cyclical process of change.
5. Explain the reasons behind implementing parallel learning structure.
6. What do you understand by competency mapping-
7. What are the different challenges faced by the Training managers-
8. Why there is a need for identifying the training need-
9. What are the steps involved in designing training program-
10. What type of needs is identified for the training-
11. Write short notes on ‘Quality of working life’.
12. Write short note on Force-field Analysis.
13. Explain the Kirkpatrik model of training evaluation.
14. Elaborate the Socio-technical system in OD.
15. Explain the various steps involved in Action Research Model in OD.
16. What are the various forces responsible for change in an organization-
17. Write a note on Transactional and Transformational Change.
18. Discuss the development methods used to enhance
19. Explain the stages of group formation.
20. Explain change agent as facilitator, initiator, and catalyst.
21. What are assessment centers? What are their functions?
22. Explain process of reengineering and characteristics of reengineered organization.
23. Explain the techniques of role negotiation.
24. What are the steps involved in survey feedback?

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. (Marks 2×16=32)
1. Discuss the importance of competency mapping in implementing training and development strategies.
2. “Change is highly important to the success of an organization but many people have the tendency overtly or covertly to resist it” .Explain this statement. Elaborate the methods of overcoming resistance to change.
3. Explain OD interventions given by Blake and Mouton.
4. What are the key issues that should be addressed in the design, conduct and evaluation of training programs?
5. Explain in brief various kinds of organization structure interventions.
6. “Survey feedback can be a problematic OD technique because it permits people who are affected by organisational policies to generate data that speaks against those policies.” Comment.
7. What do you understand by team Interventions? Explain the various types of Team Interventions with example.
8. Write a short note on:
i) Process Consultation ii) Self Managed teams

9. Explain the concept of Management by objectives (MBO). Describe some of the successes and failures associated with MBO. How does MBO work in your organization or any organization you are familiar with? Discuss its advantages and limitations.
10. What is organizational change? What is resistance to change? How to overcome resistance to change? What are LEWIN’S three steps Model?
11. Discuss the challenges in training. What are the major functions of Training department?
12. What is Action Research? Explain action research process. How it Supplements OD?
13. Elaborate how the Training & Development activities in organization improve organizational effectiveness.

14. Discuss the advantage of On the Job training methods over Off Job training methods. Describe in detail the methods which are used to enhance the interpersonal skills of Employees in any organization.
15. Why is it important to evaluate training programmes? How can training & development programmers be evaluated for results and effectiveness?
16. What are the major sources of conflict in an organization? Discuss the consequences of inter-group conflict and ways to reduce its negative impact.
17. Why do people generally resist change? Do personal factors play a role in this process? What are the common coping strategies for change?
18. Discuss the concept of inter-personal relationships. Discuss the existing interpersonal relationship scenario of your organization or an organization you are familiar with. Suggest OD interventions to develop the skills required for the interpersonal relationships.
19. Discuss the challenges in training. What are the major functions of Training Department?
20. Define organizational effectiveness. How do you differentiate effectiveness from efficiency? Comment critically with suitable examples from Indian organizations. ?
21. Discuss the development methods used to enhance the decision making skills and interpersonal skills of Employees in any organization.
22. Do you agree with the statement “Training is a solution to all performance problems’? What factors other than skill or knowledge deficiency may lead to a gap between expected performance and actual performance of an employee? Within this context discuss the significance of training needs assessment. Explain the three types of analyses involved in conducting training needs assessment and give examples.
23. What is OD Intervention? What are the different components involved in O.D? Discuss any two types of Intervention and there significance to the organization. 24. What do you understand by team Interventions? Explain the various types of Team Interventions with example.

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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