MP111 Global Business Management MBA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-111 – Global Business Management
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3632.-MP-111_13.pdf

VMOU Global Business Management Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MP110 Entrepreneurship And Small Business Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3630.html

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. What is internationalization of Business-
2. Discuss the uses of licensing.
3. Explain MNC’s Role.
4. Discuss the importance of NAFTA.
5. Describe functions of IMF.
6. What is the significance of export and import-
7. Explain main business lines of IBRD.
8. Distinguish between licensing and franchinsing.
9. What is international Business-
10. Define e-negotiation.

11. What is Dumping-
12. What is the genesis of ASEAN.
13. What are the operations in the foreign exchange market-
14. What do you mean by IRR-
15. What are the norms for membership of IMF-
16. What is global environment-
17. Define Geocentrism.
18. What is Exchange Rate-
19. What is Greenfield venture-
20. What are the functions of EFTA-
21. What is European Market-
22. Who are the developing countries formed into Group-77-
23. What are SBU’s-
24. What are the disadvantages of MNC for the host country.

Section B

Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Discuss the driving forces for Globalization.
2. Discuss the main areas which are influenced by MNC’s.
3. Compare negotiation styles of Japanese and Americans.
4. What are the areas in which ESCAP carries out work-
5. Explain the role of ethics in global business.
6. Explain the functions of IFC and give details of its resources.
7. What are the types of distribution channels in international market-
8. What is open account-
9. Explain ethics in global business.
10. Explain the relationship between Head Quarter
11. What are the functions of UNCTAD- Explain.
12. What are the reasons for growth of international business-
13. What are the international strategies for operating in a global market-
14. What are the reasons contributed for the growth of MNC’s- Explain.
15. Explain Tariffs, Quotas and Subsidies.
16. What are the financing techniques commonly used
17. What are the modes of entering international markets- Explain.
18. Why MNC’s consider India as a preferred destination for business-
19. Explain the stages of internationalisation.
20. Can modern technology be used to make negotiations more effective-

If yes then explain how.
21. Discuss international marketing research.
22. Discuss the commonly used documents that are used in the procedure for import and export.
23. Explain International Financial Management.
24. Which parties are adversely affected by the tariffs?

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. (Marks 2×16=32)
1. Explain the various strategies for creating value of global context.
2. How do you support for the government intervention in formulation of trade policy?

3. Write short note an any two from the following :
(a) Global capital structure
(b) Foreign Direct Investment
(c) Susidies
(d) Profit of MNC’s in India

4. What are the modes of entering in International markets? Describe briefly.
5. Explain the process of Global strategic management.
6. What is merchandise Trade? And analyze the instruments of Trade Policy.
7. How MNC’s develops underdeveloped countries? Explain role of MNC’s in this dimension.
8. What are the forces that drive Globalization?
9. Why a organization would like to enter in the International Market?
10. Why it is compulsory for a country to analyses demographic environment of international market. And explain various factors of demographic environment.
11. What is Transnational corporation? What are the objectives of these corporations?

12. Write short note on any two from the following :
(a) International Laws and Business Firms.
(b) Economic Integration.
(c) GDRs
(d) International Capital Budgeting

13. Explain the factors to be considered before setting price of a product for international market?
14. Give the list of stakeholders involved in cross cultural negotiations. Discuss the role of government and companies in Negotiations.
15. What is international Business environment? What are the aspects of the economic environment that an international business manager must consider about the country in which his organization operates?
16. Describe the international Business negotiation Process.
17. “The European Union is the largest regional trade group”. Discuss the formation, organisation structure and purpose of the EU.

18. Write short note on the following :
(a) Cash in Advance
(b) Letter of Credit

19. The government of India has framed several schemes to promote exports and to obtain foreign exchange. Explain these grant incentives and other benefits under the schemes of Indian Government.
20. Write short note on the followings.
(a) Capital Account convertibility.
(b) Role of Government and Companies in Negotiations.

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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