MP109 Operations Management MBA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-109 – Operations Management
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3628.-MP-109_11.pdf

VMOU Operations Management Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MP108 Human Resource Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3626.html 

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. What is TQM-
2. What is factory-
3. Define process.
4. Define job design.
5. What is method study-
6. Enlist three types of inventory.
7. Where is material requirement planning used-
8. Define activity.
9. Write types of maintenance system.
10. What is e-crm-

11. Define quality control.
12. Define scheduling.
13. How many types of demand are there- .
14. What is EOQ-
15. Define work measurement.
16. What is job enrichment-
17. Define facility location.
18. Examine process design used in industries.
19. Define process chart.
20. What is work cycle-
21. What do you understand by material requirement planning-
22. Define Supply Chain Management.
23. Define forecasting.
24. Define six sigma.

Section B

Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Differentiate between product and service.
2. Explain the aids of process planning.
3. Compare work sampling and time study.
4. The average annual consumption of a material is 18,250 units
5. Differentiate between supply chain management and logistic management.
6. Write short note on :(i) Exponential smoothing (ii) Seasonal Index
7. What is scheduling- Explain the different scheduling activities with an example.
8. Briefly list the benefits of ISO 9000 certification to Indian Companies.
9. Explain failure analysis of equipment.
10. What are the drawbacks of six sigma- Explain.
11. What strategies are adopted by organisation-
12. Write short note on :(i) TQM (ii) JIT
13. Describe the problems of material requirement planning system.
14. Write short note on ABC Analysis and Double Bin System.
15. Explain time study and the procedure to carry out time study.
16. Explain productivity. List the factors that affect the productivity.
17. Discuss the role and responsibilities of operation manager.
18. What are various factors influencing the location decision- Explain.
19. Differentiate between job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment –
20. What are forecasting errors- How forecasting errors can be measured?
21. Write short note on:
(i) Job Sequencing (ii) Scheduling in services
22. What are the objectives behind maintenance management? Also explain its functions.
23. Differentiate between the traditional management and relationship management.
24. Explain method study. What factors should be kept in mind while method study is carried out.

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words. Each question carries 16 marks. (Marks 2×16=32)
1. Write a detailed note on maintenance performance indices.
2. What is six sigma? Explain roles that are used in the six sigma methodology.
3. Write a detailed note on benefits of CRM to brand marketer as well to customers.
4. Elaborate the distribution requirement planning.
5. “Selecting the right job is the most important step in method study”. Comment.
6. Taking examples justify the impact of environmental factors on job design.
7. With breaking of trade barriers discuss the options of going for foreign locations.
8. Mention some of the advantages and disadvantages of material requirement planning system.
9. Discuss the recent developments in operations management.
10. What is product/process design? Write down the different types of process design with diagrams.
11. Explain the factors affecting job design.
12. Explain the electronic supply chain management system. State the issues in e-SCM.
13. Discuss the forecasting techniques and methods.

14. Ayush Ceramics Ltd. manufactures tiles. It has received 4orders from its customers P,Q,R and S in the same order in the beginning of the month.
Solve this by following methods and calculate average delay of a job in each case.
(i) Earliest Due Date
(ii) Long Processing Time
(iii) Shortest Processing Time

15. Throw light on customer retention and relationship management.
16. Discuss the various types of maintenance system. Give example in each case.
17. Explain in detail the historical evolution of operations management.
18. Taking an industry of your choice select the optimum location justifying various factors.
19. What are the factors affecting the choice of process design for a manufacturer?
20. Explain the application of work study that are highly developed in present time.
21. Explain and illustrate the EOQ model with the help of graph. Also examine the relationship between risk and cost with respect to inventories.
22. Write an essay on financial analysis.
23. Discuss the techniques for scheduling activities.
24. Explain six sigma methodology.

Categories: Management Studies
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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