MP108 Human Resource Management MBA Question Bank : vmou.ac.in

Name of the University : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University
Degree : MBA
Subject Code/Name : MP-108 – Human Resource Management
Year : I
Document Type : Question Bank
Website : vmou.ac.in

Download Model/Sample Question Paper : https://www.pdfquestion.in/uploads/vmou.ac.in/3626.-MP-108_10.pdf

VMOU Human Resource Management Question Paper

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 80

Related : Vardhman Mahaveer Open University MP107 Financial Management MBA Question Bank : www.pdfquestion.in/3624.html

Section A

Very Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Define HRM.
2. What do you understand by staffing and employment-
3. Define Human Capital.
4. Explain components of Job Analysis.
5. Define 4 features of Career.
6. What do you mean by EPF-
7. Why collective bargaining is important-
8. Explain the concept of Union Security.
9. Explain difference between HRM and HRD.
10. Define Career planning.

11. Define Wage and Salary.
12. Discuss different levels of HRP.
13. Define PAQ Model.
14. Discuss the essential features of a good training programme.
15. Define Grievance.
16. Explain importance of Job analysis.
17. Define the factors affecting HRP.
18. Define Trade Unionism.
19. What do you mean by HRO-
20. Define Discipline.

Section B

Short Answer Type Questions :
1. Explain role and functions of HR manager.
2. What do you mean by training and development- Explain training process in detail.
3. Explain objectives and importance of HRP.
4. Write short note on :a) HR Inventory
5. Explain four stages of career.
6. Describe the process of Disciplinary Action.
7. Explain different forms and levels of collective bargaining.
8. Explain job analysis matrix.
9. Explain Model of HRM with suitable diagram.
10. Explain various steps used in selection procedure.
11. Explain objectives and process of career planning.
12. Write short note on :a) Job worthb) Job specification
13. Explain recruitment process.
14. Elaborate Grievance Handling Procedures.
15. Define HR research and its various approaches.
16. Describe the ethical issues and their importance in HR research.
17. Explain objectives and process of career planning.
18. Explain features and objectives of performance appraisal.
19. Explain process of collective bargaining.
20. Explain training objectives.

21. Write short note on:
a) Lecture Method
b) Case study Method
c) Sensitivity Training
d) Role-playing
22. Explain process of job evaluation.
23. Which is the best tool to measure Human capital and why? Elaborate.
24. Explain four models of Social Security.

Section C

(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any 2 questions. Each answer should not exceed 800 words.
Each question carries 16 marks. (2×16=32 Marks)
1. Explain meaning, characteristics, and scope of HRM.
2. Explain different methods of job evaluation.
3. Explain Human Resource Planning process in detail with suitable diagram.
4. Explain Internal and external sources of recruitment.
5. What are the key areas for HR research? Discuss in detail.
6. Explain the various steps of concept mapping in detail with suitable diagram.
7. Elaborate emerging trend in HRM and challenges for HRM professionals.
8. What are the tools and techniques for HR research?
9. What do you mean by Performance appraisal? Explain its process with suitable diagram?
10. Explain different methods of training and development.
11. Explain different methods of Job Evaluation.
12. Explain the types of qualitative researches.
13. Explain the process of Collective bargaining.
14. Discuss the various domains of Human Capital and their roles in organization.
15. Explain different methods of wage payment in detail.
16. Explain different type of test used for selection.
17. Explain the process of Job Analysis in detail.
18. What do you mean by career? Explain career planning process.
19. Explain various methods of Job Analysis in detail.
20. What are various categories of grievance based on causes?
21. Industrial worker in India is secured against all social risks from birth to death” Do you agree? Give reasons.
22. What are various social security laws for workers of organized sector?
23. Define MBO in detail?
24. What are the external influences that affect HRM? Elaborate.

Categories: HR Management
Tags: vmou.ac.in
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